Friday, May 31, 2019
An Analysis of Elizabeth Bishops 12 OClock News Essay -- 12 O Clock
An Analysis of Elizabeth Bishops 12 O time News In 12 OClock News, Elizabeth Bishop accentuates the difficulty involved in perceiving the truth. She utilizes a technique of constructing an exotic world out of objects that can be found in a newsroom. By defamiliarizing a newsroom, she irresolutions our trust in what we perceive. Is it truly a journey to another world or just another perspective on something we ar already familiar with? The intent of this transformation is to create a substitute for reality, analogous to the substitute reality which the media presents to us each day as its product, the news. The news media are capable of creating a world beyond what we see everyday, presenting us with what appears to be the truth about cultures we will never encounter firsthand. Bishops manipulation of a newsroom parallels the way the media distorts our perception of the world, and by doing so questions our ability to find our way out of this fog which is reality.By choosing the news room to manipulate in 12 OClock News, Bishop draws attention to the relationship between the news and the public. Bishop never directly admits that it is a newsroom with which she has defamiliarized us. One indication of the setting being a newsroom is the format in which she presents the information. along the left margin, Bishop includes a title or subject matter for each stanza, similar to the inclusion of a headline for each news story. These titles serve as clues to the reality of what she is presenting, allowing or urging us to relate the two or to keep in mind that although the objects she presents seem foreign, they are actually common and cognise to us. Comparing the two creates a clouding of perception although the truth or... ...ndition of society. It is also somewhat optimistic since Bishop refers to the soldiers as our opponents or what we do not want to become. This alludes to the contend that we must fight against ourselves to discern our path through the cloudy ai r that surrounds us. As much as we would like to believe this optimism, even that is unclear because Bishop delivers the good poem with such skepticism that the words cannot be taken at face value. Is it possible to have a superior vantage point, or is this in like manner optimistic? This superior vantage point could also be an admittance that Bishop herself is acting as the new media, throwing everything perceived throughout the poem into further question and cloudiness, leaving everything uncertain and up to us to elucidate. Work Cited* Elizabeth Bishop, 12 OClock News, in Geography III (New York Noonday Press, 1988).
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Albert Einstein :: essays research papers
Albert EinsteinEinstein was a German/American physicist who contributed more to the20th century vision of physical reality than any other scientist. Einsteins supposition of RELATIVITY seemed to a lot of people to be pure human thought, as didhis other theories.LIFEAlbert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on marchland 14, 1879. Einsteinsparents were nonobservant Jews. They moved to Munich from Ulm when Einstein wasan infant. The family business was to manufacture electrical equipment. Whenthe business failed in 1894, the family move to Milan, Italy. He decided toofficially give up his German citizenship. With in a year, still not havingcompleted secondary school, he failed and examination that allow him to followstudies that would lead to a diploma in electrical engineering at the SwissFederal Institute of Technology (the Zurich Polytechnic). He spent the followingyear in Aarau where there were excellent teachers and an excellent physicsfacility. In 1896 he returned to the Zurich Polytechnic, there he graduated in1900 as a secondary school teacher of math and physics.Two years later, he acquired a post at the Swiss patent office in Bern.While he was employed there from 1902 to 1909, he completed an extraordinary upchuck of publications in theoretical physics. Most parts of there were writtenin his spare time. In 1905 he submitted one of his many scientific papers to theUniversity of Zurich to procure a Ph.D. degree. In 1908 he sent anotherscientific paper to the University of Bern and became a lecturer there.In 1914 Einstein returned to Germany but did not reapply for citizenship.He was one of only handful of German professors who was opposed the use of forceand did not support Germanys war aims. After the war, the allies wanted theremoval of German scientist from international meetings, but Einstein was a Jewand traveling with a Swiss passport, he remained an acceptable German delegate.Albert Einsteins political views as a pacifist and a Zionist placed him againstconservatives in Germany, who labeled him a traitor and a defeatist.In Germany there was a rise of fascism, so he moved to the unify statesin 1933 and abandoned his pacifism. He unwillingly agreed that the new danger(the Germans) had to be brought down by force of arms. In 1939 he sent a letterto President Franklin D. Roosevelt that urged America to continue to develop anATOMIC BOMB before the Germans did. This letter was one of many exchanges theWhite House and Einstein had. This contributed to Roosevelts end to fundwhat became the MANHATAN PROJECT.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Alternative Building Materials and Methods Essay -- Exploratory Essays
Alternative construct Materials and Methods The buildup of past construction techniques up to our present point in time has denoted wood as being the beginning and foremost material used to build houses in the United States. Building codes prescribe wood to build homes, because of both its structural benefits and because it is ingrained in the patience as the material of choice. Because wood has been used for so long, it is the material that builders know best and are the most comfortable with. However, the worlds forests are speedily disappearing, as wood is used inefficiently and excessively in building both the quantity of houses and the amount of wood used within a hotshot house helps to quickly deplete our natural wood supply.Because of this, ersatzs to wood building are being sought out by environmental organizations, with the aims of increasing awareness of the state of our forests and providing information and access to wood alternatives in building and upkeep of houses and other structures. Though it may be a slow process to castrate building codes and norms, there are other alternatives available.There are two main ways to decrease wood consumption alternative building materials and alternative building methods. Alternative building materials include concrete, flyash, cob, earth, and straw/bale. All of these materials boast been used in both the United States and in different countries to build houses, and have proven to be viable replacements for wood in construction. However, efforts to mostly or entirely supplant the use of wood with these wood substitutes have not further been successful. Alternative methods for building range from sustainable practices in acquiring materials to the developmen... ...y, there are many barriers to this variety show that will be very difficult to overcome. As a global environmental issue, however, it is important to strive for the widespread use of alternative options. I believe that if the use of alternatives becomes economically viable, ad campaigns are instituted to advertize their use, and government subsidies are allotted differently, then alternative materials and methods will definitely start to be used, to the benefit of the environment and world in general.Works CitedDaly, Ned. Demanding change in the wood and paper markets. Multinational Monitor, v19 n4 p13(4), April 1998.Fowler, Stacey. Building the future Sustainable building materials come of age. Environmental News Network. September 25, 2001. Use of Alternative Building Materials Could Save India 25% Cost. AsiaPulse News, Feb 24, 2003 p7044.
Sophocles Antigone - Antigone as Bad Citizen :: Antigone essays
Antigone The Bad Citizen Being a good citizen often involves doing something out of the ordinary to help others. Sometimes, that involves passing against the will of others to do what the good citizen might think is best. Although this is traditionally the case, the biggest factor in being a good citizen is great respect for the nation in which one lives. If one wants to be a good citizen, he or she might go out of his or her way to help others, however, must do so within the rules of the nation. In the Greek Drama by Sophocles, entitled Antigone, the hero, Antigone, shows, what I would call, bad citizenship. How is this? Why is she being a bad citizen? The setting of the turn is in a fictional kingdom known of as Thebes. This kingdom is basically run by a set of rules and laws. Whether they are necessary or non, these rules must be obeyed. In Thebes, one of the rules states that Antigones brother is not allowed to due a respectable death and therefor, will not have a beseemi ng funeral. Antigone is torn apart by this. Her brother whom she loved very much will not be able to have a respectable funeral. She explains in the drama how much she disagrees with the rules of the land. Because of this disapproval toward the law, she takes it upon herself to remove the corps of her brother from its assigned post so she can do whatever she wants with it. She has broken the law. Although what she is has done is the veracious thing to do in her mind, the law states that it is not allowed. Throughout the drama, she consults her sister, Ismene, about whether or not she feels though she should commit this crime or not. Ismene makes it clear that she should not and attempts to discourage her sister from doing what she did. Contrary to the advice of her sister, Antigone does indeed commit this crime for she feels that it is what a good person would do. To the average American, Antigones actions might be considered the right thing to do.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
In the The Forgotten Plague Opium and Narcotics in Korea under Japanese Rule, 1910-1945, John M. Jennings argues that opium and narcotics trafficking played a significant part in Korea under Japanese colonial rule from 1910-1944, and that the subject of opium in Korea under Japanese colonial rule is not full examined by historians. Jennings bases this connection between the opium and narcotics trade and the Japanese on three factors the spread of drug addiction in Korea during Japanese colonial rule, Koreas rise in production and exportation of narcotics throughout the 1920s and 1930s, and the political immunity of Korean drug traffickers in China.In the first part of the article, Jennings emphasizes how Korea was forced to deal with a major domestic drug addiction problem under Japanese colonial rule. The article highlights how opium first arrived in Korea from China, and that opium smoking has long been a far-flung habit in Korean society. By I905 there were so many opium addicts i n Korea that the Japanese Residency General had to force the Korean Government to period the problem. This resulted in harsh laws condemning opium smoking, the importation and sale, as well as opium paraphernalia (Jennings 797). The article does a good job of emphasizing to the reader that these impudently laws were ineffective because opium smoking endured throughout the early stages of the Japanese colonial period. Jennings references how in 1912 the Japanese government was required to enforce a new law in which Korean opium smokers were punished under the same level of severity as if under Japanese law to discourage the widespread usage of opium (Jennings 797).According to Jennings, Korean addicts were only permitted to continue smoking if the end... ...elf states many times in the article that he wishes to shed much needed light on an ignored purview of imperial Japans actions in Korea. This article contributes to the wider literature because it introduces the reader to th e effects of Japanese colonialism in Korea through the analysis of primary source documents, first hand experiences, and technical opinion. My experience has shown that little is mentioned in textbooks and resources to cover the topic of Korea under Japanese colonialism other than the dates of annexation and the date of emancipation. This is a very good article for readers and scholars to compare with Western imperialism material. Furthermore, the Japanese occupation of Korea from 1910 to 1945 went through several overlapping phases, this article touches on many of those political, social, and economic changes occurring in Korea during this period.
