Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Water and Womanhood in Ancient Greece Essay -- Women in Marine Mytholo
In the times of antiquated Greece, there were robust tales, myths, and legends surrounding the realm of the ocean some of which included fearsome beasts, expansive struggles, and angered gods. There are tales of vengeance, spite, cruelty, and rage, but there are besides those of understanding, compassion, helpfulness, and benevolence. When one subjects many of the more malevolent (and sometimes disturbing) tales to closer inspection, it becomes somewhat evident that a great number of these stories work a female force in order to display the wraith of the sea and the sea gods or goddesses. In fact, many sea monsters are said to be female including Charybdis and Scylla (the horrors between which Odysseus and his crew must sail through the strait of Messina), and the sea was often given a female personality and reference traits. Ceto, particularly, was the feminine embodiment of the dangers which the sea held, and Amphitrite was one other powerful, feminine sea goddess. The c onnection between terrors of the sea and the female persona may not be presented with the utmost clarity right away however, it is possible to use symbolic history, cultural normalities of the time, and a brief glance at the ancient Greek view of sexuality to help discover these mysteries. Symbols for water and adult female have been known to coincide greatly, essentially since the beginning of the history of enter symbols. The inverted triangle was an especially prominent emblem when it comes to this matter, as it was employ to represent both the flow of water (or sometimes a cup, or chalice), as well as the shape of the female reproductive organs and genitalia. These similarities were not contained only to written symbols, but to rather more digest symbolism as well. O... ...tainly made theirs far more interesting than many other cultures. Works CitedDisaster Archaeology - Women in the Marine Mythology of antediluvian patriarch Mediterranean Their Roles & Symbolisms - ByDr. George Pararas-Carayannis and Dr. Amanda Laoupi. Disaster Pages of Dr. George PC. Web. .Symbolism between women and waterGrimal, Pierre. The dictionary of Classical Mythology. Oxford, England Blackwell, 1985.Perseus Digital Library. Web. .Theoi Greek Mythology, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical publications & Art. Web. .Used for collection of various primary factsWalcot, P. Greek Attitudes towards Women The Mythological Evidence. Greece and capital of Italy XXXI.1 (1984). JSTOR. Web.Greek views of sexuality cultural effects
Medieval Europe †Papal Reformation Essay
Since the Council of Nicaea called in the fourth century by Constantine to the premature ordinal century, the perform was never relieve oneselfed as a alleviate standing installation. For over eight hundred years the church building had been infra the authority of profane powers. Charlemagne and the Carolingians emperors saw themselves as the ones to maintain the church building materially, organizationally, and spiritually, bit the pope was merely an example of i bring off Christian living. Social descent led to the corruption of the Church and its offices simony being the biggest problem. The pontificate itself was pervert by simony and Roman politics. While reform had been taking send emerge in the local levels for some sequence, the papacy was the last part of the Church to be reformed. The papacy reformation came or so through three major popes king of beasts IX (1049-1054), Nicholas II (1059-1061), and Gregory VII (1073-1085). The actions by these popes in the eleventh century would root out the corruption within the church and perplex conflict surrounded by the worldly authorities and the papacy resulting in the breakup and contributeing of the Church as a power on its admit. subsequently legion(predicate) corrupt popes, king of beasts IX is considered to be the pope that started the papacy reformation. Ironically, he was appointed pope by his cousin Emperor Henry III. After being coroneted, Leo spent less than six months in capital of Italy traveling through Italy, Germany, France, and as far as Hungary ( Blum, 485). According to Backman, Leo recognized two things from the very start send-off, the papacy could non be properly reformed so long as it remained mired in Roman factional politics and second, the papacy needed to be canvassn by the sheepcote in order to secure the gains of the reform (Backman, 268). Leo was literally the prototypical pope to be seen by most Christians (Backman, 268), and he wanted to get wind an image of the papacy in action (Blum, 485). For a long time the title of pope was just a name without any moment or power however, Leo would change that with his travels. Leos wide accomplishments were abolishing simony, help ending the practice of clerical marriage, and improving the clergies training and education.pope Leo IX, through his travels had plans of establishing his authority while similarly rooting out corruption still in local churches. Leo staged large-scale Masses, pronounced Peace and Truce decrees, and offered all the faithful the opportunity to advertise grievances about their local church and ecclesiastical strainers (Backman, 269). Clergy that had obtained their vista by way of simony were given the chance to retain their office entirely if the confessed their faults and swore publicly to dedicate themselves to the reformed Church.According to Backman these acts were performed in public for two reasons First, the people themselves got to hear the confes sion of their clergy, and second, the pope got the pleasure of having the faithful see the priest, bishops, and archbishops kneeling before Leo, in other words, used the reform-celebration itself as a means for establishing papal authority over the episcopacy. Hence fore, everyone understood that the bishops served as the sure leaders of the Church because the Holy Father himself had publically bestowed their office upon them. The papacy now stood at the head of a new hierarchy and situated its legitimacy. 269The last major contri provideding act Leo had towards the reformation was the humans of the College of Cardinals. Leo saw that the Church was not intellectually fitting to deal with issue it was faced with. He created a body of advisors for the papacy that include theologians, fair playyers, philosophers, historians, scientists, and diplomats. These handpicked advisors would lend expert council to the pope on settling and resolving opinionated issues never really solved b y the Church. One of the issues they dealt with was celibacy for the clergy this would not be settled until pope Nicholas II. The papacy was now the decision reservation center on doctrinal issues for the Church.Leo IX was a major turning point for the Church, but unfortunately he would not bring to an end what he started. The next pope to further the papal reformation was Nicholas II. pontiff Nicholas II built upon what Leo IX had already done. Nicholas and a council produced the Lateran synod of April 1059. The synod stop clerical marriage and established clergy celibacy. It also added to the strict prevention of simony. as well with the synod, Nicholas and the council do two major decisions that would shape the papacy up until today. The first of these decisions was to condemn the practice of amaze investiture. The ritual by which a lay prince invested a priest or bishop with the insignia of his office suggested that the ecclesiastical authority was low-level to the secul ar (Backman, 270).The papacy now condemned this seeing as the reforming popes were trying to establish the Church as an entity on its own. The Church wanted to condition everything about itself and completely cut off any secular ties trying to control it. The second major decision Nicholas and the council made was mad in the papal Election Decree of 1059. This was to ensure no pope could ever be placed in power by a secular prescript but only elected by the College of Cardinals. Backman describes it as this for all eternity the only way for any individual to become the legitimate pontiff of the Holy Catholic Church was to be freely elected to the position by the College of Cardinals. This decree removed the Holy See from the clutched of the Roman magnates, but it also declared the papacys independence from the imperial power. 270These actions changed the kingdoms authority over the church that had been present since Constantine. When Henry IV came to power in 1056, he did not l ike the actions taken by the Church and trying to separate from his authority. The tension between the papacy and secular powers came to a high during the pontificate of Pope Gregory VII. Now Gregory VII had begun his travel in Rome during the pontificate of Leo IX as Leos secretary of state and author of his important papers (Blum, 485). So Gregory had been around since the beginning of the papal reformation. His actions and policies would lead to the biggest conflict between the Church and State during this reformation.After dealing with carious rebellions, Henry IVs resent meant lead him to prepare to attack Rome and deal with the papacys action. Henry wanted to show that he had achievement and was the rule of two Church and State. Before Henry could attack, Gregory responded with a declaration called the Dictatus Papae. This was a list of twenty-seven single sentence decrees about papal power. Gaudemet defines them as, lapidarist and unrestrained terms the universal power o f the pope his authority over bishops, clerics and councils, and his right to depose the emperor, to certify every canonical text, to make law and to deliver judgment from which there is no appeal (Gaudemet, 470). Gregory was trying to establish that he alone, as the pope, had complete supremacy over both Church and the emperor. Henry took these Dictates as a direct attack on his kingly rights and power. This led to both Gregory and Henry writing letters back and forth to each other with increasing tensions with each letter. These letters led to both of them excommunicating and deposing the other from office at the end of 1076.The excommunicating of each other would lead to a major event in establishing supremacy to the pope. Gregory, being the pope, was still head of the Church, and Henry found himself still excommunicated. Henry and his advisor devised a plan to get him forgiven and restored into the Church. Being the pope meant that Gregory was a priest, and he would abide to f orgive a penitent sinner. Gregory was caught off guard at his go in Canossa, Italy by Henrys arrival and asking of forgiveness.This had made Gregory furious, but he had to forgive him. Gregory used this to his advantage, showing that he had supremacy over the emperor. Gregory made Henry stand outside his window barefoot wearing penitential rags for three days begging for forgiveness and invoke for restoration. While this move by Henry helped him with his enemies and restored him back into the Church, this move also hurt him. This move now shifted the supremacy towards the pope. The emperor was now seen as submissive to the pope and had to do what the pope said.While more conflicts happened between Gregory VII and Henry IV, the investiture struggle would not end with them. It was officially ended in 1122 with Henry IVs son, Henry the V, and Pope Calixtus II (1119-1124) with the Concordat of Worms. This allowed ecclesiastical appointment to be made by the Church alone but also allo wed secular rulers to participate with the lands and appurtenances secondary to the positions. The issue of papal supremacy over imperial supremacy was circumvented, only to erupt again in centuries later.While Urban II (1088-1099) was able to finalize the reform of the Church during his pontificate, it wasnt really until the end of the twelfth century that the Church reform came to a conclusion. Gregory VII and the popes following openly proclaimed the Churchs supremacy and main(a)ty over the secular world. They had not only made the Church a standing institution on its own, but they had reversed the historical roles of the Church and State. Since the time of Gregory VII, the papacy had become a massive bureaucracy. The Church now had an ostentatious monetary machinery, judicial system, bureaucratic structure, police network, and standing army. The Church was now its own free standing institution and would eventually become its own sovereign city-state.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Architectural Literature Review on Sustainability of Malaysian Architecture
In Summary of the below, review on sustainability of Malayan Architecture is been understood and analysed. The literature review prescribes the re-examining on the methodologies and architectural experimentation that had been directed by the Malaysian architectural name towards the quest for a national personality in structural engineering towards a sustainable group. The main better is examined on the endeavour and talk that had been led which included general society and clubby segments.Modellers, benefactors and mass in general had directed experimentation on the dissimilar methodologies and perspectives relating to the issue of a Malaysian architectural personality through talk, whole shebang and architectural configuration. It was discriminatingly guaranteed that architectural practice in Malaysia cool it needs profundity in its hypothetical methodology and powerless(prenominal) in it ontogeny impost which prompt an emergency in the c eithering.The emergency on the B uilt Environments charge programmes in the course of the almost recent two decades addition twain last(predicate)y has in advance(p) the expert practice of braid rideling having arrived at substandard direct with no fitting philosophical and hypothetical methodology. The flop on the re beation for a character in make architectural plan passim the foregoing four decades was traced to modellers and different implementers neglecting to scatter the plans and aims to the kitty roots level.No records or app bent might be discovered to uphold the idea that the plans of look for a national character in edifice design has been conveyed to grass root or open level. It is prefatory that present era of designers and implementers of the c aloneing re-assessing the feeling and making further mission auspicious. II) Introduction Sustainability is an issue of urgent desperation yet it is additionally a buzzword with handsome substance. Literates deprivation to demarcate the importance of Sustainability inside the put inting of our main event as draftsmen.They be completely conscious that computer architecture is non fate it freighter make the conditions for additional commonsense environments however cant compel individuals to act in foreordained right smarts. It then takes after that we moldiness plan to suit neck of the woods societies, aviation and traditions, making environments that will be passed on from era to era, fixed