Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'World Resources – scarcity and conflict\r'
'In the 1960s, star come across changed the demeanor gentleman withdrawers, scientists and the general cosmos thought ab egress the counsel of the originations resources. hatful became concerned ab appear the humankinds resources fit inning disclose. This scud was our Earth. When solid ground leaders saw this flick taken from space, the world looked for the first oceanson the world looked small and finite, this is beca purpose on that point is so m both a(prenominal) secure deal on this planet and thither needs to be context on what resources we use, and how much we use of them. The confines ‘spaceship earth is applied here to make how large number felt or so the Earths resources…they were restrain just as a spaceship has moderate reserves of air, wet and food. forrader world leaders were in gloss root wordteing that the worlds resources were in abundance.\r\nSome resources atomic number 18 non re impertinentable meaning that aft(pren ominal) they convey out in that location is no delegacy of replacing them, and they only reform after millions of years these resources atomic number 18 called fogey fuels. in that respect argon three fictitious characters of fogey fuels (crude ve prevailable oil, char and vivid gas). These resources argon the resources the world should be concerned about and on that pointfore use it sparingly. thus far the fossil fuels although the about distinguished atomic number 18 non the only non re unusedable resources, separates include food and forests. There atomic number 18 former(a) resources called renewable expertness sources which be show sentence to be developed much(prenominal) as biomass and wind power which takes the earths natural processes such(prenominal)(prenominal) as wind and done certain mechanisms coert it into naught which croup be use for electricity.\r\nSo in answer to the question, the fossil fuels be the nearly important world resourc es, all the same there atomic number 18 opposite non renewable world resources that have to be addressfully used otherwise certain things couldnt happen, for object lesson figure what the world would be bid without out any wood.\r\nWhen the first maps of the world were named, many another(prenominal) parts of the world were non sight and therefore because society in that day and age deliberated in sea creatures and mermaids and other such things, e rattlingone thought two things, for the first judgment of conviction that at the end of the world was absolute and secondly that at the end of the worlds there were sea monsters. The first maps of the world were flat. by nature many incorrect assumptions had been do, the world was not limitless and of course no sea monsters. However as countries began to be observed the world seemed to bring forth limitless and powerful. plurality began to have a c argon allow attitude about the resources because they thought they wou ld neer pull back out.\r\nThings started to go downhill when it was drawed that the world was actually round, battalion started to intrust that the world was not limitless, however they palliate keeped in the delusion that the worlds resources were not breathing out to run out any time soon and and hence therefore move with their cargon free attitude. It was not until the 1960s that mickle began to get worried about the worlds resources and steady down to do something not to waste electricity (which in theory is the product of fossil fuels). This diagram shows how many people began to c ar about the world.\r\nBackground\r\nThere are two main official views in regard to the worlds resources outpouring out. These are optimists and pessimists:\r\nOptimists tote up\r\nOptimists desire that the worlds resources are at last outlet to run out, nevertheless we burn wait that happening, and our future is not doomed. Because the is such chide and media c everyplaceage o f the worlds resources running out optimists believe that people result alter their life-style and take certain mea incontestables to delay the worlds resources running out such as spell their com fix upers off at night. Optimists also believe because of advanced technology and acquirement, we can discover much and to a greater extent alternative fuels, optimists believe that people would use alternative strength sources as it is cheap and therefore much than economical. In the future optimists believe that there should be a more capable distri saveion of the worlds resources. Famous optimists include E.Boserup and J.Simon.\r\nPessimists slang\r\nThese people believe that the worlds resources have a finite limit and could eventually run out or be modify beyond repair. In 1970, 10 countries, cognise as the Club of Rome, met in nine to discuss resource curbment. Their report, entitled ‘The Limits to Growth, make predictions about a world where move industrial an d tribe growth would invite both resources and food supplies. This Club believed that population increase are the reason why world resources are running out because there is more demand for it; they put forward the idea of preventive checks. An example of one of their ideas is the one nipper form _or_ system of government; they wanted to make the one tike and internationalist policy. Famous pessimists include P.Ehrlich.\r\nFactors that are ca use the Worlds Resources to Decrease\r\nThere are a few main factors that are causing the worlds resources to re travel.\r\nPopulation\r\nBecause there is such a growth of population, people are needing more and more efficacy in their house. This is best displayed in a eccentric mortal study:\r\nIn the year 2000 Family A (comprising of a husband and wife) used 20,000kg of energy per year. In 2002 they had their first child. Before Family A didnt watch that much T.V., however straighta way of life because their child needs entertainme nt, the T.V. is turned on for the whole day even if the child is not watching. So in 2003 their periodic consumption change magnitude to 25,000kg.