Essay --
In the The Forgotten Plague Opium and Narcotics in Korea under Japanese Rule, 1910-1945, John M. Jennings argues that opium and narcotics trafficking played a significant helping in Korea under Japanese colonial rule from 1910-1944, and that the subject of opium in Korea under Japanese colonial rule is not fully examined by historians. Jennings bases this connection between the opium and narcotics trade and the Japanese on three factors the spread of drug addiction in Korea during Japanese colonial rule, Koreas rise in production and exportation of narcotics throughout the 1920s and 1930s, and the political immunity of Korean drug traffickers in China.In the first part of the article, Jennings emphasizes how Korea was pull backd to deal with a major domestic drug addiction problem under Japanese colonial rule. The article high laxs how opium first arrived in Korea from China, and that opium ingest has long been a far-flung habit in Korean society. By I905 there were so many opium addicts in Korea that the Japanese Residency General had to force the Korean Government to stop the problem. This resulted in harsh laws condemning opium smoking, the importation and sale, as well as opium paraphernalia (Jennings 797). The article does a good railway line of emphasizing to the reader that these new laws were ineffective because opium smoking endured throughout the early stages of the Japanese colonial period. Jennings references how in 1912 the Japanese government was required to enforce a new law in which Korean opium smokers were punished under the same level of severity as if under Japanese law to discourage the widespread usage of opium (Jennings 797).According to Jennings, Korean addicts were only permitted to continue smoking if the end... ...elf states many times in the article that he wishes to shed much needed light on an ignored aspect of imperial Japans actions in Korea. This article contributes to the wider literature because it introduces the reade r to the effects of Japanese colonialism in Korea through the analysis of primary arising documents, first hand experiences, and expert opinion. My experience has shown that little is mentioned in textbooks and resources to cover the topic of Korea under Japanese colonialism other than the dates of annexation and the date of emancipation. This is a very(prenominal) good article for readers and scholars to compare with Western imperialism material. Furthermore, the Japanese occupation of Korea from 1910 to 1945 went through several overlapping phases, this article touches on many of those political, social, and economic changes occurring in Korea during this period.
Monday, May 27, 2019
All the written substance in a document Essay
Explain the importance of adjudicate, audience, whole tone, and content in academic writing. end Identifies the reason(s) why a writer creates a document. The common academic purposes are summery analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.Audience Identifies the individual(s) or group(s) whom the writer intends to addressTone Identifies a writers attitude toward his or her subject and audience.Content All the written substance in a document-In academic writing the purpose, audience, tone and content are important because without one the writers point forget not be expressed to it s full content. The writer has to have a purpose or they will not have a subject to write about. Having a purpose is like the hart of it all because if there was not a purpose there would not be a story or a reason. When writing a writer has to think about what age will be reading his work which then will in tell how he or she is going to word there story or subject. If a writer did not think of the age of his o r her readers then one would not have the vocabulary, understanding or the meaning of what is being read to them or what they are reading. When a writer writes a story it will be different then when he or she writes to friends and family. The tone is the attitude of what is being written. It is believe to captivate the readers to make them want to continue reading till the end. With tone the writer can also express feeling and emotion by the delegacy they use their choice of words and exclamations. The content impacts the readers feel about the subject at the end of the story or subject that is being written about. They should be able to follow your story easily, it should flow together like a poem the story should inform them of the subject, and should not leave them with any questions at the end. In academic writing it is important to have the purpose, audience, tone, and content in your writing because they all workwith each other to make a successful and evoke story or subjec t.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Research, Writing & Civil Litigation Assignment 1 Essay
For the first assignment, try these short questions involving legal research1. Please enter the correct approval for the Supreme Court case of Lamb against California, which was decided on January 7, 1963 and is recorded on page 234 of volume 371 in the United States Reporter. Lamb V. California, 371 U. S. 234 (1963).2. Please itemisation all of the judgeships whose decisions argon binding upon the federal official district court for the District of Massachusetts. Circuit Courts of Appeal, and the U.S. Supreme.3. From the following sources of law within our legal system, list them in the ordinate of most binding to least binding (assume all involved laws are valid) and explain why that order exists. a. say constitutionb. federal constitutionc. state legislationd. federal legislationConstitution The ultimate document that gives governments their authority also serves to limit governmental authority, to protect elegant rights, etc. Other laws, juridic decisions and executive actio ns must be consistent with the applicable constitution or it falls to the courts to strike down (law, decision or action). Statutes Law written by federal and state legislatures. They become effective upon signature of the president (federal) or governor (state). Statues of limitations Federal and state laws prescribing the maximum period of time during which various types of civil actions nd criminal prosecutions can be brought after the occurrence of the injury or offense. Supremacy Clause A clause in Article VI of the U.S. Constitution that declares federal laws to have jurisdictional authority over state laws in the event there is conflict between laws established by two governing bodies.4. In what types of cases and/or memos would you be most likely to cite caselaw that is not mandatory authority? Determining when a courts decision is mandatory or glib-tongued can be tricky, given the multiple jurisdictions throughout the country and the layers of courts within each jurisdict ion. Our court systems are founded on the belief that there should be fairness, consistency, and predictability in judicial decision making. The doctrine that expresses this concept is labeled stare decisis. In essence, stare decisis considers mandatory, or binding, an living decision from any court that exercises appellate jurisdiction over another court, unless the lower court can show that the decision is clearly wrong or is distinguishable from the case at hand.Courts frequently consider the larger context when choosing among persuasive decisions. A typical situation in which decisions from one state whitethorn be highly persuasive on another is where two states share a specific doctrine. For example, Texas courts may find decisions of Wisconsin courts in marital property cases rather persuasive because both states adhere to community property law. Rarely would either state consult its neighboring states on marital property law both have neighbors that are common-law marital property states. In most other situations, however, Texas courts might find Oklahoma or Arkansas decisions more persuasive than those of Minnesota or Illinois (Wisconsins neighbors), because demographic, geographic, or historic similarities may have led to the development of similar legal doctrines among neighboring states.Similarly, whether a state has choose a particular uniform law can affect the persuasiveness of its decisions. Federal courts, too, look at the larger context when choosing among the range of persuasive decisions to consult.And For honest measure, to save the hardest for last5. Give an example of a case where the U.S. Supreme Court would be deciding an issue of STATE law.The Justices must exercise coarse discretion in deciding which cases to hear, since more than 10,000 civil and criminal cases are filed in theSupreme Court each year from the various state and federal courts. The Supreme Court also has original jurisdiction in a very small number of cases arisi ng out of disputes between States or between a State and the Federal Government.Bintliff, B. MANDATORY V. PERSUASIVE CASES. West Group Retrieved 2001 from http// McWay, D. (2008).Workings of the American Legal System. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Information Management (third edition). 2008 Delmar Cengage learning.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
An Examination of Power and Politics in Organizations Essay
AbstractMany studies have examined the affects personnel and politics have on organizations. In researching The University of Phoenixs Online Library and current web sites in work outation shows that might and politics dominates the work place and organizations more than any other own(prenominal) skill. In order to lead whiz must have role to influence, set and enforce rules. Politics atomic number 18 found in the majority of organizations, thereof it is crucial for employees to recognize the political game in their own organization and decide rather to participate and benefit from the positives of politics or not.An Examination of force-out and Politics in Organizationsworld power and politics atomic number 18 dominating forces with in organizations. Organizations are lead by people with power. Power can be awarded by management to a person by title, legitimate power which is more formal and recognizable. Many leaders assume power through much(prenominal) things as intima cy, information or seniority. Through research located online and knowledge obtained from personal experiences a comparison was conducted on power and politics in organizations.The structure of a team is principal(prenominal) in determining how the team will perform. Each team member should contribute skills to enhance the teams overall performance. individualist work habits and leadership styles will determine if the team has the ability to join together and complete their common goals. Teams create environments that bring out the best in each team member. A commitment to effectively communicating information and ideas is a characteristic of an effective team.That is why the usage of coercion and politics to seduce profit over team members can be very destructive to team dynamics. Coercion is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary is to force one to act or think in a certain manner, to dominate, restrain, or control by force. Often at work or in a group environment one might utilize this form of power to control dominanceover the group. This usage of power can often commit other team members conform. In a successful team conformity is not a useful tactic. The usage of politics and coercion to gain advantage over team members is a danger to the success of the project. Once team members realize that their input is not regarded more than likely they will distinguish from the process altogether. The USA like a shot states, offices dynamics often change from the usage of intimidation. (2004)For example a team must work together to process information for the desired results. Once a member takes advantage of a situation and use coercion to gain advantage it often leads to disaster. An example of such disaster happened recently within our team. A couple classes ago we had a member that was an extremely dominant person. The person was very smart and well ameliorate but had a problem understanding the syllabus. Everybody in the team would understand the gro up assignments one way but she would always play devil exhort on the simplest details. She would use coercion to gain advantage over the other team members when we would meet to complete group assignments. The entire team was guilty of on the nose going with the flow, not wanting to cause any problem. She was so convincing we felt she had to be correct The result was a low grade, because the content was not correct. So the team from that moment on did not allow that dominant personality use politics and power to manipulate the group any more. organizational Behavior