lifetime-compass a crux part of sustainability. To accomplish this, the draft must manage people to mould and personalise their own incident environments. Sustainability is the general idea of utilizing less to accomplish much.Sustainability in architecture is not simply a matter of additional items or item particular. It includes more than encasing, sun lie boards and rainwater tanks. Rather, it impacts how we ponder planning a edifice and whatever shapes it in the end takes. Seeking after a natural plan is not a demand yet rather a major foreplay towards an architecture that is originative, huge, and important. Economical outline recognizes the dynamic collaboration of makes with their instantaneous perpetual setting and encompassing powers.It is these connections on which the configuration process centres to the extent that on the resultant type of the mental synthesis. Sustainability requires a specific path of working -clear objectives set at the undertaking commencement and close cooperation between customer, draftsman and designs all through the occasion. There is no such thing as iodine thousand architecture or a jet stylish. Rather there atomic number 18 endless ways configuration can address and incorporate issues of sustainability. Since the suppuration of the Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysia, and its capital Kuala Lumpur specifically, has turned into a reference in architecture worldwide.In this manner, it is not astonishing to see it prep are other first edifices. Ju st this time, the primary centre is not stature, at the same time, actually, that they are great illustrations of bioclimatic and sustainable architecture. III) Review Sustainability implies that a methodology or state might be kept up at a certain level for with the expectation that is needed. A standout amongst the frequently refered to fee-tailings of sustainability is the one make by the Brundtland Commission, advanced by the previous Norwegian Prime attend Gro Harlem Brundtland.The Commission outlined economic benefit as improvement that helps the present without bargaining the capability of future eras to meet their own particular needs. Sustainability identifies with the viscidness of financial, cordial, institutional and environmental parts of homo affable order, and additionally the non-human environment. Sustainability is one of the four Core Concepts old-fashioned Universal Forum of Cultures. Sustainability overly implies that your something is dependably the sam e and does not change.Architecture in Malaysia is a mixture of numerous styles, from Moslem and Chinese styles to those carried by European colonists. Malay architecture has adapted beca spend up of these impacts. Houses in the north are comparative to those in Thailand, while those in the south are comparable to those in Java. New textiles, for theoretical account wish-wash and nails, were acquired by Europeans, modifying the architecture. Houses are manufactured for tropical conditions, raise on stilts with advanced roofs and expansive windows, permitting air to move through the manse and cool it mint. woodwind has been the primary building material for much of Malaysias history it is employ for everything from the basic kampung to imperial palaces. In Negeri Sembilan customary houses are truly free of nails. to a fault wood, other regular materials, for example bamboo and leaves were used. The Istana Kenangan in Kuala Kangar was inherent 1926, and it the main Malay c astle with bamboo dividers. The Oral Asal of East Malaysia lives in longhouses and water villages. Longhouses are embossed and on stilts, and can house 20 to 100 families.Water villages are likewise based stilts, with houses joined with boards and for the most part transport by boats. Chinese architecture could be partitioned into two sorts, accepted and Baba Nyonya. Baba Nyonya families are made of coloured tiles and exhaust huge indoor patios. Indian architecture accompanied the Malaysian Indians, reflecting the architecture of southern India where generally began from. Some Sikh architecture was likewise imported. Malacca, which was a conventional middle of exchange, has an expansive assortment of building styles. dire wooden social structures, for example the Palace of Sultan Mansur Shah exist from right on time periods. Chinese impact could be seen in shiningly enlivened sanctuaries and terraced knock off houses. The biggest remaining Portuguese structure in Malacca is the A Famosa post. another(prenominal) frontier building could be the Dutch Stadthuys, the Dutch Colonial townspeople block buildings, and buildings constructed by the British, for example the Memorial Hall, which joins together Baroque and Islamic architecture. The shapes and sizes of houses vary from state to state.Regular components in Peninsular Malaysia incorporate fling roofs, verandas, and high top sides, raised on stilts for ventilation. The woodwork in the house is regularly complicatedly cut. The carpets are at classifiable levels relying upon the capacity of the room. Mosques have a bun in the oven generally been dependent upon Javanese architecture. In cutting edge times, the government has pushed distinctive projects, from the tallest twin buildings on the planet, the Petronas Twin Towers, to an wide enclosure city, Putrajaya.Malaysian firms are improving tower plans that are in particular for tropical climates. Malaysian Architecture is one of the most respected Arch itecture and design in the world based on the fact that no matter how small Malaysia is it still has nice design concept and a relatively good enough sustainability in its Architecture, Malaysia is well known for its Petronas Twin tower and other amazing structure in the building industry. Sustainability in Malaysian Architecture has still not been attained as Education on that should be promoted in schools and educational institutesArchitects all over the world and in Malaysia should make use of sustainable materials in building construction designs in that way a sustainable Architecture Careful selection of environmentally sustainable building materials is the easiest way for architects to begin incorporating sustainable design conventions in buildings. Traditionally, footing has been the frontmost consideration when comparing similar materials or materials designated for the same function.However, the off-the-shelf price of a building component represents only the manufacturi ng and transportation costs, not social or environmental costs. As sited by (Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Professor of Architecture, and Brenda Rigdon, disgorge Intern Edited by Jonathan Graves, Project International College of Architecture and urban Planning the University of Michigan, in Qualities, Use, and Examples of Sustainable Building Materials 2012). Some materials used in construction processes are listed below.Limestone * Limestone is maybe the most pervasive building material acquired through mining. It is utilized as a cladding material and assumes a paramount part in the preparation of an extensive miscellanea of building items. Concrete and plaster are evident illustrations of items that depend on limestone less evident is the utilization of limestone in steel and glass creation. sword * Steel requires the mining of iron ore, coal, limestone, magnesium, and other fellow components.To process steel, iron must first be refined from crude ore. The iron ore, together with l imestone and coke (heat-refined coal) are stacked into an impact heater. Sultry air and blazes are utilized to dissolve the materials into pig iron, with the contaminations (slag) drifting to the highest depict of the molten metal. Aluminium * Aluminium, immovable from bauxite ore, requires a huge measure of raw material to generate a minor measure of last item. Up to six pounds of ore may be instructed to yield one pound of aluminium.Bauxite is for the most part strip-mined in tropical rainforests, a process that presupposes uprooting vegetation and topsoil from substantial ranges of land. The point when mining is finished, the dirt is swapped. The land may then be permitted to occur back to rainforest, however is more prone to be utilized as farmland Bricks and Tiles * Dirt and adobe soil must likewise be mined. They are for the most part discovered in shallow come up stores, and assembling is frequently done close-by, lessening extraction and transportation costs.With the ex emption of adobe, blocks and tiles must be let go to be handy building materials. The booting methodology uncovered the shaped mud to high, delayed high temperature, preparing a hard, water-verification, lasting block or tile. The terminating procedure can take hours or even days and requires an imposing measure of vigour. Coated blocks and tiles are complete twice first to make the shape changeless then subsequently to soften and follow the coated completion, which typically holds glass.The finished item has hugely typified vigour however is likewise exceptionally dependable. Indeed, without booting, fittingly kept up adobe blocks can most recent 350 years or more. woodwind * Wood is the collected material generally ordinarily utilized within edifices and building items. Dimensional wood is utilized as a part of surrounding the lions share of private edifices and numerous business area structures. Wood items, for example plywood, particleboard, and musical theme are utilized widely all through the development business. Until later years, the ost well-known technique for collecting wood was clear-decreasing, a procedure wherein all vegetation inside a given zone is evacuated for handling. Notwithstanding, where clear-cutting happens, baseball bat associations are obliged to replant the region. Petro-Chemicals * The building business is remarkably battleground to materials inferred from petroleum and natural gas. These are utilized within an extensive variety of items incorporating plastics, glues for plywood and particleboard, covered ledges, isolation, covering, and paints. Boring for oil and gas is both uncertain and exorbitant.Overwhelming apparatus is needed, and tainting of the groundwater and soil is regular. Broad worry about nada conservation, global warming and exhaustion of the planets non-re virginable assets has conceived the parking lot building development, with its thought of sustainable architecture that appears to be mushrooming ov er the planet. Essentially put, green buildings speak for outline and construction that are touchy to nature now and sometime later. fountain building is not a normal practice in Malaysia callable to the exceptional tests these systems face.This exploration was led to recognize the principle impediments to the headways of green buildings improvements in the nation and how to incorporate more contri notwithstandingion from the gatherings in the construction business to embrace this methodology. The ideas and perspectives of identified gatherings in building industry were acquired from organized questions and slick studies which have been recognized to give a clearer picture of the present scenario of the green building advancements in Malaysia. Recommendations on the most proficient method to add-on more presentation for green buildings were likewise procured.In light of the discoveries, it was inferred that the principle obstructions are absence of cognizance, instruction and qu alified data on the net income of the construction of green buildings. It is critical for us Malaysians to get an ideal model change and begin taking a gander at greener choices which are all the more ecologically neighbourly and diminishes energy utilization. Making consciousness additionally is the first and grandest venture to guarantee that green buildings are setting down deep roots.Sustainable Architectural design does not necessarily mean the use of highly termed technologies and modernised applications in the building construction sector but rather holding and not letting go of preceding(a) designs and finding such m both ways to sustain Architectural design to be moderate and useful to the people as quoted by (Professor Iain Borden, in Sustainability and architectural design, 2010) Architecture is not just about technology, and we need social propositions as to how architecture interacts with lifestyle and urban design.Here the imaginative and creative architecture can he lp to speculate about possible futures away(p) of some of the more usual constraints of commercial architectural practice The traditionalistic Malay house is one of the wealthiest segments of Malaysias social legacy. Planned and assembled by the villagers themselves, it manifests the innovative and stylish aptitudes of the Malays. This is a close flawless house form which is suitable to neighborhood climatic conditions and communicates the lifestyle of its occupants.The house is to a great decimal point overall intended to suit the warm and sticky Malaysian atmosphere and for the multifunctional utilization of space. Its outline is likewise adaptable as it indulges the extensively distinctive needs of the clients and it has an expansion textile which permits the house to be broadened to help every family. The traditional Malay house is a timber house raised on stilts. It is basically a post-and-lintel structure with wooden or bamboo dividers and a thatched top.Windows are ample, coating the dividers and giving exceptional ventilation and sees for the house. This nature of bareness is additionally reflected by the impressive open inner part spaces with paltry segments. Lim Lee Yuan mentioned in his article (Under one Roof) that For religious reasons, most traditional Malay houses are oriented to face Mecca (i. e. in an east-west direction). This orientation minimizes the number of are as exposed to direct solar beam during the day and, hence, the heat gains in the building.Heat retention is minimized by the lightweight, natural construction materials that have a low thermal capacity and the interior remains cool due to the insulating capability of the Atta (thatch) roof sited by ( Lim Lee Yuan, Under one roof, 2013) So Malaysian traditional houses happens to use Religious concepts in making stays in houses more easier then. built in bed that may come about because of this situation will be that Islam is tossed wholly in avour of, or that it is made de cidedly mediocre to, the embraced man-created perspectives and philosophies. On for the issues that structure the foundations of the applied skeleton for Islamic architecture, all around, are taw shrouded (the thought of Gods Oneness), man as the vicegerent (khalifah) on earth and his association with environment, exhaustive limelight (ihsan or titan), and Islam as the last and all inclusive disclosure to humankind.This sensible structure renders Islamic architecture such a remarkable theme and tremendously not quite the same as other building outflows and schools. Concentrating on the reasonable schema for Islamic architecture, which because of its securing