Ch. 15 pg. 3 defines power through information as Information power is the access to and/or the control of information. It is one of the most important aspects of legitimacy. In the majority organization the person with the information controls the manner in which the company operates. Expert power is the ability to control through the possession of knowledge, experience, or judgment that the other person does not have but needs. This source of power is often used by subordinates. Judson, P. stated in Worldwide efficiency although there are several directors and coach-and-fours to organizations the experts of the business actually controls progress.In the public works and engineering department there are several directors and managers. Hierarchical government agency has put several rules, guide lines and manuals together through information they obtain for employees tofollow when completing tasks and goals. Supervisors and employees who actually work in the field have the knowledge and experience therefore tasks are completed in a different manner than the manuals implement. The knowledge subordinates obtain through actually doing the work gives them more power and control in decision made about the organization.Politics are in all organizations and employees are affected in some way by politics. As stated in by Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, any study of power and influence inevitably leads t o the subject of politics. For some, this word may conjure up thoughts of illicit deals, favors and special personal relationships. Although these actions are considered negative by the observer, the organization and the recipients view politics as positive. Organizations use politics to influence employees through promotions and rewards. The city of Houston Public Works and Engineering Department mainly promotes from with in the organization. This is a positive showing by management, because employees feel effort are rewarded.When you think of power and politics rarely are these images positive or inspiring. Corporate American today has fallen far from the one time logic that rewards are base simply on individual performance. Today more rewards are based on the managements need for power. This ability, power, to have someone else do something in the way you want it done and the precise time you need it done is an overwhelming and influential force. There are several types of rul ing powers that are used in todays businesses. Perhaps, the most preferred by employees is known as the Reward Power. The Reward Power enables a manager to express their appreciation to an individual or group for a job well done by offering the employee or team members a bonus.Such pleasantries can be in the form of a pay increase, personal praise, or advancement within the company. Unlike the Coercive Reward, probably the most disliked by associates, is a system in which the person in charge uses punishment to rule. Examples of such authority could be the withholding of merit increases, denying a promotion, or even termination. Powers such as these are key elements to leadership success. Unfortunately, they seem to represent the seamy side of management (Schermerhorn, 2003). There are other powers used in organizational structures, such as legitimate, process,informational and representative. These power all vary in pattern, however, none are as contrasting as the Reward versus Coe rcive Power.How do these managers gain this power? about might believe that office politics and networking are major components. The saying its not what you know, but who, does not stand truer than in todays corporate environments. An example of networking took place a couple of years ago in our department. At the time of this occurrence, Sam was a Financial Administrator for the westmost Region. He held a reputation for one of the best managed financial divisions. It seems that Sam had built a special friendship with the Sales manager for that region and he would do allow special payments or exceptions for his market without proper documentation to help his numbers increase. These favors were soon shared with other salespeople from other markets, and Sam now became best of buddies with everyone. A few months later a position for a supervisor was opened and Sam immediately recruited his comrades to assist him in assuring this modernistic position. His use of political power and n etworking is a prime example of the self absorbed need for dominance in todays managers.Ethical perspective and Legitimate Power can have a strong impact on teams, management and others alike. First, lets look at the definition of good persuasion and legitimate power. Ethical persuasion is behaviour that is morally accepted as good and right (Schermerhorn, gloss, pg. 6). Legitimate power is the extent to which a manager can use the right of command to control other people (Schermerhorn, gloss, pg.12). Ethical Persuasion is very different from legitimate power because when a bowl is demanding that you complete a task, the task may not always be ethical. Each one of these behaviors can affect a team in many ways. For example, a management team is assigned a task that involves investigating an employees work history to locate any negative infractions or practices in order to terminate the employee. In the investigating process you learn that this person is a single-mother barely ab le to feed her two children.However, the company cannot afford to backing her for financial reasons and needs to lay her off. There are five members in the management team that are working on this case and three of them are females, these ladies do not feel that they aredisplaying ethical behavior and refuse to have anything to do with dismissing this single mother. In reality this woman has done vigour wrong, she was just the last one hired. In the meantime the CEO hears about the moral conflict and he gets very upset with the team members disobedience.Consequently, the CEO calls a meeting to let the management team know that he is the head of the company and team will do as he says whether they like it or not. If the team do not do as they are told, then they can give the single mother their positions because they will no longer be needed. In this situation the CEO is clearly using legitimate power, which is definitely not ethical however, it is a job that still has to be done. Therefore, ethical behavior and legitimate power can and will eventually affect a management team. More often than not legitimate power will knock over ethical behavior.In conclusion research has proven sources of position and personal power, such as expert, information, reward, coercion and legitimate are used by employees to control, deport and influence people and organizations. Politics are more commonly used by management to control and influence organizational behavior. Both politics and power have positive and negative affects on employees, organizations and communities.ReferencesLindsey, L. B. (2004, July 14) Office Dynamic Retrieved August 26, 2004 fromUniversity of Phoenix, EDSCO Host database, Websitehttp//, D.L. Strategy and Leadership. Maslow Revisited. Building theEmployee Commitment Pyramid Volume 29. University of Phoenix usage Edition. Retrieved August 25, 2004, from ProQuest database.Judson, P. (2004) Advantages of Experts Worldwi de Energy. Vol. 15 Issue 8 p3. abstract retrieved August 28, 2004, from EBSCOhost data baseSchermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J.G. & Osburn, R.N. (2003) Organizational BehaviorNew York John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ch. 15 Power and Politics Pg 2-3
Friday, May 24, 2019
Disability Discrimination Law
In the recent news ab place Disability unlikeness Law, a particular employee named Kevin Tobin achieved justice after almost a decade of his case (Mulvany, n. p. ). Tobin was employed at Liberty Mutual and had been good in carrying out his tasks (Mulvany, n. p. ). However, he was suffering from bipolar disorder. On Tonbins part, he exerted effort to compensate his lost hours of work. But then, his employer still perceived him as high sustenance (Mulvany, n. p. ). Eventually, he was fired. Just recently, the CA affirmed the reinstatement of $1. 3 million to Tobin. The article proves that discrimination in workplace still exists.This is brought by conflicting interest mingled with the state, employee, and employer. As to the state, it enacts laws to protect the general welf be, especially the alter persons. On one hand, the disable person exerts effort to disregard his disabilities by showing that he deal be normal. On the other hand, the employer protects its interest from profit ing and having disable employees only adds them loses. In this scenario, the law tries to equalize the conflicting interests. On the part of employers, they should not forget their lesson responsibility to the society.Helping the disabled person can be part of fulfilling such duty. Besides, among many disabled people, there be always special are where they are capable of doing and even surpassing the expectations of employers. Instead of discriminating, the employers should help in eradicating the gaps that continued to detach people living in one country. Giving chance to disabled people is one. The case of Tobin also proves that the Disability Discrimination Law is being upheld in the country. Furthermore, Tobins case brings hope to other disabled people who are still suffering discrimination due to their special qualities.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Walt Whitman Poetic Devices
Poetic Devices Walt Whitman Parallel Structure In I Hear America Singing lines 2-8 be the best examples of Parallel Structure. Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong, The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,The stonemason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work, The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck, The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands, The wood-cutters song, the plowboys on his way in the morning, or at noontide intermission or at sundown, The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or washing, Free verse line Free verse is a poem that is written without any type of rhyme in it and A Noiseless Patient Spider is a perfect example.It doesnt rhyme, but to make the poem make sense he uses repetition, metaphor, alliteration and personification. Apostrophe An exampl e of apostrophe in A Noiseless Patient Spider was when the cashier addresses his soul. Mood in the beginning mood of the poem When I Heard the Learned Astronomer was kind of tired and sick. But in the second set out of the poem his mood changes it to kind of romantic. Catalog Catalog is like to make a list, and Whitman makes a list of worker like carpenter, mason, wood maker, etc. in the poem I hear America Singing
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Geomorphology: Preparation of Earthquakes Essay
Preparation of Earthquakes1. Building designs & locationsa. Fault lines should be shown on maps for people to avoid constructing buildings preceding(prenominal) active fault linesb. If not, foundation of buildings must be extended to solid material c. High-risk areas should take aim low-density land used. Steel structures construct to prevent buildings from collapsing when the ground movesi. Taipei 101 has a steel pendulum that would sway & tame resonance amplification during an earthquakeii. Tokyos buildings strengthen to adjudge stronger earthquakese. Shock-absorbing rubber blocks installed in buildings to absorb earthquake energy & oscillationsf. Electric supplies installed in buildings in Japan & San Francisco with auto shutoffs to prevent firesg. Fireproof materials used in fittings of buildings to reduce intensity of fires BUTh. Developing countries may not be as well prepared as Developed countries i. Quite costly for the whole earth to have earthquake resistant feature s j. Less Developed Countries would have less money for such investment k. Over-congested cities would be a death-trap during an earthquake i. Kobe has many areas with delicate & old structures which collapsed during the Earthquakeii. Many buildings & infrastructures collapsed in Sichuan 2008 due to corruption iii. To save cost & time, materials used to build schools were low quality, resulting in collapse of the buildingsiv. Haiti had no reinforced buildings & the govt building collapsed during the earthquake too2. Drills/ Educationa. In Japan, annual drills are conducted to prepare & educate the population b. Warning systems such as SMS were used to discourage the Japanese of impending disasters c. Data collected from constant monitoring of areas in the cities helped to save many lives d. Japan invested thousands of dollars in seismographs and data collection systems to monitor the sea & ground movementsBUTe. Some cities/countries do not have such warning & monitoring systemsf. There was no warning for the Indonesian quake & tsunamii. problematic as most people could not afford phones or TVsg. Though given prior warning, there was only 15min to seek shelter when there were no transportation or shelters to go toi. Warning had a minimal effect Populations in Developed countries tend to be much prepared as they have greater financial means for drills & use of technology for warnings3. Predictiona. Many countries have been investing in earthquake shoution i. Studying patterns of antecedent earthquakes & physical behaviours ii. Useful if accurate prediction of next earthquake can be made b. China has saved many lives through a few victorious predictions c. Japan has been researching on animals behaviour for earthquake prediction BUTd. However, predictions made may not be accurate e. China managed to predict an earthquake that hit Beijing 9 hours later i. Failed to do so for a similar but stronger earthquake 1 year later f. Their previous prediction saved many lives as evacuation was carried out, with less than 2k deathsg. However, there was no preparation or evacuation process for the later earthquake, resulting in more than 60k deathsIHE Notes Preparation of EarthquakesConclusion Developed countries living near earthquake zones would be more prepared than Developing countries Individuals are educated on the appropriate reactions during & afterwards earthquakes Stronger & better buildings are built, minimizing damage dealt & saving lives However, corruption may be rampant and thus require assistance from other countries for recovery Developed countries the like Japan did not survive the tsunami either, despite great preparation
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Questions on Psychology
1.Which of the adjacent statements most accurately represents the use of plant-based psychedelic midpoints?A. Plant-based psychotropic drugs are uncommon today and rarely used. B. Today marijuana is the simply plant-based psychoactive substance that is still used. C. All plants that yield psychoactive substances are illegal today. D. About 4,000 plants yield psychoactive substances, and the vast majority are not illegal.2. The knock rummy EpidemicE. is a mythF. was brought below control through high taxes and the strict regulation of the sale of ginG. devastated the Middle EastH. is a current problem3. The British encouraged the lay of hemp in the new American colonies for which of the following reasons?I. to provide England with strong fibers from which it could make rope and sails for its shipsJ. to produce psychoactive drugs derived from cannabis that could be sold to otherwise countriesK. to ensure that the colonists would be high most of the time and therefore easier to controlL. as a means of payment to slave laborers4. Listed below are three divers(prenominal) sequential variations of drugs in the opiate family.Which one accurately represents the order in which the drugs were discovered and used (from left to right, representing oldest to newest drug forms).M. opium, heroin, morphineN. morphine, opium, hydromorphoneO. opium, morphine, heroinP. hydromorphone, morphine, heroin 5. According to the authors of Uppers, Downers, All Arounders, a psychoactive drug is defined asQ. any substance that directly alters the normal functioning of the primal nervous systemR. any substance that is illicit or illegalS. those substance that cause numbness and drowsinessT. hose substances that cause increased energy and alertness6. The most rapid route of administering a drug to reach the brain is intravenously.U. consecutiveV. false7. To titrate a drug means to continuously regulate the amount of drug you are receiving.W. authorizedX. false8. The strong-arm, me ntal, and emotional effects a person experiences from taking psychoactive drugs are caused by the modification or mimicking of the neurotransmitters function.Y. trueZ. false9. A persons level of emotional and physical stress can increase the ability of psychoactive drugs to cross the blood-brain barrier.truefalse10. supple transport occurs when fat-soluble drugs pass from an area where there is a higher concentration of a drug to an area of lower concentration.truefalse11. Passive transport occurs when water-soluble drugs such as cocain cross the blood-brain barrier by hitching a ride on molecules that cross the blood-brain barrier. _.truefalse12. Regardless of which method a person uses to consume a psychoactive drug, the drug reaches the brain through the bloodstream.a. trueb. false13. The more rapidly a psychoactive drug reaches its central nervous ystem target, the less the reward and the lower the reinforcing effect.c. trued. false14. The central nervous system is composed o f the spinal cord and the brain.e. truef. false15. The compulsive gamblers reward/control pathway in the brain becomes hijacked similar to the ship canal the brain becomes rewired from alcohol and other drug addiction.g. trueh. false16. On which part of the body does long-term use of stimulants (e. g. , nicotine, cocaine, and methamphetamine) have the most significant impact?i. skeletal systemj. sinewy systemk. digestive system . cardiovascular system17. The neurotransmitter most often involved in the use of strong stimulants is dopamine, which triggers feelings ofm. hunger satisfaction/satietyn. apathyo. extreme thirstp. emotional depression18. Cocaine epidemicsq. inhabit for centuriesr. occur in cycles every few generationss. are fictitioust. have been exaggerated19. Which form and method of using cocaine produces the most intense immediate high?u. manduction pure coca leavesv. let out powdered cocainew. smoking crack cocainex. ingestion of cocaine in a beverage 20.20. How lon g will the high from snorting a typical dose of powder cocaine (0. 2 to 0. 5 grams) generally last?y. 1 elegantz. 5 to 20 legal proceeding . 40 to 60 minutes . 2 to 3 hours21. How long will the high from smoking a typical dose of crack cocaine (1 rock) generally last? .1 minute .5 to 20 minutes40 to 60 minutes2 to 3 hours22. How long will the high from a typical oral or snorted dose of amphetamine generally last? .40 to 60 minutes1 to 2 hours2 to 3 hours4 to 6 hours23. The illicit manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine in the United States today is due to the involvement of .iker gangs resembling the Hells Angelsrenegade pharmaceutical and industrial chemists.Mexican gangs and drug cartelsColombian cartels24. Continued smoking to avoid the negative effects of nicotine withdrawal is known asinverse tolerancenegative drug reinforcementpositive drug reinforcementreverse tolerance25. Which of the following best describes how the first cigarette of the day affects a smoker?in creases blood pressure and heart ordertimulates appetitesatisfies the nicotine craving for the rest of the dayall of the above26. What is the half-life of caffeine? . 40 minutes . 1 to 2 hours . 3 to 7 hours . 24 to 48 hours27. Among those who try a cigarette, what percentage will become daily habitual smokers? . 10% . 25% . 50% . 80%28. Which of the following best describes one of the health benefits of quitting smoking? . The risk of heart attack is eliminated at bottom a week of quitting. . Lung cancer rates to drop to the rate of nonsmokers after 40 years of nonsmoking. . Within just 20 minutes of quitting, blood pressure, pulse rate, and temperature of hands and feet drop to normal. Within tailfin days coughing, sinus congestion, and shortness of breath decrease.29. Drinking alcohol before using cocaine will do which of the following? 1. prolong and intensify cocaines effects 2. cancel each other out because one is a stimulant and one is a depressant 3. take in cocaethylene , which increases violent tendencies 4. create narcalon, which decreases the stimulant effects of cocaine . results 2 and 4 only . results 1 and 3 only . results 1, 2, 3, and 4 . none of the above30. Prolonged use of strong stimulants (e. g. , cocaine, methamphetamine) results in which of the following? . depletion of the bodys energy resources 2. enhancement of the bodys energy resources 3. cellular and organ damage 4. paranoia . results 1 and 4 only . results 2, 3, and 4 only . results 1, 3, and 4 only . results 2 and 3 only31. The primary illegitimate source for obtaining prescription drugs, such as OxyContin, Vicodin, and Xanax, is over the Internet. . true . false32. The number of lot in the United States who overdose on heroin is greater than the number who overdose on any other type of opioid, including hydrocodone, oxycodone, and methadone. . true . false33.Treatment for addiction to opiates requires physical detoxification and psychological correction. . true . false34. Us ing a needle continuously to inject drugs in the same blood vessels can cause them to collapse. . true . false35. An individual who is under the influence of heroin will have dilated pupils. . true . false36. Depressants affect the central nervous system by elevating the users blood pressure, pulse, heart rate, and respiration. . true . false37. Tolerance to one type of depressant, such as alcohol, can lead to the development of cross-tolerance for another depressant, such as benzodiazepines. true . false38. Human beings have of course occurring (endogenous) opioids, which cause many of the same effects as those caused by taking opioid drugs (exogenous). . true . false39. The majority of heroin available in the United States comes from Afghanistan. . true . false40. Opiates shutdown the release of substance P, which is the name of the neurotransmitter that transmits pain messages from nerve cell to nerve cell. . true . false41. The stop switch in the brain, which tells your mind a nd body that it has had enough and disrupts the habit-forming cycle, is located in the brain stem. true . false42. Overdose deaths involving opioids most commonly include their combined use with other legal or licit substances like alcohol, benzodiazepines, or antidepressants. . true . false43. One of the symptoms of chronic opiate use is itchy skin. . true . false44. Law enforcement and treatment personnel can get a strong recitation of what type of drug a person is using from the size of his pupils. . true . false45. Opioids, such as hydrocodone (Vicodin), usually suppress nausea and vomiting. . true . false46.Psychedelics come only from natural plant sources. . true . false47. Synesthesia is defined as the crossing of senses, such as when visual input becomes sound. . true . false48. The entire U. S. supply of lysergic acid diethylamide for one year weighs about 11 pounds. A. true B. false49. In addition to their psychedelic effects, all arounders also depress the central nervou s system. . true . false50. The capability of LSD/acid available on the streets today is stronger than the LSD/acid that was widely available on the streets in the 1960s and 1970s. . true . false51.Tolerance to LSD develops quickly, within days of daily use. . true . false52. hemp is not addictive and does not induce compulsive use. . true . false53. Psilocybin mushrooms cause less disassociation, panic, and psychotic reactions compared with LSD. . true . false54. People who take LSD may experience flashbacks (re-experiencing symptoms of a trip) that are similar to post-traumatic stress disorder. . true . false55. A fry is a marijuana reefer dipped in formaldehyde or embalming fluid, dried, and then smoked. . true . false56. Hashish is made from pressed psilocybin mushrooms . cannabis resin . synthetic chemical compounds . tobacco57. hemp has been illegal in the United States since . 1776 . 1850 . 1937 . 149258. As of 2011 an ounce of marijuana in the United States costs . $100 t o $150 . $200 to $400 . $500 to $600 . $800 to $1,00059. Marijuana in the urine of a regular user is detectable for . 1 to 2 days . 7 to 14 days . 3 to 6 weeks . 3 to 6 months60. The hallucinating effects of salvia divinorum last for . 30 minutes . 1 to 2 hours . 6 to 8 hours . 12 to 24 hours
Monday, May 20, 2019
How Does Shakespeare Present The Witches in ‘Macbeth’ and to what Extent do they influence events? Essay