on a character of the most essential Islamic precepts constitutes a preeminent section of the Islamic perspective, is basic. This is so for two head explanations.Firstly, by knowing and engrossing the reasonable schema for Islamic architecture, Moslem architects, and professionals in manufactured environment all in all, wil l own a robust base on which restoring and progressing the wonder of Islamic architecture will be effectively and sure as shooting created. Provided that the precepts on which the theoretical schema for Islamic architecture rests, penetrate an engineers or a designers thinking and acting standards, the aggregate conduct that starts from such a mentality is sure to be in concurrence with Islamic qualities and judgment of conviction framework.An architecture that stems from such a mentality is sure to be unfeignedly Islamic as well. Whats more when it starts to be, it does so spontaneously, unassumingly and truly, fitting gorgeously into the grid of Muslim life exercises. It does so without any ado throughout the methodology of its imagining execution, without any ambiguities or perplexity in its substance and capacity, and without any superficialities, eccentricities and garishness in its style and manifestation.Besides, if Muslim architects, builders, engineers and even clients are new to and dont stick to the theoretical skeleton for Islamic architecture, an additional options will be looked for rather. Such plan B, definitely, will be outsider to and in this way inconsistent with the Islamic ethos and teachings. A few options will be more contradictory and others less, however sometimes will there be an elective course that will be completely agreeable with Islam and its perspective. This is so since no human movement, not to ention a living framework, that is totally without a logic or a philosophy which unmistakably outlines ones perspective of the planet and all its constituents life and its reason, passing, characteristic environment, man and his mission, time, space, history, and obviously God and His association with man and the entire of universe. So in this manner, if Muslim architects dont have the Islamic perspective or belief system, a different one will unavoidably squirm in, intentionally or unknowingly, and will hold influence over their musings and deeds.At the close, and in one of better situations, this will bring about foundered endeavours towards accommodating the received perspectives and belief systems with Islam and its own particular logic and esteem framework to which those architects will at present be subscribing. In any case, an operation of orchestrating Islam and some outside and by and large man-made perspectives and rationalities of life is a destined errand on the grounds that such a combination is unbelievable in both hypothesis and hone.That, therefore, may prompt the extent that disarray, absence of certainty, perilous bargains, laxity in religion, repugnance and even contemptuousness in Muslim architects brain which, in turn, will be expanded onto the domain of assumed environment and will in this way dangerously influence both the psyche and behavioural examples of its clients. The most exceedingly awful and generally unholy sctunately, large portions of todays Muslim experts in assembled environment experience both the illnesses. other aspect of Malaysian Architecture we must look at is little Architecture which involves building structures like Side way toilets, pedestrian malls, Alleys etcetera. These micro architecture application in towns and cities or in a land in general are usually seen as irrelevant but in another way serves as good purpose to the people, Azmin Samsul S Tazilan also said in his article that Micro-architecture, however, actually gives the first truly impression of a town, city or country to visitors to a particular personate or locale.Its impact is immediate and opinions are formed of the place and its people quite instantaneously. A lot of lane micro-architecture is public conveniences such as toilets and squares. Based on current phenomenology research studied, it gives a better justification on sustainable elements approach on street microarchitecture in Malaysia sited by ( Azmin Samsul S Tazlian, Sustainability in Malaysian micro ar chitecture, 2013) sustainability in street micro architecture should be looked at so as improve the comfort of locals and visitors alike.The current status of Malaysian Architecture has bounteous to a level that people out there including the Government have been wondering whether there is sustainability in construction projects of Malaysian Architecture, awareness has been rigid out for need in develop and implicate strategies towards its application in built environment . In Malaysia, the issues of environmental dissatisfaction on construction projects have regularly appeared in headlines. This growing attention pushes the government and professional bodies in Malaysia to be more proactive in alleviating this problem without restraining the need for development.But, has this efforts moderate fruits? Creating sustainable construction depends on the knowledge and involvement of all people involved in the industry. So, what is our level of understanding of this concept and applica tion? This paper aims to explore the actions undertaken by the Malaysian government, non-government organisations and construction players in promoting sustainability in construction and the progress so far as stated by (Nazirah Zainul Abidin, sustainable CONCEPT AWARENESS IN MALAYSIA, 2011) In the article- Sustainable Towers in Malaysia by Studio Nicolette Association Malaysia is no stranger to notorious buildings.Two of the tallest buildings in the world, the Petronas Twin Towers, are found in Kuala Lumpur, the countrys capital. So it comes as no surprise to us that a stunning new residential improvement is planned for the Putrajaya waterfront regarded as Precinct 4, just 30km south of Kuala Lumpur. The design, be that as it may, is a refreshing and unique with extraordinary, marine-inspired structures which also draw from conventional Islamic designs orchestrate in a porous, transmitting square of bioclimatic architecture.Putrajaya waterfront advancement, Malaysia, studio Nicol ette architects, sustainable towers, green Islamic towers, green Islamic architecture, marine architecture, green building, green architecture, green design, eco architecture, ecotecture, sustainable improvement, pontoon like structures, marine inspired architecture as sited by (Studio Nicolette Association, Sustainable Towers in Malaysia, 2010) . There is need for continuation of Malaysian race towards the sustainability of building skyscrapers and tower as Malaysia once held the privilege of building the worlds tallest twin towers.This is a great achievement and achiever as sustainability should continue to make a brighter and better Malaysia for their children in the future. In conclusion Sustainable Architecture in whole should be well-kept in Malaysia and the rest of the world as its advantages are important so rather ignoring it should be made a constant practice in building environment aspects of countries all over the world.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Child Study Paper Essay
The Child Study data I have poised comes from the observation I have completed at Mission cost Elementary School. Mission Bell Elementary School is a local anaesthetic school in River posture. In the P. M preschool class in that respect atomic follow 18 24 students, sensation t to each wizer, and unity assistant. The child I decided to bump is names Zoe. Zoe is 4 years and 10 months old. I immediately was cadaverous to Zoe beca enforce she had much(prenominal)(prenominal) a larger-than-life personality, was very social, and smart. I am merry that I choose to observe Zoe because she was able to make my observation run smooth and easy.While observing her I had to pay close attention to her biosocial maturement, aim skills, cognitive skills, communication skills, emotional emergence, social interaction, and her self-importance-esteem. As I sh are my observation data, I allow for give examples of Zoes skills and boilersuit development thus far in her action. Biosoci al Development Physical exposition According to biosocial development norms Zoe is average. She is just the size she is suppose to be concord the growth chart and development norms. Zoe is t al unitedly and lean. She is on the skinny side and has long arms and legs and a flat stomach.Zoe weighs 36 pounds and is 39. 75 inches tall. On the growth chart Zoe is in the 50th percentile (CDC 2000) when it comes to her weight and is in the 25th percentile (CDC 200) when it comes to her height. From these percentages on the growth chart Zoe is falling beloved in the warmness when it comes to her physical development, steering that she is growing at a normal expected rate. Zoe dis tampers an above average employment level in simile to her peers. She has such a high drill level compared to the counterfeiter(a) children because step forward of them all she is the ace that keeps busy.When indoor spell eon comes or so Zoe is sure to converge at as mevery take over displace as sh e can. Zoe averages ab out(a) 5 to 6 run piazzas. Zoe chooses to influence at a number of different areas, whereas, many of the round former(a) children just astound around to two different incline posts. At each station Zoe sp completions 41/2 to 5 minutes playing, display that Zoes proportionality of active running around periods out weight the inactive academic session and playing periods. Motor Skills Zoe does a does a bang-up crinkle at cont scroll her gross-motor skills as strong as her fine motor skills.Zoe has wide-cut balance and speed for a 4 year old. When Zoes gross-motor skills are compared to her classmates you nonice her advancement. She does not stumble over her feet or object such as the carpet, as ofttimes as her peers do. When Zoe is outside her ducky activity is to play on the jungle gym. This activity is able to show Zoes safe(p) development of gross-motor skills because of how she is able to climb up and d let the stairs of the jungle gym and with such speed. Many children by age 2 become smooth and rhythmic secure enough that soon they leave-taking the ground. (Berk, 2007, P. 224). Zoe has mastered her fine motor skills.Zoe is able to correctly hold composition objects such as markers and crayons she overly holds glue sticks in the writing position. She holds the maker or writing object in between her thumb and her middle finger and allows her index to help support her writing shaft. By having this technique down Zoe is able to control the lines that she makes on her paper as well as how dark her lines pull up stakes be. She is in addition able to manipulate how much glue is passing play to go onto her paper and where it will go.In comparison to Hayliegh (3-8), who is still holding her writing tool with her palm, Zoe shows she is more advance in her fine motor skill. While playing at iodine of her favorite indoor play stations, which is play starting line, Zoe uses her hands to manipulate the play cabbage in to various shapes and objects. The way she is able to grasp and squeeze the play staff of life shows her sensatory skills, which are in connection to her fine motor skills. These two examples show that Zoe has master over her hands and how they will work to her advantage.As Zoe continues to play her favorite activity, the jungle gym, with such balance and speed she shows that she is comfortable with her movements. This is unity of her favorite activities because it allows her to run around and aim out her energy. Zoe favorite game, and lone(prenominal) game she plays, are the information processing system games. Zoe will avoid such games as board games but will go and play on the com vagabonder when she can. The games on the computer help her to learn how to control an object such as the mouse and pointer. This helps Zoe in the development of her fine motor skills.Zoes favorite table game is play dough. The play dough station is always the first station that Zoe goes to if she is picked to go their. At this station Zoe over again uses her fine motor skills to realise all different types of objects with her play dough. cognitive Skills While closely observing Zoes cognitive skills she showed evidence of Piagets preoperational stage. Zoes cognitive development is shown by her make- accept play. Piaget believed that through pretending, young children practice and strengthen newly acquired typifyational schemes. (Berk, 2007, P 227).When Zoe plays with her play dough she pretend that she is making pizza. She begins by taking a handful of play dough and placing it on the table, she then get a small rolling pin to roll the play dough out flat. Once the play dough is rolled out completely flat she uses little Legos to represent the pepperoni that tops most pizzas. Next she takes the finished pizza and puts it on the side of the table and pretends to heat it in an oven. The takes the play dough and begins to black market her friends. When Zoe decides to not just feed herself but her friends as well she is demonstrate development of no longer being self-centered.This whole make believe shows how far Zoes Cognitive skills have developed. She is able to take something she follow up and act it out and think about the order in which she acts out each piece. Zoe has crawl inledge of classification and seriation along with her representation skills. Zoe shows that she is capable of classifying objects as well as putting them in sequence. She shows evidence of classification during sponge up time. When it is time to clean up each toy has its own space and toys that are a like go into spaces beside to each different.Zoe is able to identify objects and according to the likely ness of one to the new(prenominal) she can tell weather or not the go in the alike area. For example Zoe is able to identify that the blocks and the Legos go into the same area but that they are different. She is as well as able to recognize that the holy book are books but able to classify them according to their size. She put away all the big books on one side of the bookshelf where they pass and all of the smaller books on the oppsite side where they belong.Zoe overly knows sequence of be. She shows this when she is called up to be the calendar girl for he day. Zoe takes down all the numbers from one to 15 dour of the calendar. Then one by one puts them back up in sequence. She besides recognizes the patter of the numbers. Each number is written on an insect. As she puts up the numbers she realizes that the patters of insects are caterpillar, skirt bug, butterfly, caterpillar, lady bug, butterfly and so on. Zoe shows the ability to imitate real life through her play. When she creates pizza with play dough and Legos she is showing that she understands how to create something from what she has seen and experienced.She shows that she understands how something that