Macbeth is a tragic play that foc phthisiss on how oneness man is impelled mad with ambition, the play was written in a time of society when witches were greatly feargond and desired to exist, so the occurrence that the witches in the play influence Macbeths downfall was scary to them. Did the witches in Macbeth cause him to kill the fairy?The witches argon wi grandt doubt evil, they do no good deeds and only perform acts of evil, enter tether witches there are three of them, which suggests something to do with the unholy trinity, there are a lot of new(prenominal) implications of the trinity in the play, three types of weather and Banquo being murdered by three people. They make potions with loathly things in, some which are body parts that earlier belonged to human which shows they do not care intimately the human race which suggests they are not human. They kill a womans husband unspoiled because she would not share her food and says here I make up a pilots thumb which shows they are chivalrous ant take it as a prize. They can control the weather but only use it for bad in thunder lightening or in rain? Also, they kill livestock as if it was a hobby and they do not really care. They do nothing good for Macbeths animation and know what they are doing from the start.Without the witches in the play, there would not be a story as they are behind all of the trouble. They influence Macbeth to be exceedingly power hungry and arrogant but one thing they cannot do it control people, they never in reality control or give orders to Macbeth, they just luff him. They say to him all hail Macbeth that shalt be king which then later influences him to kill Duncan so that he himself can become king. They posit him for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth which makes him believe that he is invincible which influences him to be very big headed and feel that he can get away with anything which then eventually leads to his death.Calling the witches noisome wou ld be a huge understatement, they are worse than that as they cannot even be depict as human, they are referred to as the weird sisters by Banquo and Macbeth throughout the play but whether they are even girls is questionable, as Banquo even says at one point you should be women and yet your beards forbid me to exemplify that you are so.Banquo also says so withered and wild in their attire They are never described as anything but repulsive, Macbeth describes them as an infection infected by the air whereon they ride Macbeth calls them filthy hags In Polanskis film of Macbeth one of the witches is deformed and does not have a face, which shows how he interprets how ugly Shakespeare was severe to explain they were. It is clear that they are not your every sidereal day women, as Banquo says look not manage the inhabitants of the earth They are very sinister and mysterious how now you secret, sullen and midnight hags Macbeth says, and with the use of the words black and midnight y ou can tell that they are associated with night. This brings me on to how the witches in Macbeth fit a stereotype.The fact that the witches are ugly is a stereotype in itself because witches are rarely stereotyped as being beautiful women. Where hast thou been sister? Killing swine. In the middle ages if a lot of farm animals were getting ill it would be blamed on witchcraft so it is therefore stereotypical that they kill pigs. They can scream the future, which shows they have supernatural powers and are psychic which is what you would expect a witch to be. They often speak in chant, which seems analogous a spell when the hurlyburlys done, when the battles lost and won and they can fly hover through the confuse they use cauldrons and make disgusting potions.The witches have a lot of power over many things although they cannot actually kill directly, yet they have other ways to kill. They manage to kill a womans husband by creating a storm and doing other awful things sleep shall neither night nor day they have the power to stop him from sleeping. The witches have power over the weather and they can conjure up spirits. Show his eyes and grieve his heart come like shadows, so depart and they can predict the future, which shows power. A drum, a drum Macbeth doth come and by the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. They hold a lot of power over Macbeth and he believes most things that they say because they come across as phantasmal and all knowing to him.The witches influence Macbeth all throughout the play, they influence him to kill Macduffs family Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth, beware Macduff they tell him that he will never be killed until the wood moves to the top of the hill which obviously sounds un-likely to happen at all to him. Macbeth shall never be vanquished be, until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill which is another thing that makes him believe that he is invincible. They influence the weather a lot as well. Everything they influence is for evil but the condition for why they do all of this is unclear.In conclusion Shakespeare presents the witches as evil, ugly old hags and they influence events solely and without them there would not be a story.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Weighted Index Overlay Analysis (WIOA)
The Weighted Index Overlay Analysis (WIOA) is bingle of the multi measure decision making peter employ to depute saddles and scores to each criterion and classes of each criterion respectively to determine the groundwater voltage zones. All the criterion defends were converted to raster, assign a weight (Wc) on a scale of one to ten depending on its suitability to hold water.Different classes of each criterion occasion were to a fault assigned a score (Scc) on a scale of one to ten according to their relative capture on the groundwater concomitant (Table 5.1). With one being the least distinguished and ten being the around important factor. The honest score is given by (Nag and Kundu, 2018) ?=(?Scc x Wc)/(?Wc)Where ? is the average weight score of the polygon, Wc is the weight of each criterion map and Scc is the rating score of the class of the criterion map.Individual criterion maps were re sort and the reclassified map together with the weightage map were integrate d utilize the raster calculator in the spatial analyst besidesl in ArcGIS softw be. The integrated map was thusly classified into excellent, acceptable, moderate, unequal and very poor groundwater potential zones and lastly correlated and familyalize with the field groundwater data obtained from the article written by Meulenbeld & Hattingh, 1999 used as a reference.Geology and geomorphology maps were place to be classified maps, at that placefore the procedure followed to assign score to different classes of each criterion map is different from that of waste pipe parsimony, lineament density and slope which were classified as continuous maps. Classified maps ease up known and definable boundaries whereas continuous maps define a turn out where each location is measured from a fixed registration point.To assign scores to different classes of each criterion map in classified maps, each criterion map was first converted to raster, a bow was added on the attribute table, then a suitable score corresponding to the influence of each class to groundwater occurrence was assigned. The vector and raster maps are joined, and the resulting vector map is then converted to raster with scores. For the continuous maps, each criterion map is reclassified into ten classes using the reclassify tool under spatial analyst tool, the regularity of motley used is quantile and a table was added as well as score.Criterion maps were assigned weights corresponding to relative influence of each criterion to occurrence, origin and movement of groundwater, with geology given the highest preference (10), followed by lineament density (8), geomorphology (6), slope (4), and drainage density (2).Sandstones are typically permeable and porous, therefore, can allow percolation of water and can investment trust those large quantities of water, thereby making them good aquifers, However, those of the Wilgerivier Formation forms poor aquifers due to limited faulting, hence, it was a ssigned a score of 1 (by Meulenbeld & Hattingh, 1999).Shales have very small interstitial spaces due to very small subatomic particle sizes, but can store large quantities of water, however, its transmission is limited due to low permeability, therefore, making it an aquiclude. The shales of the Ecca base are very dense and should not be ignored as possible sources of groundwater. The borehole yields are surrounded by 0.5 to 2 l/s with a fractured or intergranular aquifer system, hence, shale was assigned a score of 2 (GCS, 2006).The diamictite of the Dwyka meeting is massive, with little jointing and shows stratification in some places. It has very low hydraulic conductivity ranging from 10-11 to 10-12 m/s and shows no primary voids. The Dwyka diamictite forms an aquitard with very small yield quantities of water ranging from 0.5 to 2 l/s moderate within narrow fractures and joints, hence it is assigned a score of 4 (GCS, 2006).Diabase intrusion is highly fractured and weather ed, yields appreciable quantities of water and therefore forms good aquifer. It was assigned a score of 10. The weight of 10 given to the geology was launch to be suitable since the occurrence, origin and transmission of groundwater depends on the physical characteristics of the rock (Figure 5.1.1).Lineament densities range from 0 to 140.6 and were assigned scores from 1 to 10 respectively in accordance to its relative contribution to groundwater occurrence and storage and was also given a weight of 8. The higher(prenominal) the drainage density, the higher the score given. The classification mode used to reclassify the densities is quantile method which assigns the corresponding number of data values to each class, hence, there are no empty classes or classes with too few or too many values.This method is best suited to linearly distributed data (Figure 5.1.2). The valleys, hills and steep inclines were assigned weights of 10, 2 and 1 respectively also according to its importanc e to groundwater occurrence and storage. Groundwater is usually found in valleys where percolation surpasses surface runoff than in steep inclines and hills where surface runoff precedes percolation. The weight of 6 assigned is well suited for it since it is the 3rd most important criterion to groundwater occurrence (Figure 5.1.3).The slope of the study area ranges from 0 to 79 with the highest degree assigned a score of 1 and lowest 10. This is due to gentle slopes being good groundwater prospecting zones than steep slopes which favors surface runoff. Slope is parasitical on geomorphology, therefore, has to be assigned a weight lower than that of geomorphology, hence, a weight of 4 was found suitable.The classification method used to reclassify slope is also quantile method which assigns the same number of data values to each class, hence, there are no empty classes or classes with too few or too many values. This method is best suited to linearly distributed data (Figure 5.1.4).D rainage density is the inverse of lineament density, hence, the scores and weight assigned will be the opposite and lower than that in lineament density respectively.The drainage densities range from 0 to 252.4 and were assigned scores from 10 to 1. The slope is dependent on slope and geomorphology, therefore, a slope of 2, lower than them was found to be suitable. The classification method used to reclassify slope is also quantile method which assigns the same number of data values to each class, hence, there are no empty classes or classes with too few or too many values. This method is best suited to linearly distributed data (Figure 5.1.5).The classification method used for the output groundwater potential zones map is the geometrical interval. This classifier was found suitable to represent the generated data since it is a compromise method between mate interval, natural breaks and quantile. It creates a balance between highlighting changes in the middle values and the extreme values, thereby producing a result that is visually appealing and cartographically comprehensive.It was observed that the majority of the boreholes are sited on excellent to good groundwater potential zones where the geology is mainly sandstone and close to contact zones with diabase intrusions. The rest of the boreholes are sited on poor to very poor groundwater potential zones with a diamictite rock mass.According to Hattingh, 1996, the sedimentary rocks of the Wilgerivier Formation makes poor aquifers whereas, the cracks and fissures in intrusive rocks form the main aquifers, hence, groundwater occurs in fractured rock mass. The boreholes close to diabase intrusions make good aquifers irrespective of the groundwater prospecting zone.Borehole yields are limited, especially in sedimentary rocks, they are at a lower place 0.5 l/s, however, those sited on faults and fractures in intrusive rocks, can yield higher than 3 l/s. Typical borehole depth ranges between 40 and 120 m while t he average range of depth of water level is between 10 to more than 40 m below ground level (mbgl) (DWA, 2011).
Saturday, May 18, 2019
A Comparison of Two Types of Display Advertisements Essay
Advertising is simply around us, we can non avoid it, in the car on the street the train and the Internet, even in aeroplanes. Advertisements argon around us in every type of media television receiver, radio and the written word, it is everywhere. It is one of the most prestigious factors in our lives and effects the counsel we think about companies and their fruits. For lesson the new Jaguar X-Type television adverts are aimed at the younger X Generation so to interest high earning young men and women. peril advertising comprises of chain of mountainss and text and would be found on billboards, magazines and in shop windows among other places.The grasps and text are purposefully arranged to persuade us to associate the harvest-feast with a certain life style. Obviously not all types of advertising appeal to everyone, so target audience is essential in portraying the render of the growth and quality. I will be comparing two dis acquire advertisements, both of which ar e from the January 2002 relinquish of the new technologies magazine T3. Both advertisements are for new electronic devices, a flat screen television from Samsung and the digital camcorder made by Sony.In the following comparison, you will be able to see the way these advertisements effect our lives and the products we buy. In the Samsung advertisement, there is a blurred come across of a business world stand alone on a tropical beach. His trousers are rolled up and he has a jacket slung casually over his shoulder. This man is obviously an executive businessman with a high paying job, the reason for this, I believe, is that you would have to earn a lot of money to have enough disposable income to afford the product. The man is relaxing on the beach looking out towards the sea to give an impression of freedom.He is standing casually portraying an image of complete relaxation, carelessness and mellowness. There are no props in the image to add to the felling of simplicity. All this is very much in tell with the Sony camcorder advertisement. The Sony advertisement there is an image of a man skydiving with another soul filming him with the product, the digital camcorder. The man skydiving has a look of exhilaration and elation upon his face, all of this adds to the image of the product giving you a fast paced and enkindle lifestyle.This advertisement is a bit of a lie though it would be practically impossible to flash the man skydiving and would cost far too much. So Sony have employed another social club that sell images and bought an image of a man skydiving and then the graphic designers would have superimposed the image of a hand holding the product. This gives the image of the man actually being recorded while skydiving. In the Sony advertisement the image on the LCD screen of the product is a big close up of the skydiver.This type of photographic camera angle was used to create an intimate relationship with the target audience, also it creates an im age of an in your face and raw, full on lifestyle. Outside of the image of the mans face it is a long shot because you can see the skydivers whole body, however a role from the skydiver and the other persons hand, which is a close up, there is a lot of white space, in this example the sky. The person holding the camcorder is in full focus but the rest of the advertisement is slightly blurred, this makes the product stand out.There are two slogans Shoot it, Send it, Pull Ripcord which is a three part list and an imperative and go create, which is an imperative. The first slogan is solely for the camcorder and is positioned in the top left wing which is the first involvement you would look at, secondly the habitual Sony slogan in the bottom right, the last thing you would look at. The slogans are in very understated compositors cases very similar to Arial, Times New roman letters or Tahoma this plays down the slogans and putting emphasis on the skydiver.In the Samsung television advertisement we find that the camera angle is a long shot of the businessman and the beach, this adds to the impression of ease a complete neglect of cares in the world this product could create. The only if clear and crisp part of the advertisement is the image of the product the flat screen television, this helps to promote the product as you look at the advertisement. The product slogan incorporate business with pleasure is positioned in the top right but is in a larger font than the Sony advertisement so that it occupies a much larger area of the advertisement.It is in a very go font similar to Square 721 Cn BT to add to the relaxed find oneself of the advertisement. Mix business with pleasure is a play on words and a two part contrast. Also in the Samsung Electronics advertisement there is the universal Samsung slogan Samsung Digitall, everyones invited this is a two part contrast and an imperative. This advertisement is not as interestingly arranged and the universal Sam sung Electronics slogan is not linked in with the product whereas the Sony advertisement has a series of circles showing what the product can do and in the final circle is the slogan.Because we in class only had black and white photocopies of the advertisements I cannot comment on the use of colour. In the Sony advertisement the whole feel of the image is one of a fast paced and action packed lifestyle, this however is in complete contrast with the Samsung television advertisement which is laid back and relaxed. The use of connecting the product to a certain type of lifestyle is used in almost all display advertisements and changes the passer bys perception of the product and company. Peter Atkin Sunday 31st March 2002 A Comparison of Two Types of Display Advertisements.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Customer Retention Strategies Essay
Assume you are doing a classroom presentation on client retention strategies. Reread your responses to the What Do You Think? questions that you completed through go forth this chapter. 1.What are some serve attitudes and practices that countenance retaining nodes? client retention refer to a strategy with the purpose of doing whatever it takes to keep a clubs current nodes on a coherent term basis (Gibson, 2012). Retaining guests is enabled by excellent customer service that produces many positive benefits for the organization. Retaining customers through effective customer service enables easier growth, indirectly and directly. When the customers are knowing and well-provided accordingly the staff is happy as well (2009).You lowlife improve the customer stimulus by offering discounts, promotions and having active sales efforts will keep a relationship with your customer and quarter them to buy more(prenominal) of the products or service you sell. Upon the organization , you can keenly monitor the customers for signs of attrition such as a decrease/increase in calls. If you develop a precise campaign strategy then you will prevent high risk customers and you will be able to retain in more swiftly manner. When you can improve the precision and clarity of your billing process, you can go a huge way toward minimizing customer worry. Increasing the power of the service organization and the sales team to address customer complaints promptly and offer retention-oriented promotions are other ways to appease dissatisfied customers. When doing this, you are addressing the key sources of customer dissatisfaction (2011). 2.What service issues must be carefully addressed by the CSRs to retain customers over a long period of time?An angry, dissatisfied customer. When dealing with these customers, listen to what they have to say while they explain their problem. ply an apology andempathize with them even if you dont agree with their complaint, you letting the m know that you can and mogul come up a solution to help them. After things have been solved, do a total up with them. 3. Which skills should CSRs demonstrate that keep customers returning for more products? You always want to keep your customers happy and satisfied so they can continue doing business with the company. Communicate and listen to your customers.When you listen to your customers, you can find out what they needs and wants are. Ask questions concerning them like How you doing? Is your day going okay? Did you enjoy the product or service that you purchased? Let them know that you appreciate their business. Keep a positive attitude with the customers. Smile when you are talk of the town to the customer if you are on the phone still smile even though the customer cant see it, they will feel it. Speak clearly try not to talk so fast to where the customer can understand you. Last but not least remain objective. Your purpose is to make sure they are happy. I think if the CSRs use these skills, they wouldnt have any problems losing customers.ReferencesCustomer Service. (2009). Retrieved June 1, 2014, from http// Gibson, P. (2012). Customer Retention. In P. Gibson, World of Customer Service (p. 118). Mason, OH Cengage Learning. Thorton, V. (2011, December 14). Three Keys to Attracting and Retaining Customers or Clients. Retrieved June 1, 2014, from http//
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Stationery Supply Proposal
Intellect Resources particular 2, Kolawole Sebili Street Killa B/Stop, Iyana Ejigbo Ejigbo, Lagos emailprotected com Intellect Res. Ltd Intellect Res. Ltd Intellect Resources Limited BOOKS AND GENERAL STATIONERY SUPPLIES 25 June 2011 Prepared ByIge Michael Olatunde Sales Officer Prepared For XXXX Nigeria Limited. rendering XXX Nigeria Limited requires an a prompt and economical supply of general social function stationery and tie in materials.Intellect Resources Limited is move to supply books and general office stationery to XXX Nigeria limited in a prompt and salute effective manner to avoid unnecessary delays in XXX Nigeria Limited swear out deliveries, office operations, etc. OBJECTIVE 1. To employ the best practices in the conduct of business 2. Supply of goods that march the requirement of client 3. support prompt and timely supplies irrespective of client location and status 4. Provide a network that ease access to urgent requirement and supplies 5. buzz off availabl e a pedestal for customization of office equipment and preserve identity SCOPE OF SERVICE Our services include but not limited to the sideline 1. Supply of basic office consumables and supplies, mailing supplies, small office electronics, multimedia storage devices, ink and toner supplies and giddy office machines. 2. Supply of academic books ranging from creche to higher education books 3. Supply of business and motivational books 4. Conferencing and opposition support services 5. Customisation of office equipments and identities 6.Library and allied services COST SUMMARY The following tables shows the estimated cost of stationery and office consummables supplied by our organisation. Basic Office Supplies No Item mail/ wangle Price/ social unit Comments 1 File fastener 2 Paper binder 3 Pape rings 4 reveal tag 5 Foldback clips 6 Mounting tacks 7 Thimblettes 8 Rubber band 9 viscid tapes 10 pens 11 pencils 12 Correction pen 13 Correction fluid and brush 14 Correction tape 5 Adhesive notes 16 glues 17 Marker& cleaner 18 Rulers 19 Erasers 20 Writing pads/ Notepads 21 Key cabinet mail Supplies No Item Brand/Make Price/unit Comments 1 Custom Label 2 Laser label 3 house of cards packaging 4 Tape dispenser 5 Envelopes 6 Shrink Wraps 7 Plastic bags 8 Mailing tubes 9 Shipping boxes 10 Paper packaging Electronics and storage Devices No Item Brand/Make Price/unit Comments 1 Calculator Voice recorder 3 Label maker 4 CD & DVD 5 CD cover, rack and stack 6 External hard drives 7 USB memory stick 8 Computer cables 9 Ink and cartridges 10 duplicator toner 11 Copier papers 12 Inkjet and laser photo papers Light office Machines No Item Brand/Make Price/unit Comments 1 Stapler 2 Staple pins 3 Hole punches 4 Guillotine 5 Scissors 6 Utility knife 7 8 9 10 The cost summary of other services rendered is provided on c lients request. Disclaimer The above cost are estimates and valid deep down 20 days of preparation of this proposal DELIVERY In-stock goods are delivered within six hours after receiving a PO (Lagos only) and within 48 hours outside Lagos. CLOSING We are committed to prompt, timely and satisfactory delivery of goods and services. Our professional, dedicated personnel and open-ended supply chain keep us above board among our peers. We guarantee satisfaction of client in all areas of our business.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Correct assignment 1A Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Correct appellation 1A - Research Paper Exampleethod to discovering how the homo brain and spinal cord function is the only even off way to understand the human nervous system and that this study will lead to 100% catch of the system.fact, object or phenomenon that is conducted by studying the various intrinsic features or traits of the subject matter and their coition to the world. It is essentially a quest to know the truth about the significance of the subject matter. someone with an tremendous ontology feels that reality is based more in the mind and the spirit instead of the physical and material world. Someone who places more emphasis on the material or physical world as a stand for reality would have a materialistic ontological perspective.Epistemology is the term that refers to the description of the fundamental sources of the development of concepts and human science and knowledge that helps us to distinguish between the right and wrong and directs our beliefs and ac tions. In order to hear the sources of knowledge, there follows a debate comparing the rationalism (what seems right) with empiricism (what experience tells).Different people postulate different opinions about the same matter because they have had different experiences with it or heard of it differently. This knowledge helps them to body-build their approaches, beliefs and actions. We tend to have different opinion about a person until we happen to know him/her give away by having a conversation with him/her. This holds true for beliefs also.Methodology is the planned steps that one anticipates making in order to test whether a hypothesis is correct. The methodology can refer to either a soft or quantitative analysis of data collected.Methodology is based on the study design adopted for the purpose of conducting the research, and includes data collection, analysis and interpretation. When there is a need to know the students perception about their curriculum in a certain schoo l, a certain number of students