is not the original object can symbolize or represent the original. Zoe also shows role play during her play. She does show by pretending to be the ball up while her friend Savanna (3-11) plays the mother. This type of role play shows that Zoe understands the various roles that people play in life. Through this role play you are able to see her motifs on life. Zoe shows her perception of how a baby is to act and how they should respond to their mother. By Zoe crawls around on the floor and duologue baby talk shows how she views babies.Lastly Zoe shows special interest in activities that assume imitation play. She likes to create things that she sees and experiences in her life. This ability to imitate reality shows her cognitive growth. Communication Zoe uses wide variations of communication. Zoe uses her dead body language, facial expressions, and verbal communication all at once when she is explaining or expressing herself. All these combined show off Zoes personality. When Zoe scathe her foot on the table Zoe used her body language to show that she was in pain. She immediately bends down to preventative her foot in try to make it feel better.Then her wincing example showed that it was not helping. As Zoe dragged her body over to the teacher she then verbalize the pain that she was in. She expressed the teacher, I hurt my foot. Zoe is very soundly at exaggerating her expressions and really showing how she feels on her face. If she is happy she has a big simile, if she is shad she is frowning, and if she is hurt she is wincing and showing pain on her face. Her facial expressions do a lot of the verbal communication she might not do or it tells her feelings before her words do. When Zoe interacts with her friends she is very animated and humorous.She is very big in her movements and throws up her arms and puts out her hands as gestures when she is speaking. When she is very evoke about what it is she is telling her peers she is very big in her gestures and when she is calm she uses one hand when gesturing. Zoe has a very reasoned vocabulary and is the talkative one of the group. She is also known for her slang vocabulary. Sometimes this slang that she uses from time to time goes a little too far and she can get into trouble. push around (3-5) did jus that told on Zoe and got her into trouble.Hector told the teacher that Zoe told him, What the heck. Zoe was then told that she should not use that word. Zoe is also very descriptive in her speech. She once told the teacher, Mrs. Contreras, I made a red strawberry. Zoe is extremely talkative and this helps aid her in acquisition and broadening her vocabulary, as well as learning how to express her self. Emotions Zoe is at the Initiative versus Guilt stage according to Eriksons personality development theory (Berk, 2007). Evidence of this is show when Zoe is eager to join her class peers in various activities.In particular when it is library time Zoe likes to thumb through her book initially by herself like she is told to do but it unbalanced when s he is able to share her book with a few surrounding friends, or listen to a surrounding friend share their book with others. When it comes to creating a new picture or trying a new activity Zoe becomes excited to participate and learn something new. This took place when she had the chance to create a caterpillar. She learned how many circles she needed to make the caterpillar and where to glue on the legs of the caterpillar.Zoe also shows evidence of autonomy because she is able to use her mental development and sense to determine and recognize that she has to use the restroom. When it comes to Zoes Temperament she is not moody. She consistently is happy and friendly unless she gets hurt or somebody copies her. She is ordinarily very approachable and social with everyone. Her response affirmatoryly when it comes to playing with someone new at each play station that she goes to. She also is reasoned at sharing. For example, when Zoe goes to play on the computer she shares the mou se with the other student and takes turns clicking on the computer.She works together with her peer to find the right closure to the question on the computer. Since Zoe is adept at sharing this makes her approachable and variation to play with. When it comes to Zoes intensity of her reactions she is directly in the middle. She is not a loud child but also not quiet. She also is good at having self control and not having tantrums. She does have very out there over the top facial expressions and gestures but not so much to make her an intense child. Zoe is also positive in her mood. If she is hurt or irritated she will tend to come down from her ordinarily happy smiley mood. Zoe is usually happy and playful.Zoe is just about always in a very positive mood and a pleasure to be around. However, Zoe does show a broad range of emotions during her observation. She showed happiness while she was interacting with her peers, and she also displayed the feeling of being hurt, when she stubb ed her toe on the table. Zoe displays knowledge of how to express herself emotionally. kindly Interaction Zoe is very social and interacts with everyone. Zoe is always interacting with new peers when she is indoors going from one play station to the other. Zoe is a little different from the other girls in that she has no problem interacting with the boys.Around lunch time Zoe joins in when Dillon (4-7) is pretending to be a first-ratehero. Zoe joins in and pretends to be a super cat. When Zoe does interact with her peers it is in a small group of maybe 3 at the most. Zoe never tends to be around large groups. Mostly you will see Zoe one on one with another peer. Zoe tends to go towards the sensatory play then the make believe play. When Zoe has a choice of an indoor play station she always goes for the play dough first. After that Zoe will do arts and crafts that involve gluing or draw a picture. By the end Zoe always ends up at the Sand table.These three types of play that Zoe co nsistently participates in are all dealing with her sensatory skills or fine motor skills. These are Zoes favorite types of play because she enjoys playing with things that involve her hands, since she is good at them. Zoe has a secure attachment to her mother, teachers, and peers. When Zoes mother came to rebuke the class she did not attach herself to her mother while she was present. Zoe recognized she was there and called on her if she needed help but she did not play at the table that her mom was at just because she wanted to be next to her.Zoe continued to do her own thing. Zoe is also not attached to any particular peer in the classroom. She demonstrates this by sitting at a new lunch table with someone new with each observation. She also plays with someone new at each play station. Some of the other children especially girls are attached to one another each observation. They will always sit together at lunch and play together in both indoor and outdoor play time, but not Zoe . Self Esteem Zoe displays confidence and high self-esteem. She indicates that she has a very positive outlook of herself through her expressions.When Zoe does something correct she wants everyone to know. For example when Zoe did a good job of cleaning up her mess and helping her peers pick up woody blocks she went to the teacher Mrs. Contreras to show her what she had done. Zoe will not shy away form getting others to acknowledge her feelings weather positive or negative. This shows that Zoe is confident and knows when she is doing good and not doing well. Zoe is confident enough to speek up when she wants to. Zoe is her own motivation. She is a self starter and needfully little prudence.When it is reading time Zoe will get her book and begin reading. While most of her other peers need a reminder to sit quietly and look at their book, Zoe doesnt. Zoe will also do things when she is asked and will not need a motivation to do it, like and incentive or a reason. Zoe might need som e help with staying focused for more than five minutes on one task, but when it comes to starting a task Zoe will not boast time getting to it and starting it. Zoe usually needs little direction and makes up her mind fairly quick when it comes to deciding where she wants to play and what she wants to do.She needs little self direction and Zoe tends to play at areas where she will mother as less direction as possible. Zoe is autarkic and is able to cut through her own. She has no problem with playing alone and being by herself. She enjoys the high society from her peers but she is able to entertain herself. She doesnt need to have other peers around her in order for her to have fun. She also is more of a leader and to be a leader you have to have an independent sprit. Zoe has other peers who follow her around and does what she wants to do. Since Zoe is not a follower she is showing she is not dependent on other but is independent.Conclusion Zoe displays a number of strengths as well as areas that she can remediate. Zoe is strong in her fine motor skills. The way she is able to control her writing tool and where her lines will go on her paper and how dark they will be. She is also able to stay inside of the lines. These examples show that Zoe has done a good job of developing her fine motor skills. Zoe is also very good with her communication skills. She knows how to express herself correctly and clearly. She is able to not only use her body language and facial features to let show one know what she is feeling but she is able to verbalize it.Zoe can afford to improve on her attention span. Zoe tends to be easily distracted by the idea of moving on to something else. She needs to learn how to focus on one thing instead of trying them all. She needs to learn how to relax and be persistent in what she is working on. Overall I have enjoyed the opportunity of observing Zoe. She has taught me various things about the development of a preschooler. I invent on re membering this observation and using it as I go on to my future career working with children.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Ib Theatre Ri Noh Costume Essay
Noh is cognise as the classical lyrics playing period of Japan. Noh is a combination of serveral saltation and drama forms that came before it. (Noh and Kyogen) It embraces the peoples dear for the sacred and cultral traditions that involve the mixing of Japanese Dengaku and Sarugaku (which is a mix between a hyphen of dance and mime). (Noh and Kyogen) Noh is fundamentally a symbolic theatre that focuses on the representation and perceptiveness of ritual traditions and the appreciation of culture.A tradtitional ro homosexualtic play in Noh theatre is Hanjo (Lady Han). The story of Hanjo is about a yujo named Hanago that works in an inn. A man named Yoshida no Shosho came into the inn for the night on his journey east. Hanago and Yoshida no Shosho send packing in love and exchanged fans before he leaves for his journey. After Shosho is gone(p) Hanago becomes nicknamed Hanjo becuase of her deranged and obsessive love for Shosho with the only memories of him creation his fan. In this love story, the fans atomic number 18 a representation of the giving of their hearts to one an separate(prenominal) (connecting to the plot of which this story was derived from) in which the only memory that the women has of her lost devotee is the fan. Throughout the play Hanjo constantly has Shoshos fan in her posession and the more than she waves the fan in the play, the more deranged she becomes thoughout the play. (Keene) One of the main aspects of Noh firm is the use of masks and to a Noh actor, the mask gives the actor behind the mask the responsibilty to be the living embodiment of the qualities he is called upon to represent. Toki)The masks in No sign that are commonly applyare the masks that were stimulated between the fourteenth coulomb and the seventeenth century and are prefe violent to be utilize in a performance preferably than modern mask for the modern mask lacking in origionality compa expiration to the classic. (Toki) In Noh theater, generally the Shite (main actor/ protagonist) actor is the only actor wrapped in the play, but in certain instances the Shitez-zure (assistant of the Shite) will also breach a mask but only when representing a womanly geek. Toki) so far though the Shite is the only actor to be wearing a mask, the Shite will not wear a mask when representing a character in a earthly or a practical(prenominal) piece of work and theatrical make-up is rerely and often not utilize during Noh performances. (Toki) The near common masks that are used are masks that represent fe anthropoid characters.The female person mask are used to represent women of all ages and epitomise at times the beauty of the women or the ghost/ spirits of out of work women. Toki) Different masks are used to represent the three main pillow slip of women, which are catagorized by age. (Toki) Young women are be by ko-omote, magojiro, and waka-onna the middle-aged women are represented by Shakumi, Fukai, and Zoh and finally the Old wom en are represented by uba and rojo. (Toki) Yet on occasion the Hannya mask is used in order to represent the vengeful women and conveys negative expressions and attitude. (Toki)When it comes to the tog up design for Noh performances on that point are four different catagorities that the costumes can be organized into costumes that are worn as chthonicgarments, those worn oer the under garments, costumes resembling skirts, and costumes that divide the actors amphetamine section and the lower section of the body. (Toki) A Shite costume with cardinal layers and outer garment of brocade creates an imposing figure on coiffe that can be even more imposing when a red or white wig is added. (Toki) A very typical raiment style worn by women is the Karaori, which is woven with threads of gold, silver and other colors. Toki) Like about costumes in Noh theater, the use of color is major in determining the characters in the play. (Toki) employ red in the color stratagem of any of the cost ume is best fit for a young character. (Toki) The most common costume for woman characters is the kinagashi (worn flowing), as well as the most common way of wearing kimono. (Toki) The outer robe over the under robe hanging from the shoulds to the ground and fix at the waist. (Toki) Another costume in Noh theater is the nuihaku (embroidery, foil) that can be used for both male and female characters. Komparu) A short-sleeved robed with a gold-foil or a silver- foil woven into the costume and embroidery, taking on the style of the satin-weave base. (Komparu)This costume is worn in the style of the koshimaki and entangles the aslpects of being draped complicate from the waist, also resembling the nugi-sage. (Komparu) The nugi-sage (removed and draped) is a costume that will often symbolize a women that is softheaded. The right sleeve of the outer robe is removed and draped vanquish the back, representing the decaying mind state of the women that is becoming mentally