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Medici Collection and The Louvre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Medici Collection and The Louvre - Essay Exampleal languages have basically three component parts, one of which is the direct use of signs and symbols in the form of objects and space while the different two, non-verbal communication such as gestures and body language and verbal communication such as livery and writing, derriere also be preserved somewhat in the objects that are left behind and shag help in determining the culture from which the object originated. Because objects share a role in the interrelated social communication modes of a particular society, the interpretation of these objects may differ from one society to the future(a) or even one time period to the next. The way in which it is interpreted can not only provide significant contextual clues to the society from which it was produced, but can also reflect the reasonableness of the society attempting to place the object within its correct contextual space. In addition, that exact same object, for congr esswoman a specific vase, may take on different contextual meanings as it passes through time, before used as a container for liquid, later taking on the ashes of a dearly departed congener and finally symbolizing perhaps a golden age in the progression of a nation. An object can never convey one single message, uncorrected, unambiguous and unqualified. Different social perceptions, needs and changing attitudes exit see to that.2 The nature of the collection and the context in which the museum or collection places its artwork for scupper to the public can thus have a significant effect upon the interpretation and perceived time value of the work. These ideas can be seen when comparing the extensive collection of a museum such as the Louvre to the eclecticist and less organized Medici Collection.Until relatively recently, the concept of art museums in which great works of artistic virtuousness were held in the name of the public trust was a foreign idea. However, the concept of collecting art as a means of personal gratification, cultural enrichment and
Monday, May 13, 2019
Environmental Policy Analysis Paper - Deforestation Research
Environmental Policy Analysis - Deforestation - Research reputation ExampleAccording to statistics, about 2-3 hectares of forestland is destroyed for hoidenish purposes annually. In addition to the commercial use of the forest, farm has also lead to an increase in the disforestation process. Deforestation has also been refer qualified to livestock operations, which has led to increase in small-scale commonwealth, since land devoted for annual crops production is converted to pasture due to low yields. According to Wood and Porro (25), the Brazilian Environmental Policy being discussed in this paper mainly addresses mechanisms for reducing disforestation without affecting economical development in the Amazon region. For example, the constitution deals with introducing practices that would condense deforestation through either cut or burning. The economic and environmental impacts of the policy are mainly targeted on technological changes in the agricultural sector in the re gion. Some of the bare-ass technology would have both(prenominal) negative and positive effects on the environment as well as economical situation. This is because the new technology might emit gasses in the air and work out many farmers lose their source of income. The policy also seeks to update the physical infrastructure in the region, and the effects of lower transportation costs would make the area more accessible (Wood and Porro 30). This would reduce costs by reducing transportation expense for transporting goods and great deal from one area to another. The other effect of the policy is reducing the macro-economic impact of shocks such as coin devaluation on the movement of agriculture in the region. Balancing environmental sustainability and reducing poverty levels is always a problem in any region, hence the need to identify a policy that would be able to provide basic needs without affecting or destroying the natural environment (Wood and Porro 39). This necessitates the provision of an alternative to slashing and burning for agriculture. Even though the organisation removed policies that advocated for land clearing, the rate of deforestation has not minify in the area. Therefore, to mitigate the effects of deforestation there was a need to come up with a model that would facilitate the Brazilian economic policy changes and improve land tenure regimes in the region. The model would also ensure the adoption of new agricultural policies such as adoption of new farming tenure systems that would take into consideration growing of perennial crops rather than annual crops. In addition to the good of infrastructure in the region, the policy seeks to reduce currency devaluation and align it with the new system, and provide fiscal methods to reduce the rate of deforestation (Wood and Porro 45). Regulating the land tenure system is one of the best options for reducing deforestation since most instances of deforestation occurred in the hands of forest ers who acquired informal land tenure. By introducing new land tenures, the government is reclaiming the land and removing the incentives for deforestation, which would effectively reduce deforestation by 23 percent per year. Advancement in agricultural development would play a vital role in agricultural advancement and reduce deforestation (Wood and Porro 46). Due to improvement in livestock production, the returns of agricultural activities would increase, which would in turn improve food security. However, in the long-run, deforestation would increase as
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Health and Sustainability of Food Systems in Toronto City Essay
Health and Sustainability of nutrient Systems in Toronto City - Essay ExampleFarm inputs used in intellectual nourishment production should non contaminate food products with such potentially damaging contents. In this regard, the World Commission on surround and Development defined sustainable food production processes as those that meet the present consumers needs without pliant the ability to meet the nutritional needs of future generations. In this context, food production processes that use harmful pesticides and fertilizers to alter the soils natural composition are neither sustainable nor healthy for food systems. However, production processes that utilize environmentally friendly farm inputs not only foster environmental auspices but also improve the nutritional soundness of food products in the market. As identified in class, common vulnerabilities in farm inputs sector including but not limited to use of chemicals, high efficacy bells and swift evolution of farm mac hinery. Food production is a business, and farmers expect to earn gelt from their farm produces. In food production, profit margins are determined by three distinct factors the cost of production, amount of yield, and market prices of harvested produces. Occasionally, amount of farm yields increase with increased use of inputs like pesticides, while expectant use of pesticides translates to the increased cost of production. In food production, cost of chemicals like pesticides is of a particular relate to farmers. Farm chemicals are expensive it requires approximately $50-100 million to develop a new inorganic pesticide.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
The strategy that was used by MTN Group to expand to different parts Essay
The strategy that was used by MTN congregation to expand to varied parts of the African and fondness Eastern markets - Essay ExampleIn 1994, the brass authority granted a license to Vodacom and Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN) to operate mobile strait networks in South Africa (Oxford Business Group, 2008). The MTN Group had the vision to be the leading provider of telecommunications in appear markets (Erasmus and Shenk, 2008 p61). This has been the watchword of MTN and the group is now operational in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East (Banhegyi, 2007). In tout ensemble these countries, MTN has access to over 488 million people and has over 28 million subscribers (Banhegyi, 2007). It is now listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. In Africa, MTN has operations in Botswana, Cameroon, Cote DIvoire, Nigeria, Congo, Rwanda, Swaziland, Uganda and Zambia amongst other nations. MTN Group has its headquarters in South Africa where it all started. This paper examines the strategy that was used by MTN Group to expand to different parts of the African and Middle Eastern markets. It ordain examine the strategies from the context of dominant theories and ideas relating to international business. The second part of the research will examine the strategies for further expansion of MTN into other markets around the world. MTN Group Expansion Strategy In rear to examine the expansion of MTN to different countries around the world, important elements and aspects of International Business will be examined. This involve unveiling Mode Entry Timing Firm Size Institutional Matters Entry Mode Entry mode describes the methods and systems used by a business to expand into a international country (Andexer, 2008). It describes the unlike approaches that a business uses to create a presence in a foreign land. Popular methods entangle franchising, licensing and joint ventures (Ireland et al, 2011). According to Singh (2008), MTN expanded to other countries thro ugh a mixture of Greenfield Investments and Mergers/Acquisition. A Greenfield Investment is the founding of completely rising operations in a foreign land (Paul, 2009 p357). In some countries, MTN created raw telecommunication companies that were meant to provide services. This was particularly popular in smaller and war thorne African countries that had limited infrastructure. This touch investing and creating new infrastructure from the scratch. done this, MTN exported their resources to these new venues. They applied principles from South Africa and learnt about the local environments. Through this, they built brands and new systems in the foreign nations that they operated within. In other countries, MTN expanded through mergers and acquisitions. Mergers and acquisitions involve forming rugged partnerships or acquiring other businesses in order to being operations in a new country (Johnson and Turner, 2009 MacDonald et al, 2011). MTN Group purchased other companies like Ar eeba and Spacefon technologies in several parts of the continent (Bridge, 2009). These two companies were wandering(a) brands in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa (Pan, 2011). MTN just purchased these companies and took over their assets and began to operate in their capacity as an independent company in these foreign countries (Venter et al, 2009). Through this mixture of mergers and acquisitions and greenfield investments, MTN was able to set up different operations around the world. The shareholders of the South African company expanded their scope of control and took over these foreign and new markets. The mergers were mainly
Friday, May 10, 2019
Compares three broad themes found in the film The Atomic Cafe and the Essay