unfit. Komparu ) Karaori (Chinese Weave), even though being influenced by the woven style of Chinese clothing is a nice representation of Japanese Noh costumes. (Komparu) The robes can be manipulated in order to banish the different characters. It could either include the traditional color red in order to represent the young women characters or can be used without red in order to symbolise the middle-aged and older characters.In order to create the representation of a womens skin, resort to the surihaku (foil applique). Komparu) Using the same style of the short-sleeved nuihaku with the gold-foil or silver-foil being woven into the costume with red indicates that the character is a woman. (Komparu) Another critical representation of women characters are the styles of katsura (wigs) support by the katsura obeah (wig bands). (Komparu) The narrow bands are long strands that are tied around the outside of the wig and are left hanging shoot down(p) the actors back. (Komparu) The bands still include the aspects of the gold-foil or silver-foil with the choice of red or not.The koshi obi (hip bands) can be used for both male and female characters. (Komparu) This resembles the mizu-goromo or is used with nuihaku in the style of koshimaki (draped from the waist). (Komparu) This costume is wrapped around the hips over a three quarter length. The tradtional styles of wigs that are used to indicate women character are the katsura, which is generally tied back or can be lengenthed to be the naga-katsura- (long wig) by attaching the long hair to a small substantive cloth and tied onto the actors head then rearranged for the performances.Other styles include the kasshiki-katsura (the religious wig), the midare-bin (untidy or disordered wig), and the uba-katsura (old womans wig). (Komparu) For the costume design for Hanjo there are certain aspects from each of the traditional costumes that could come together to create a beautiful costume along with conveying ,the character, Hanjo goin g raw without her lover, Shosho.The most fitting costume style would be the mugi-sage (removed and draped), which is generally know for symbolizing the concept of a mad woman with the disordanized and rugged nerve of the right sleeve of the outer robe slipped of and left to hang down the back of the character. The colors of the robe would include the same aspects of the nuihaku and the surihaku with the silver-foil woven into the stuff and the traditional red to indicate that the character is a young woman.The headress of Hanjo would include the idare-bin (disheveled tresses) style of wig in order to help convey the wearisome affect of Hanjo becoming mad without her lover and the traditional katsura obi (wig band) with a red trim will support the headress itself and the concept of a female character. For props, Hanjo will hold bamboo grass in her hand which symbolizes a mad women. Along with the bamboo grass, Hanjo will hold a fan that will be a representation of Shoshos fan that she recieved and will be used to be waved more rapidly to symbolize Hanjos madness.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
A Rose for Emily essay Essay
Sometimes in life, the suppression of ones ambitions have with the fear of loneliness can lead to a puzzleing of the familiar. This is evident in William Faulkners short story A Rose for Emily in which an emotionally unst able-bodied Emily Grierson poisons her devotee, Homer Barron, to prevent him from deserting her. Because of the Griersons high social status, the townsfolkspeople check up with Emilys every move although she had become a solitudinarian in the years following her oppressive fathers death.With an boilersuit forthright tone, Faulkner creates a surprise ending by using an irregular plot structure and conveys the dangerous extremes one may resort to in rig for love. At first glance, the ending of A Rose for Emily may come as a shock due to the unchronological plot, but in hindsight there be many clues that Faulkner uses to suggest an unfortunate firmness of purpose.The surprise, of course, is the revelation of Emilys necrophilic tendency to embrace the corp se of Homer. The first ominous hint toward Emilys crime is when a smell developed two years afterward her fathers death and a short time after her sweetheartdeserted her. This evokes a feeling of curiosity as to what could be causing such a stench in Emilys category that would attract the neighbors attention.Later, when her father died, the doctors had to try to persuade her to let them dispose of the body. Even though her selfish father drove away all of her suitors rightful(prenominal) so he could keep Emily as a maid, with nonhing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her. Because her father was all she had known, Emily refused to let him go even though he robbed her of any opportunity at love. Her clinging to Mr. Grierson after his death strongly foreshadows her future clinging to Homer after she murders him. The next clue involves Emilys purchasing of ratsbane trioxide from a druggist. When he informs her that thelaw requires a reason for the purchase, Miss Emily that stared at him, her head tilted back in order to advert him eye for eyedaring him to try forcing the reason from her. This suspicious legal action evokes a feeling of suspense as Miss Emilys intentions are still unclear but obviously harmful. Had she planned to use the arsenic only for rats, why would she withhold her reason from the druggist?One last hint is given after Emilys visiting relatives leave the town and within three days Homer Barron was back in town. He is admitted into Emilys house and the narrator remarks that was the last we saw of Homer Barron. one time more, apprehensiveness is apparent as the narrators statement is ordinarily uttered only when a person is presumed to have died. These hints would certainly wear out the surprise prematurely had they been told in a conventional, chronological plot.If Faulkner presented them in orderfirst Emilys clinging to Mr. Grierson after his death, her purchasing of arsenic, Homers fade into Emilys home, and then the acrid smell emanating from her homethe conclusion would be far more predictable. Through the use of an unchronological, unorthodox plot structure, Faulkner is able to astound the reader with an appalling resolution.Although many ominous hints add to the suspense, the resolution remains unknown. Had the events unfolded in consecutive time, the surprise factor of the conclusion would not have been as effective. Emilys embracing of the corpse of her dead lover shows her mental instability as she resists letting go of what is familiar to her, just as she did with her father. A morbid story with an unconventional plot structure, A Rose for Emily provides insight into how a fear of loneliness can drastically affect ones actions and mental state.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Negative Effect of Media to Women Essay
Negative Effect of Media to Woman In the article, The Burka and The Bikini by Joan Jacobs and Jacquelyn Jackson, they mention non only media derriere insult some cultures by showing al almost nude egg-producing(prenominal)s in their advertisement and it could likewise put a huge impact on most of our womens health in the society we live in. They using up two totally different views of two different world of women as their main example. They assert that some women c everyplaceed up for the sake and a respect for the culture of their country and on the other hand, looking good, acquire thin, and showing more(prenominal) skin be others women patriotic means for theirs.They as well say women take this issue so serious that they risk their lives to get through of what they believe is the medias perception of a ameliorate(a) body. Some contradict outcome includes disorders and a lot of stress to our women in the society. They conclude that it does not matter if a media promo tes a person naked or soundly dressed save what media implys to recover is how this testament badly modify women because their well- being is what counts for our future generation.It is very convincing what Brumber and Jacksons pick out on how negative effect of media in our society especially to womens health is becoming an epidemic. Media is trying to achieve this century only for those women with perfect bodies and it is champion of the queen-size factors why our wives, daughters, sisters and a lot more women in our society are at health risks. From reality TV shows, newspapers, ad advertisements, billboards, and TV commercials, mostly thin and big teated women are the head and most popular.It could be that the head of the media is a man? Not necessary, because not all men pitch the same perception of what a perfect woman is. As a matter of fact, I talk to my booster unit Ryan Pitts, who is my work out partner and works for Amtrak and ask him, what is your perfect interpretation of attractive woman? He answers umm ok, a woman should look dominion and natural. Oh definitely, they need some makeup, their hair applye, flattering clothes and shoes, but dont overdo it. Too skinny is gross with your bones dawdler out everywhere its nasty.And for those of you who think you need nipple implants think over again They look so fake, and you cant hide that unless you cover up completely. Because of media, most American women are suffering with a disorder called Anorexia Nervosa, the barrier and refusal of food to maintain a minimal normal body weight. hotshot of the popular methods is vomiting using ipecac syrup, a medicinal plant from Brazil, and will trigger the central nervous system that will cause vomiting. bingle of the early tragic victim of Anorexia is for instance Karen Carpenter, a popular vocaliser of the 70s. fit to the article Battling Anorexia The Story of Karen Carpenter by Adena Young, constantly since Karen Carpenter died in 1 983, doctors, scientists, and therapists, among many others, have been investigating the cause of this grim eating disorder. One common cause, as everyone agrees, is American culture and the media. For the preceding(a) few decades, there has been an American philosophy of trim and slim. This is a land where it is sexy to be skinny and where fitness centers and more recently, dieting supplements, are being advertised more than anything else So Anorexia has been around for decades now and it was clearly states on Youngs article that media is one of the reason. He alike mentions, Anorexia is especially common among young white girls and those who need to have more control over their lives. Among anorexics, you will find female hyper-achievers, fashion models, dancers, gymnasts, and ballet troupes.ANDRED (Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders, Inc. ) research suggests that about one percent of female adolescents have anorexia. That means that about one out of every one hu ndred young women between ten and twenty are sharp-set themselves, some clock times to death. There do not seem to be good figures for younger children and older adults, but such cases, while they do occur, are not common. Furthermore, media advertisement about different kind of diet oral contraceptive pills is some other factor of how badly they affect womens passs.They will put a young skinny model, who memorizes a script and really does not have anything to do with the product that she is trying to advertise to those women that are desperate to leave out their fat. She is a model and gets pay to that job so what to expect. As a matter of fact, according to Jason Parker in his article, The Bad Side Effects of viands Pills He states, If youre thinking about resorting to diet pills for your weight problems, sell this.Dizziness, nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, blurred vision, fatigue, insomnia, disembodied spirit failure, punishing headaches, hair loss, urinary tract p roblems, tremors, hallucinations, heart attack, shortness of breath, dizziness, vomiting, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, stroke, convulsions, hyperactivity, addiction to pills, and heart palpitations These are some of the typeface effects of diet pills according to medical specialists (Parker). A diet pill is no different than the taking of steroids that might work for some time but in a long run the bad view effects will kick in and take effect.It is a reach of pill that can poison womens body but also their mind. Media is affecting our society in some ways that women will exceedingly do anything like plastic surgery to achieve what media calls the perfect body. According to the Cosmeticplasticsurgerystatistic. com, nearly 11. 7 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures were performed in the United States in 2007. What is that statistics tells us? Women will spend ridiculous get along of money to fit an artificial image performd by an every expanding media. pragmatism TV shows like Extreme Makeover and Dr. 0210 are some of the most authoritative in media. Plastic surgery procedure like nose and lips reshaping, liposuction and breast augmentation are the most common procedures. It is faster way of loosing something that you do not want in your body so why not. It is a severe problem because we are giving young women a bad idea, and they think it is normal to do so. Media keep showing this nicely make breast implants and a well done liposuction but where are those bulk that failed and nevertheless worst like died or people that they messed up on during and subsequently the procedure.Going through such experience will really make people think hard and make smarter decision because once it is done it is scar that will not go away forever. Brumberg and Jackson asserts on how badly media influence our women in our society and brainwashes womens mind on how they should have to look. The outcome of negative advertisement to womans mind co uld include, disorder, stress, lowered self-esteem and worst case scenario- death. According to Brumberg and Jackson conclusion, no matter where a womans from it does not matter if they are showing extra skin or not, what really counts is the womans health of our next generation.I have learned how powerful media is and that because of them most of our women will actually take the risks of endangering their lives. In the article, In your face whole Over the Place by Jean Kilbourne, he clearly states, advertising constantly promotes the core vox populi of American culture that we can create ourselves, transform ourselves, transcended our circumstances-but with a twist For generations Americans believed if we work hard enough, like Horatio once the promise is what we can change our lives instantly, effortlessly-by winning a lottery, selecting the right mutual fund, having a fashion makeover, losing weight, having tighter abs, subverting the right car or softdrink. It is this belief that such transformation is possibles that drives us to keep dieting, to buy more stuff, to read fashion magazines that give us the same information over and over again(373). It is actually the point of this argument, it sounds too good to be true. If you do not read the fine print, media is a conspiracy and a big corrupted propaganda.It is like a contagious disease on peoples mind especially for women in a bad way. It has to grasp somewhere. Media is everywhere, people do not have a choice but to look and listen to all the lies. In a sense, they will buy it, and they had to because it is a gradual adaptation to our society. People just need to recall dont let media fool you on what beauty tired should be. If people want to be thin or healthy, they just need to change their bad habit to good lifestyle and have a positive healthy attitude. Doing it right is worth a lot in a long run.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Measuring Organizational Effectiveness: Collaborative Consulting
GROWTH quislingism Consulting has a pr take onise itself ambitious growth plans across only its industry verticals. It plans to increase the bit of industry verticals where it can offer its function. Currently it is seen primarily as cater to telecom and insurance domains with technology consulting as the core competency. It is trying to motion of this image primarily cultivated due to its high profile science of a telecom startup consistency five twelvemonths ago. The encyclopaedism did not yield desired results due to skewed client perceptual knowledge and cultural integration issues with the acquired company having primary presence in Europe. Collaboration has taken a financial hit in the recent noncurrent and sold its stake in the telecom startup to a range of financial investors. Collaboration plans to move in the lead while taking occupation of its current position.SUSTAINTo sustain growth, Collaboration Consulting has started hiring new give awayners. Partners h ead heterogeneous verticals at Collaboration and bring in the desired domain experience along with their networking skills. The aim of the business is to nurture talent within the ecesis and pose 80% of its partners promoted from within the organization. A number of the new recuperate partners are strengthening the existing verticals while some continue to act as entrepreneurs and start offering skills in verticals previously not serviced by Collaboration. The new partners bring about a mix of industry and academe experience. This mix helps in building a knowledge base of tweed papers and helping clients purse patent registration. harvest-feastThe consultancy is reaping reward in verticals where it has worked closely with clients. Collaboration has a business copy where it gets invites from clients to work on short duration projects. However, the integrity and intensity it brings forward helps it gain client trust. The clients have been entrusting it with longtime engagements which typically run everyplace a couple of years. These initiatives on Collaborations part started a few years ago and the consultancy has now started reaping rewards.2. CREATES VALUECollaboration Consulting aims at creating value forIts clientsStakeholdersCommunityIncreased investment in intellectual ceiling will help clients gain from the collective and diverse experience of the hired consulting team. The stock value has seen significant erosion from the dot-com bust of year 2000. However, Collaboration has communicated to Wall Street its intention of putting the company on a fast track mode thereby increasing the taxation per share. Consistent high payout dividends are helping reward stakeholders. The consultancy supports welfare initiatives in the city where it is headquartered. It likewise on an ongoing basis supports initiatives in moorage locations across other countries.3. Balance Score CardCollaboration Consulting follows the proportion score wittiness approach whi le evaluating the performance of its employees. The score lineup of all the employees roll up to formulate the balance score card of the Chief Executive Officer. The main aspects of the score card are financialCustomerProcessLearning and growthThe scored card has been divided into non-homogeneous ratios for segregating the work responsibility of employees. Financial thought has a incubus of 25%, customer perspective has a weight of 40%, surgery a weight of 25% and learning a 10% weight.The financial weight is important as it keeps the employees focused on creating wealth for shareholders. Not all employees directly contribute to business generation and financial gains for the organization. However, the efforts of all employees roll-up to pass broader organization goals.Customer perspective is important for the consulting business as the consultants are required to understand client brief, generate hypothesis and provide a time plan for assisting the customer. It becomes impera tive that the customer perspective is an integral part of the score card to achieve the above goals.Process perspective refers to the inborn business processes. Managers can track metrics relating to business perspective and services to gauge whether the business has been able to assist customer achieve their objectives. The process perspective also helps the consultancy to lay down a pitch of big-shouldered process that helps in client engagement, project deliverables. The processes can be by and large categorized into mission related objectives and support related objectives.Learning perspective helps in keeping pace with the expectations of customers and motivating employees. With new challenges being confront by customers, the skill sets required by the consultancy to offer effective solutions also keeps varying. At times none or only a set of people within the consultancy possess these skill sets.Hence it becomes imperative to withdraw the employees and generate bench stre ngth for effective customer support. Employees also have certain aspirations in acquiring skill sets when the enter the organization or as they grow in their role. To meet their aspirations training becomes necessary. On some(prenominal) occasions the consultancy has found that candidates that can take larger responsibilities but remove guidance and training on certain aspects to be able to do justice to the enhanced role.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Learning Theories Essay
This chapter takes a drawing look at the two major honkegories of education theories (behaviorism and arrive ativism), the major theorists inwardly those categories, and the implications of those theories for the apply of multimedia system and confabulations and information technology for shootness purposes. A separate section indoors the chapter digests a brief overview of scholarship establish upon neuro lore and recent discoveries about the functioning of the outlook. A series of links ar provided to advertise resources on encyclopaedism surmise, neuroscience, and the pass. pic Our Technological Revolution and the Implications for the Way We gain We know alone experienced a accomplishment moment when we were so stresssed or engulfed in the article of faith, that everything else did non matter. Candidly, the raison detre or need for our focalise may authorise up been that we had a boss or instructor breathing d hold our neck or an impending exam w as to define our level of association or intuition or a peculiar(a) moment necessitated that a skill be look intoed very quickly. no matter of the motivating f perfor sm every-armceors for this moment of emphasissed encyclopedism, the experience is what psychologists Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi and Ellen Langer label in their single theories, as moments of optimum flow or mindfulness. According to psychologist Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi, optimum flow occurs when Alientation gives flair to involvement, enjoyment re situations boredom, helplessness turns into a feeling of control, and psychic energy dallys to reinforce the sense of self, instead of creation befuddled in the service of outer goals. (Czikszentmihalyi, 1990, p. 9) Replicating much(prenominal)(prenominal) moments of optimum flow is the none of educators regardless of the domain, whether it be school, the workplace in subscriber line training, or the military, and so forth Moreover, certain instruction theorist s argon advocating the immenseer function of technology, namely computers, in schooling situations beca engross they see enormous likely of computer technology to twin these optimum moments of flow. attainment is a personal act. We every last(predicate)(prenominal) place our own personal stamp on how we learn, what we learn and when we learn. We in effect invite our own education style.Howard Gardners system of multiple sciences which ac acquaintances encyclopedism as an holistic experience is, at present, one of the most strong know descriptors of mankind cognitive profiles. The act of acquire is paradoxical in nature. It atomic modus operandi 50 at times appear to be a very simple-minded act. So simple, that we do not question its presence in how we go about our daily activities, for it is natural to our existence as learning organisms. Yet, when we acquire difficulties in learning approximatelything, we no longer take the learning sour for granted. It is sim ply then that our metacognition or aw beness of how we learn is h octonaryened.Learning is taken for granted as a natural fulfil. As simple a butt against it may seem, the root of perceptiveness how we learn is not as straight forrader. The existence of numerous definitions and theories of learning attest to the complexity of this knead. A random sampling of any educational psychological science text exit illustrate the variance in views to what exactly is learning and how we do learn. In Educational Psychology An Introduction, for entrust, the authors write, Learning implies a change in the idiosyncratic as a result of some intervention. It may be viewed as an outcome or as a process. (Belkin and Gray, 1977, p. 211) While this definition reflects a behaviorist view of learning, for it equates learning as an outcome, it is a starting testify for the authors to expand their interpretation of learning into legion(predicate) different realms, namely the contrary theorie s of learning. They in effect, devote a whole chapter of their text just to cover the many ports of defining learning. While it may seem more than or less premature to evaluate the aforementioned definition of learning and to equate it with a specific speculation, it is important to blob that intervention in the learning process croupe think of many different things.The degree of intervention, by who or what and how, ar the defining factors of a learning conjecture. These factors help distinguish the many different theories. As you exit see these theories be not stagnant. They are evolving and changing as we discover new ways of viewing kind-hearted cognition. The mechanistic model of the mind of the behavior geological era has given way to the logical-computational model favored by artificial intelligence and cognitive science theorists (McLellan, 1996, p. 6). Don Tapscott, in his book Growing Up Digital The ascent of the Net Generation, argues that we are now in a d igital era of learning.According to Tapscott, a transformation in learning is winning place from what he labels broadcast learning to inter alert learning. No longer are todays generation of scholars satisfied in organism the passive voice recipients of the traditionalistic teaching process, rather, they want to discover it for themselves by be overture interactive with the learning. The net generation children using GlobaLearn a sack site, are beginning to process information and learn differently than the boomers before them.New media turncocks offer great(p) promise for a new model of learning one base on uncovering and donationicipation. (Tapscott, 1998, p. 127) Tapscotts thesis that the technological revolution is diffuse every aspect of our red-hots forces us to examine the use of computer technology as learning devices. much(prenominal) rapid social, economic and general life-style change, delinquent in essence to the technological revolution, begs the questio n based on learning speculation, why does the use of computers as a learning similarlyl make sense?This chapter will answer this question by profile the many learning theories. pic The Spectrum of Learning Theories As a review of the literary productions of learning theories will illustrate at that place are many labels organism utilise to describe the many theories. Moreover, there are many theorists associated with each go on. A categorization of these labels and theorists will help in understanding these total theories. The spectrum of learning theories consists of many approaches or ways of condoneing how gay race learn.A description of each of these theories will suffice in providing you with enough knowledge to critically examine the use of computer technology as a learning device. The resume of each theory will consist of the associated names of the theory a description of the theory theorists associated with the theory hyperlinks on the World encompassing We b draw 1 The two extremes behaviouristic psychological science Constructivism The extremes of this learning theory spectrum are represented by respectively, the Behaviorist and Constructivist theories of learning.As theories stressful to explain the same thing, they are bipolar based on their respective views of how knowledge is acquired and the intervention of alikels of learning (teachers or instructors). As a context to bring out understand all of the theories of learning presented in this chapter, examine these two extremes first and then place the remaining theories onto the spectrum. pic behavioristic psychology The Associated Names of this Theory behaviourism labelled as a teaching approach is o ften referred to as operateed instruction.As you compare this theory with the Constructivist view of learning, this label will manufacture self-evident. Also in contrast to Constructivism, it has been labelled an objectivist theory of learning. Theorists associated with behaviorism J. B Watson E. L Thorndike B. F muleteer A rendering of Behaviorism The concern or emphasis of Behaviorism is observable indicators that learning is taking place. Contrasting this view of learning is the emphasis of cognitive psychologists who equate learning with the mental processes of the mind.Behaviorists do not deny the existence of these mental processes. In fact, they acknowledge their existence as an unobservable indication of learning. The focus of Behaviorism is on the learn of observable human behavior. J. B Watson, the father of Behaviorism, be learning as a sequence of stimulus and response actions in observable cause and effect relationships. The behaviorists example of classical cond itioning demonstrates the process whereby a human learns to respond to a neutral stimulus in such a manner that would normally be associated with an unconditioned stimulus.The arrest example often cited with classical conditioning is the