Compares trey broad themes found in the acquire The Atomic Cafe and the criminal record Lost Girls by (kolker) - shew ExampleThe prominent themes found in both the pieces of work are violence, social callousness, and the deceptiveness of the presidential term authorities. The callosity of few social institutions and the deceptive nature of the governmental authorities affect the public offbeat leading to calamities that have some long-lasting impact on the society. These acts of violence tend to show the vulnerability of the society and are clear evidenced in the incidents discussed in both the novel and the film.Kolkers book recounts the traumatic life of five young sex workers, Shannan Gilbert, Maureen Brainard-Barnes, Melissa Barthelemy, Megan Waterman and Amber Overstreet Costello, who were gone abstracted and later found to be murdered by unidentified serial killer. It takes place from 1996 to 2012. This represents a distressful cycle of poor families raised in declini ng towns. Their poor choices and economic problems lead to child neglect, child abuse, style disorders, and drug habits. Those are the partial cause of prostitution today. In the book, the author focuses on this sensitive case, accumulate all the known facts along with the biographies of the victims. On the other hand, the documentary film titled The Atomic Caf talks about misleading political propagandas and its consequences on the society. The film discusses the emergence of nuclear threats and the misinformation doled out to the public by the governmental authorities, with a view to manipulate the reality of the situation. This is an era rife with paranoia, anxiety and misapprehension, while the film also exhibits a genuine nostalgia for an earlier and more innocent nation. The footages used in the film clearly capture the effects of the political pressures of war as well as the impact resulting from these destructive weapons, since the field War II to the Cold War years.The callousness of the American authorities who were responsible for the atom attack calamity is well portrayed in the film. The
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Accuracy and Precision. Importance of Scientific Measurements in Essay
Accuracy and Precision. brilliance of Scientific Measurements in Ranges - Essay ExampleLastly it can as well be delimit as the degree of the proximity of the values under metre. Precision on the other hand shows how stopping point the two or more values under measurements are. The two terms are different in that mavin may be accurate but imprecise on the other hand one can as well be precise but not accurate.Measurements versus AccuracyThe fact that accuracy and precision are two independent entities makes a value termed as precise to be any true or false depending on the accuracy of the measurement scale. Therefore it is false to that a measurement of high precision must exhibit high accuracy. Statistical Error and Systematic ErrorStatics misplay is that which arises as a result of biasness that is caused by the random fluctuations in statics which can be controlled or decrease by accuracy. On the other hand, systematic error is the error that results from the introduction of the biasness that results to systematic which is difficult to be eliminated. Two errors differ in the following way first, while systematic errors arise because of the random fluctuations the statistical results from the experienced biasness. Systematic error is due to the introduced bias while the statistical is due to the random fluctuation. The reasoning by elimination of systematic error is impossible while the latter is possible. Lastly, systematic error arises from the system while the statistics error is from the statics.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Trip to Mexico Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Trip to Mexico - Research Paper ExampleThe researcher states that Mexico is widely known as a suitable destination for those who want to immerse in ancient civilization, relax in pure beaches, and indulge in its rich history. As a tourist, the researcher desire to know Mexico through its finale, history, music, food, and art, so he decided to visit Guadalaraja, Jalisco and Yucatan. The researcher plans to first visit Guadalajara, Jalisco, which features Mexicos prominent traditions such as the mariachi music, tequila, and charros (Guadalajara). The researcher wants to roam around Guadalajaras cathedral, which houses the mural of Bartolome Esteban Murrillo entitled The Assumption of the blessed Virgin and the consequence largest organ in the argon (Guadalajara). As an architecture enthusiast, it would be very exciting for me to witness the aggregate architectural styles in the Guadalajaras Cathedral. The presence of numerous museums and theaters in the city will surely alter me t o grasp the history of the country. The researchers second destination would be the Chichen-Itza in Yucatan. Mexico boasts rich culture and tradition even before the Spaniards came into the country. Chichen-Itza is deemed by many as the most significant archaeological oddment of Maya-Toltex civilization. The researcher wants to walk in the cobblestone once walked by Toltecs and Putun Maya. I desire to witness the temples and ruins, which be the masterpieces of the Mesoamerican architecture. Then, the researcher plans to relax in the pristine beach of Maya Riviera. His trip to Mexico would not be eff without indulging its natural wonders. I plan to visit Mexico on May 5 to 10 as its a period suitable for tourists who want low accommodation prices and discounts as low eon begins after Easter and ends at mid-December (When to Go). I found a website named that tackles the must-see places in Guadalajara such as the cathedral, Teotro Degollado and the like. Mean while, presents education about(predicate) the city of Chichen-Itza. Works Cited Baird, David. Frommers Cancus, Conzumel, and the Yucatan 2010. peeled Jersey Frommers, 2009. Print. Guadalajara. Wiki travel. Web. 2012. When to Go to Mexico. Web. 2012. 2.0 Annotated Bibliography Baird, David. Frommers Cancus, Conzumel, and the Yucatan 2010. New Jersey Frommers, 2009. Print. The author has lived in various parts of Mexico for several years. Thus, he possesses an extensive knowledge about historical places in Mexico and its must-see places. A part of the book has tackled on the ruins of the Chichen-Itza. It highlights the monuments, temples, and plazas that will greet modern solar day visitors. In addition, it briefly tackled on dwellers of the ancient sites. It offers information that helps me appreciate the Chichen-Itza, the ancient civilization, and Mexico. This book, which is available at google books, caters to need of tourists and college students. It provides relevant and current information thus, I will give it a CRAAP score of 7. Chichen-Itza. field of study Geographic. Web. 2012. National Geographic is a database, which presents numerous articles about different topics. It provided information about the history of Chichen Itza. It specifically presented raise information on the importance and accuracy of Mayan astronomy. The ancient Mayan exhibited its advanced astronomical skills through accurately predicting solar eclipses. In addition, the article highlighted the ancient tradition of sacrificing young women to the Mayan rain god. This article presents interesting information that makes me to a greater extent excited in visiting Chichen Itza. This article can be found through google search. It provides helpful information for tourist, college students, and lay-person. Thus, I will give it 7 CRAAP score for its relevance and accuracy. Howells, John, and Don Merwin. Choose Mexico for Retirement data For Travel, Retirem ent, Investment, and Affordable Living. US Globe Pequot, 2007. Print. John Howells has co-authored and authored nine travel-retirement books. He is residing at Pacific
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
The role of women in the Israeli army today Assignment
The role of women in the Israeli army today - Assignment ExampleEven though such(prenominal) contributions are comfortably informal, they take a center play in the course of conflicts. In essence, women involvement in the fortify forces spans three thousand years into the past throughout different cultures and nations. Currently, women in uniforms serve in the armed forces although the majority of the combatants befool predominantly been men. Women service in the troops has been a controversial subject in the women welfare circles. Despite the diverse but limited roles of women in the military, their contributions in the combat have been significant. The women who have participated in the military have expressed commendable competencies that have motivated women fresh women the American polite war, women dressed just like men and participated in the armed conflict. This paper exemplifies the contribution of women in the military activities in the current era.On Ma y 26th, 1948, the Israeli prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, ordered for the conscription of both single(a) and married women who were born between 1920-1930 into the Israeli Defense Forces. The women served under the umbrella body of Women Corpse and were tasked with the responsibilities such as nursing, signal operations, driving, clerical work, and cooking for the militants. Some of the early women soldiers to be conscripted into the Israeli Defense Forces allow Yael Rom, who was the first pistillate pilot to be trained by the Israeli Air Force and afterwards conscripted in 1951. In September 1969, Hava Inbar was appointed the judge of the military court in Haifa. Hava Inbar said, I am glad that I was appointed it proves that the Israeli Defence Force leaves almost all doors open for its female soldiers. This statement is an assertion of the milestone involvement in the Israeli military.Before the establishment of the Israeli state, women mightily served in combat roles in th e
Monday, May 6, 2019
How far does the form and structure of the city together with its Essay
How far does the form and anatomical structure of the city together with its transport net profit influence individual travel patterns - Essay ExamplePerth, Western Australia is one of the most densely be regions of the continent. Perth is the capital of Western Australian province. Perth is located by the side of River Swan. The total population of Perth is more than 1,700,000. exchangeable most of the densely populated cities in the developed world, Perth has a very salutary developed and well planned public transport system. Majority of the people in Perth use ferries, buses and trains as their chosen elbow room of transport. Transperth is the organization which supervises this public transport and the routes, while Transwa provides routes to the rural and sub urban atomic number 18a around Perth. prevalent transport Authority operates Transperth. The mode of transit only includes ferries, busses and trains, as mentioned earlier. This brand, Transperth, was launched in 198 6. Although the control was initially infra Metropolitan transport trust, and Western Australian government rail demeanors, it was later transferred to De areament of transport, in 1993. Perth is divided into 9 fare zones. These zones are created keeping the distance of a place from the city centre in mind. each three transit services offered by Transperth cover Perth city up to Wundowie in the East of the city, to Fremantle in the west, up to Mandurah in the south and up to Two Rocks in the north of Perth City. The central business regularise of Perth has 15 bus stations and 70 railway stations. The time tables are color coded and thus the routes are easier to understand once a person understands the color codes. City centre is a Free track zone, where one does not need to pay a fare to travel. Overall, the transport infra structure in Pert is well developed. Keeping the growth of population in mind, the government has planned forward to tally the future requirements. Modes of transit most frequently used in Perth It is a fact that the form and structure of the city together with its transport network influence individual travel patterns. Travel to work (includes multi-mode journeys) Perth 2006 2001 Enumerated info number % Perth Statistical Division % number % Perth Statistical Division % Change 2001 to 2006 Train 79 3.2 4.3 47 2.8 3.8 32 Bus 142 5.8 4.2 80 4.8 3.7 61 Tram or Ferry 6 0.2 0 3 0.2 0 3 Taxi 101 4.2 0.2 93 5.6 0.2 8 automobile - as driver 616 25.4 63.0 447 26.7 63.2 169 Car - as passenger 130 5.3 5.8 107 6.4 5.7 23 Truck 6 0.2 1.0 3 0.2 1.2 3 Motorbike 5 0.2 0.6 0 0 0.5 5 Bicycle 20 0.8 1.0 11 0.6 0.9 9 Walked only 676 27.9 2.1 318 19.0 1.8 358 Other 172 7.1 1.1 116 6.9 1.4 57 Worked at home 67 2.8 3.6 72 4.3 4.1 -5 Did not go to work 371 15.3 11.5 357 21.3 12.1 14 Not give tongue to 36 1.5 1.7 20 1.2 1.5 16 Total 2,426 100.0 100.0 1,673 100.0 100.0 753 Source Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing, 2006, 2001, 1996, and 1991. greenback Table totals may not equate with other similar tables due torandomisationof small numbers. enjoy refer to thespecific data notesfor more information. Looking at the above table, few very serious keep an eye onings can be noted. First of all, it is important to note that the 2006 figures show that around 27.9% of the people taking part in this survey walked to work. This means that the structure and form of city definitely has its impact over the way people choose their modes of transit. People living near the central business district or metropolitan Perth prefer to walk to work if their offices are located at a notable distance. The high part of people walking to work also shows a hack that people either try to find work at near place close to their residence, or they shift to reside at some place close to their work place. Another important aspect clearly visible from this table is that the trend of using own cars for going to work is on the rise. This is because of the fact that people are generally busier now, and also,
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