case of Pavlovs dog. The focus of Pavlovs experiment was the digestive process in animals. In conducting the experiment, Pavlov notice that the dog would salivate (response), upon hearing the ringing of a bell. This occurred because the dog had in condition(p) to associate its unconditional stimuli (normally cater), with the neutral stimuli of the bell ringing simultaneously with the feeding process. Watson, believed that the stimuli that humans receive may be generated internally (for example hunger), or externally (for example, a loud noise).B. F. Skinner expanded on the alkali of Behaviorism, established by Watson, and on the work of Edward Thorndike, by focussing on operative conditioning. According to Skinner, voluntary or automatic behav ior is any strengthened or weakened by the immediate presence of a retort or a punishment. The learning tenet behind operant conditioning is that new learning occurs as a result of despotic reinforcement, and old patterns are abandoned as a result of prejudicial reinforcement. (Belkin and Gray, 1977, p. 9) In his book entitled, The Technology of Teaching, Skinner wrote The application of operant conditioning to education is simple and direct. Teaching is the arrangement of contingencies of reinforcement under which students learn. They learn without teaching in their natural environments, but teachers arrange special contingencies which aid learning, hastening the appearance of behavior which would new(prenominal)wise be acquired slowly or reservation sure of the appearance of behavior which another(prenominal)wise never occur. (Skinner, 1968, p. 4) Skinner believed that more complex learning could be achieved by this process of contingencies and reinforcement finished a nd through successive stages in the shaping process, the contingencies of reinforcement being changed progressively in the direction of the unavoidable behavior. (Skinner, 1968, p. 10) Applying the theoretical principles of Behaviorism to learning environments, it is easy to recognize that we wear many behaviorist artifacts in our learning world. A dissection of the traditional teaching approaches utilise for years would reveal the tycoonful influence that Behaviorists have a bun in the oven had on learning.The concept of directed instruction, whereby a teacher is providing the knowledge to the students every directly or through the set up of contingencies, is an splendiferous example of the Behaviorist model of learning. The use of exams to measure observable behavior of learning, the use of rewards and punishments in our school systems, and the breaking subject of the instruction process into conditions of learning (as split uped by Robert Gagne), are all nevertheless ex amples of the Behaviorist influence. With the orgasm of the computer in school, C. A.I. , or computer-assisted instruction has become a bragging(a) in additionl for teaching, because from a Behaviorist perspective, it is an effective way of learning. CAI uses the drill and practice approach to learning new concepts or skills. The question acting as the stimulus, elicits a response from the drug user. Based on the response a reward may be provided. The contingencies of learning are translated into different levels of the program. Rewarding the user to a different level for place responses follows exactly the approach of operant conditioning.Educators have espoused CAI as an effective teaching approach because it allows for self-paced instruction and it liberates them from the direct instruction of all their students so as to focus on those students with feature needs. Hyperlinks to Behaviorist Web Pages http//www. coe. uh. edu/srmehall/theory/theory. hypertext mark-up language http//tecfa. unige. ch/edu-comp/edu-s94/contrib/schneider/learn. fm. htmlREF13085 http//www. sil. org/lingualinks/library/literacy/fre371/vao443/TKS2569/tks347/tks734/ http//mse. byu. edu/ipt301/jordan/learn bourne_b. html pic Constructivism The Associated Names of this TheoryConstructivsm is recognized as a unique learning theory in itself. It however, may be associated with cognitive psychology because as a theory of learning it focuses on a students ability to mentally construct meaning of their own environment and to stool their own learning. As a teaching practice it is associated with different degrees of non-directed learning. The term constructivsm is linked to cognitive and Social Constructivsm. Theorists associated with Constuctivism John Dewey Lev Vygotsky Jean Piaget Jerome Bruner Seymour Papert Mitchell Resnick A Description of ConstructivismThe merits of Behaviorist learning theory and of their teaching practices are well documented. They have helpd well in teachin g a growing North American population over the past six decades. Behavioral learning theory manifested itself in creating a systematic approach to teaching. Robert Gagne and Leslie Briggs, in their book, Principles of Instructional Design, combine Behaviorist principles of learning with a cognitive theory of learning named Information-Processing. The focus of the latter theory in this combination was of the internal touch that occurred during a learning moment.The design of instruction must be undertaken with suitable watchfulness to the conditions under which learning occurs. With reference to the learner, learning conditions are both external and internal. These conditions are in turn dependent upon what is being learned. How can these canonical ideas be used to design instruction ? How can they be utilize to the design of single lessons, of courses, and of entire systems of instructions ? (Gagne and Briggs, 1974, p. 14) Gagne and Briggs principles of instructional design st one-broke grim the teaching process into a systematic process of niner steps.It is in effect, this type of systematic approach to teaching that acted as the atom smasher for the creation of another view of the way humans learn. Behaviorist learning theory had served its purpose and its approach and goals were becoming outdated according to Constructivists like Seymour Papert. Constructivist learning theory sought to cleanse on what Behaviorist learning theory had already established by focussing on the need and ability for humans to construct learning for themselves. It viewed Behaviorism as being too teacher centered and directed.Constructivists regarded the educational system as a process of matching skill objectives with test items. It was void of meaning(prenominal) learning. They overly saw the teaching process focus too much on undivided work rather than on group work. The final reassessment of Behaviorist learning theory from the Constructivist perspective helped de fine the core of Constructivism. To imply that knowledge is separate to the human mind and that it must be transferred to the learner in a teacher centered approach fundamentally was tabulator to the Constructivist theory of learning.Constructivists believe that all humans have the ability to construct knowledge in their own minds through a process of discovery and problem-solving. The extent to which this process can take place naturally, without structure and teaching is the defining factor amongst those who advocate this learning theory. Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, observed human phylogenesis as progressive stages of cognitive maturation. His four stages, which commence at infancy and progress into adulthood, characterize the cognitive abilities necessary at each stage to construct meaning of ones environment.Seymour Papert, psychologist and contemporary reassessment of Behaviorist teaching methods, writes in his book, The Childrens Machine Thus, constructionism, my personal reconstructive memory of constructivism has as its main feature the fact that it looks more closely than other educational -isms at the idea of mental construction. It attaches special importance to the power of constructions in the world as a support for those in the head, thereby becoming less of a purely mentalist doctrine. (Papert, 1993, p. 42) As the inventor of LOGO, the schedule tool for children, Papert too believed that children as learners have a natural remainder to construct meaning of their world. The educational system as Papert saw it was too structured and it stifled this natural curiosity. The means by which children were being taught relegated them to a position of passive recipients of the teaching hence, they were not motivated to construct any learning for themselves. Learning according to Constructivists is a question of motivating an undivided to attach new meaning to past cognitive experiences.According to Papert It constuctivsm does not call in question the value of instruction as such. That would be silly Even the statement (endorsed if not originated by Piaget) that every act of teaching deprives the child of an opportunity for discovery is not a matt imperative against teaching, but a paradoxically expressed reminder to book it in check. The constructionist attitude to teaching is not at all uninterested because it is minimalist the goal is to teach in such a way as to produce the most learning for the least teaching.Of course, this cannot be achieved only when by reducing the quantity of teaching magical spell leaving everything unchanged. The principle other necessary change parallels an African proverb If a man is hungry you can give him a fish, but it is better to give him a line and teach him to catch fish himself. (Papert, 1993, p. 139) Paperts want to have children become motivated learners, critical thinkers, problem-solvers and metacognitionists is to be achieved through educational reform that provides the learner with the necessary tools to participate and to take ownership of the learning process.According to Papert, the computer is the appropriate tool to achieve such desired educational reform. These desired objectives of Papert and others who share the Constructivist view of learning are coming closer to reality as more people discover the power of computer technology. From Donald Tapscotts perspective, Paperts desired reality is happening now, as a paradigm shift to more interactive learning due to the exploitation of the digital media is taking place in our learning institutions.Tapscott cites eight shifts in learning today From elongated to hypermedia. From instruction to construction and discovery. From teacher-centered to learner-centered education. From bewitching material to learning how to navigate and how to learn. From school to lifelong learning. From one-size-fits-all to customized learning. From learning as torture as learning as fun. From the teacher a s transmitter to the teacher as facilitator. Hyperlinks to Constructivist Web Pages http//www. tcimet. net/mmclass/summer/CHPTales. tm http//www. coe. uh. edu/srmehall/theory/construct. html http//www. gwu. edu/tip/bruner. html http//www. mamamedia. com/areas/grownups/people/seymour. html http//www. mamamedia. com/areas/grownups/ mansion_alt. html http//lynx. dac. neu. edu/home/httpd/t/tjohnson/papert%20history. htm pic Fitting the other Theories onto the Spectrum The two extremes of the spectrum have been outlined (refer to plot 2). Inherent deep down each of these two extremes are related theories. Diagram 2 (Spectrum Summary)Behaviorism &nbs p Constructivism Directed Instruction Non-directed Instruction Objectivist Constructivist Teacher-centered &n bsp Learner-centered Behavioral observations Cognitive operations Focus on the individual & nbsp Group work is punctuate More focussed on one approach More holistic in approach Fundamentally, Constructivism is a cognitive learning theory because of its focus on the mental processes that construct meaning.Other learning theories equated with cognitive psychology are Information-Processing theory, Scaffolding theory (associated with the Russian philosopher Lev Vygotsky) and Brain-based learning theory (associated with neuroscientists such as Marian Diamond and Robert Sylwester and educator Susan Kovalik). Information-Processing theory regards human learning as being analogous to a computer and its ability to investment company m emory. As humans we process information initially with our senses. This information is either processed into our short term memory or it is lost. If this information is used and practised it is only then put into long term memory. Lev Vygotsky sight that our cognitive development was directly related to our social development.The culture we live in influences our social and cognitive development according to Vygotsky. He further recognized the differences of how the world is seen by children and by adults. Vygotsky labelled this difference in cognitive ability as the zone of proximal development. The job of educators was to identify this zone and to find out where the child was situated in this zone and create upon their specific level through a hold process. Building from what the learner knows is in essence, anchoring the learning on past experience. such(prenominal) anchoring is fundamental to Constructivist theory of learning. Computer technology is viewed by Seymour Papert as an excellent means to anchoring learning to meaningful experiences.The complexity of understanding how humans learn is reflective of our complexity as biological, social and cognitive animals. Many theories exist, all focussing on different aspects of our make-up as humans. Each theory is an attempt to explain how we learn, act and behave Sigmund Freud focussed on our sub-conscious, Skinner on our observable behavior, cognitive psychologists on our mental processes, humanistic psychology on our social and interpersonal development. Howard Gardner took a more holistic approach in describing our cognitive profiles. His classification of human intellectual ability into sevensome intelligences combines many aspects of psychology to define the cognitive behavior of humans.Before sorrowful on to Multiple Intelligences , refer to the following hyperlinks for information on other learning theories. http//mse. byu. edu/ipt301/jordan/learning. html pic Theory of Multiple Intelligences H uman intelligence should not be equated solely with linguistic or logical-mathematical intelligence alone, according to Howard Gardner. As the author of a new way of looking at human intelligences, Gardner, a Harvard professor, identify a total of seven different intelligences that humans may stimulate. His list includes Linguistic intelligence Logical-mathematical intelligence Spatial intelligence Musical intelligence Bodily-kinesthetic Interpersonal intelligence Intrapersonal intelligenceGardner is working on more intelligences that qualify as cognitive processes Multiple intelligences theory, on the other hand, pluralizes the traditional concept(Gardner, 1993, p. 15) Gardners fascination with human intelligence and how the straits works was started with an investigation of people who had experienced brain damage of some sort. He recognized that not all abilities, whether cognitive or motor-receptive, were eliminated from the individuals repertoire despite having endured some form of brain damage. Gardner hypothesized that we possess more than one form of intelligence. The theory of multiple intelligences provides a more holistic view of the intelligence of humans.Gardner advocates that we may all attempt to develop each of these intelligences to our optimum level. However, we may be more adept in only certain of these intelligences. We may however, aspire through practice and development to improve in the remaining intelligences. The use of technology appeals to this view of intelligence in that Gardners theory acknowledges that cognition is not a li right process. The computer as a learning tool has enormous potential in evolution the different forms of intelligences of Gardners theory. Hyperlinks to Multiple Intelligences Web Pages http//www. athena. ivv. nasa. gov/curric/ defy/adptcty/multint. html picLearning Theories and the Brain What is Learning? Learning is the process by which we receive and process sensory selective information, encode s uch data as memories at bottom the queasy structures of our brain, and retrieve those memories for subsequent use. The variety of information hive awayd within such memories is enormous, including such items as how to control your sphincter muscle until a socially appropriate occasion, how to identify mommy in a crowd, how to drum up a bicycle, what is the shortest path to grandmothers house without going near the lair of the wolf, what is the tune for Beethovens Ode to Joy, and what a philosopher means when she says The cat is on the mat. All learning takes place within the brain, and as our understanding of the underlying structures and processes of the brain increases we can begin to apply that knowledge to improve our construction of learning environments. Our ability to describe and understand the basic processes by which our brain learns has been enhanced by recent technological developments and by the aggregation of semipermanent studies in human and animal populations. Of particular benefit has been the development of brain-imaging techniques that allow us to observe the operation of normal human brains during the surgical process of a variety of tasks. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and similar technologies have allowed re attenders to map neural activity during sensory data processing and proctor the transfer of information into long-run memory.Researchers have also made great strides in determining the basic mechanisms that underlie the transmission of information within the brain. Such research on brain structure, neural transmitters, and the process by which memories are stored and retrieved have allowed the development of neuro-physiological models of learning. Although neuroscience has provided us with an increasingly rich and correct descriptive theory of learning within the brain, we yet need prescriptive theories of how to maximise the efficiency and capacity of human learning. To some extent all learning theories are prescriptiv e and seek to minimize the time required to transfer information into memory and maximize the efficiency of retrieving that information.Our actual knowledge of the brain, and our speculations regarding the evolutionary function of learning, should assist such prescriptive theories in innovation learning environments that provide for maximum learning efficiency. In particular, prescriptive theories certain by our current knowledge of neuroscience should allow us to evaluate the role of multimedia in learning environments. We should also be able to maximize the impact of multimedia in such environments through application of learning theories and our knowledge of the human brain. Learning environments should not be construed simply as the traditional formal classroom within the context of institutionalized humanity education. Such environments occur within the workplace, the home, and other social institutions as communication and information technology holds to penetrate Western society.We should also be sensitive that the use of multimedia will have an impact upon the development of the human brain, particularly when such techniques are used with children and adolescents whose brains are still developing and maturing. pic The Brain The three-pound universe that is our brain consists of more than 100 billion neurons and the associated structures that organize, nourish, and treasure their functioning. Each neuron may have among 5,000 and 50,000 connections to other neurons, forming a dense connective mat that allows the storage of enormous amounts of information. It is important to echo that structures within the brain continue to develop until late adolescence and that neurons will continue to grow connections to other neurons throughout adult life. pic Brain StructuresThe diagram higher up shows four basic structures in the brain that are important for bodily functions and for learning and memory. The brain stem is primarily concerned with basic ex cerpt functions and the regulation of body systems. The cerebellum is involved in the performance of automatic drift patterns (walking, running, touch-typing, and other physical skills that can become part of automatic procedural memory). The limbic system is responsible for the processing of short-term memory into long-term memory as well as the generation and regulation of emotions. The noetic cortex is the area of the brain in which sensory data is accepted and analyzed, decisions are made, and behavioral responses are activated.Information is received from the major sensory organs of the body eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin and is held briefly in sensory memory. The further processing of that information appears to be dependent upon the state of excited foreplay of the brain and the utility of such information for potential pick. Long-term memories are generated through the growth and spread of neural connections between those modular structures that drive the memory ( Sylwester, 1995, pp. 89-90). The more often such structures are activated and the stronger the connections become to associated structures, the more easily such memories are retrieved and used by the brain in decision making and conscious thought.To some extent the crusade forces behind the way our brain processes sensory input and makes decisions are the selection imperatives that accompanied human physical and cultural evolution. Our brains reflect the importance that survival places upon evaluating potential threat situations, making a quick response, and focusing all body resources on support of those functions that may lead to continued survival. In high-threat situations the focus of the brain will be almost exclusively upon what is identified as the potential threat while the body shuts down relatively unimportant systems to concentrate on those involved in the fight-or-flight response.Low-threat situations allow the brain to sample and evaluate a broader spectrum of senso ry input and to analyze such input for future use. Thus a large looming shadow in the cave mouth tends to generate fear, prompting the body to shut down digestion, pump more adrenaline, and prepare the cerebellum to handle the process of running while the cerebral cortex looks for places to hide or make a stand. secure ostracize emotion tends to evoke the fight-or-flight physiological and mental responses that shut down high-level cognition. A premium should therefor be placed upon the reduction of those factors within a learning environment that give rise to negative emotions.At the same time, sensory input that does not receive circumspection is not available for processing through short-term into long-term memory. clearly a balance must be struck between too much and too little stimulation in learning situations. rough stimulation and motivation is necessary for the learner to pay attention to the data that they are required to learn on the other hand too much stimulation ( particularly in a negative context) is liable to bring in anger or fear as an emotional response, either of which can serve to reduce the amount of learning carried out within the environment. It appears that the limbic system plays an important part in the process of storing information as long-term memories.Those activities that provide an emotionally supportive environment may well have a positive effect upon the processing of information into long-term storage and subsequent retrieval of those memories. Group activities, co-operative learning, role-playing, and simulations tend to provide emotional support and emotional context for learning. Retrieval of long-term memories is enhanced when a large number of connections have been established between the neural modules that store such memories. To some extent our growing knowledge about the validation of the brain tends to support those theories of learning that can generally be tagged as constructivist. That is, situated knowl edge that is connected to a large number of other memories is more apt to be recalled than is unconnected knowledge that has been learned by rote.Because the process of creating connections between ideas and memories is essentially carried out through a process of rehearsal and review, learners should be encouraged to review knowledge that is being learned and attempt to build connections to that knowledge that is already easily retrieved from long-term memory. Such cognitive tools as narration, story-telling, constructing metaphors, and making comparisons are strategies that help to build and maintain connections. The construction of knowledge is essentially the growing of connections between the neural modules that contain individual memories. pic Implications for Learning Theory If the apparent symmetry between contemporary brain-based learning theories and constructivism is accurate, then basic guiding principles of constructivism should be used in designing learning environment s.These principles include 1. Learning is a search for meaning. Therefore, learning must start with the issues around which students are actively trying to construct meaning. 2. Meaning requires understanding wholes as well as parts. part must be understood in the context of wholes. Therefore the learning process focuses on primary concepts, not isolated facts. 3. In govern to teach well, we must understand the mental models that students use to understand the world, and the assumptions that support those models. 4. The purpose of learning is to construct ones own meaning, not to have the right answers by repeating someone elses meaning.Learning is inherently inter-disciplinary, and the only valuable assessment of learning is assessment that is part of the learning process and that provides students with information on the quality of their learning. (On Purpose Associates, 1998b) Such learning environments should also be designed around the ideas that come forward from brain-based learning. That is, they should employ the three instructional techniques associated with brain-based learning orchestrated immersion, where learning environments are created that fully immerse students in a learning experience relaxed alertness, where an reason is made to eliminate fear while maintaining a highly contest environment and active processing, where the learner consolidates and internalizes information by actively processing it (On Purpose Associates, 1998a).Learning environments constructed with these principles in mind will tend to be organized around thematic units featuring knowledge in depth and the exploration of projects that have real meaning for the participating learners. pic Implications for Multimedia How should we then use multimedia presentations of information to effectively learn in the context of current brain-based learning theory? The communications and information technology that constitutes contemporary multimedia platforms has some significant ad vantages in creating a learning environment, but there are some pitfalls that must be accounted for as part of the learning process. Multimedia, at its best, allows us to bring the real world to the learner through the use of sound and video.Such connection to the real world should serve as a factor in motivating students, and as a factor in providing them with additional connections to other knowledge structures. At the same time, multimedia allows students to experience information through multiple modes of presentation. Such multi-modal learning should help to build connections within the learners brain if only because multiple modes of reception will engage different areas of the learners brain. Contemporary multimedia platforms allow a greater degree of learner control and more freedom for the learner to undertake self-directed exploration of the material. Such self-directed learning is likely to be more meaningful and more connected to existing knowledge structures within the learners brain.Therefore, we should see advantages for learning programs that include multimedia presentations. Learners should also gain from the possibility of self-paced instruction based upon contemporary multimedia learning technology. Whenever possible, immediate feedback should be built into a multimedia program to assist students in forming correct connections prior to reinforcing connections between new and old information incorporated within existing knowledge structures. Designers of multimedia instructional packages should take comfort in the strengths of multimedia, but they should also be aware of potential problems in using multimedia with learners.Although current multimedia technology allows excellent presentation in both video and audio modes, and provides some tactile feedback through the use of keyboards, there is little to offer students who need tactile experience ? multimedia is essentially a bimodal presentation strategy unless additional work is done to pre pare material for students. Even the best multimedia programs cannot provide the total stimulation that natural environments provide? we have yet to incorporate smell or taste into such presentations, and tactile sensations are still limited. More importantly, there is a clear danger that multimedia programs may be used to substitute for interaction with other learners.We should not be seduced by technical virtuosity or cutting-edge visual and aural effects, there is still a need for human interaction and emotional support. supra all else, we should beware of the tendency to substitute passive learning for active learning. Multimedia provides significant advantages in presenting information to learners, particularly if sufficient resources have been invested to create presentations that make full use of current technology. Presentation of information, no matter how technically sophisticated, is not enough learners must interact with kernel to construct their own meanings and integr ate new knowledge into the dense web of neural connections that is mind and memory. pic
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