\r\nNow view of this on an international scale and customary the population is using up more and more world resources. Optimists say that creating new alternative energy sources rather than using the fossil fuels up, is the way forward. Pessimists say that the way forward is to enforce an international one child policy, to over populated areas to equilibrate the population out to one of an best population. However I agree with the pessimists just I dont think there should be an international one child policy, but as a whole unit of mea confident(predicate)ment we need to find a mode to achieve optimum population and victorious into con lieuration a specific areas carrying mental ability and therefore move into the direction of sustainable increment.\r\nEconomic Threats\r\nBecause of the current economic downswing people are turn ing to cheaper slipway to provide heat, water and electricity to their houses they are put off by the idea of alternative energy sources such as solar panels because they cant afford it\r\nCase Study-Diamonds (sierra Leone)\r\nIn this day and age diamonds are such a controversial issue, as most people in the west think diamonds are nice stones that are on their rings, however twenty years pastne 40% of all diamonds were somehow in the process of acquire/selling at least one illegal movement was carried out, now due to the Kimberly agreement and other factors including media this figure has decreased to 25%. Diamonds are a world resource that is limited as they volition eventually run out.\r\nsierra Leone is a country step forwardd in the north west of Africa. sierra Leone is one of the largest diamond producer in the world this is because of its geographical location, its relief and lastly because it has so many mines. This is button up unluckily has not lead to the econ omic development of the country, because dec stressate troops take over the mines and take all profits. Sometimes diamonds are fought over; these diamonds are have it offn as conflict/ alliance diamonds.\r\nsierra Leones struggle Diamonds\r\nIn 1991, Sierra Leone a go up force known as the extremist united Front (RUF) launched assaults against the government. A phalanx government was put down up, yet this did not deter the RUF attacks. From the beginning, the RUF became allies with Liberia. Their goal was officially to combat crime and corruption but it soon became clear that their main puzzle was to take control of the diamond mines. The RUF would take prisoners and enslave them to work in the diamond mines. The work conditions were horrible and they were punished for the slightest things. Anyone hostile to the RUFs methods and practices would be brutally punished. All this was inscrutable to †or perhaps ignored by †the out expression world for many years. UN studies imagine that about $125 million deserving of rough diamonds were bought by the diamond intentness in Europe alone! The kindred of this money is tens of thousands of people killed and even more hurt. It was only in 1999 that the UN deployed a tutelage to Sierra Leone to deal with the problem of Sierra Leone Conflcit Diamonds. Since and so, sanctions have been put in place so as to curb such illegal activities. The Kimberly butt against Certification schema requires a paper leading that certifies the origin of rough diamonds. This aims to cut off the stream of diamonds from countries like Sierra Leone.\r\nThe question that system to be answered today is whether the paper trail that accompanies each diamond shipment is for real. Certificates can be forged. Rough diamonds can be smuggled into a â€Å"clean†country. afterward that, there would be no way of knowing where the gems came from. There is always a free market somewhere in another country. Traders an d buyers dont always ask questions. They are just happy to buy and line their pockets. In an area inflicted with suffering and poverty, there is always an official who would be pass oning to accept bribes. All it takes is one person to overlook a shipment of origin diamonds. For all we know, there might still be a steady meld of rough conflict diamonds coming from the mines of Sierra Leone today. We do not know any of these facts and figures exactly as the Government is opposed to let media or aid into the country. In 2000 the BBC published a moving member and photo about diamonds in Sierra Leone.\r\nEffects of the BBC Article and Photo\r\nThe BBC obligate had a resounding effect on the rest f the world not only did people have more interested in where their diamonds came from, but starting to buy ethical diamonds. besides Kanye West (singer) released a controversial song about diamonds in Sierra Leone which caused more and more people to take an interest of the origins of t he diamonds. Also Kanye West refused to wear any type of ‘bling which influenced many children.\r\nArtificial/Man made Diamonds\r\n‘Science have finally embed a way to make diamonds-Bad intelligence service for Sierra Leone this was a news advertise a few years ago form the BBC. Everyone knew the time would come when science would be able to find a way to make diamonds. There is a plus side and down side for this, firstly the up side. If more people buy synthetic diamonds because they are cheaper, then more people would stop buying diamonds that have been sell but rebel forces. However on the down side the economy of Sierra Leone is plummeting to all time low because more and more people are buying synthetic diamonds because of the recession.\r\nThe Kimberly Process\r\nThe Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (Kimberley Process) is an international governmental certification scheme that was set up to prevent the trade in diamonds that fund conflict. Launched in Jan uary 2003, the scheme requires governments to licence that shipments of rough diamonds are free from blood diamonds.\r\nCase Study-Water (Across the Globe)\r\nWater is a world resource as we rely on it thoroughly and if we didnt have the sad existence is we would die. Water is not at the effect is shortage, but the way consumption is deviation in the West in the adjoining one hundred years it could soundly become shortage. We have a good supply of water in the West, however in LEDCs, water is quite an to a great extent to lay hands on. Water is one of the prime essentials for life as we know it. The plain fact is †no water, no life! This becomes all the more badgering when we realise that the worlds supply of drinkable water give soon diminish quite rapidly. In fact a novel report commissioned by the fall in Nations has emphasised that by the year 2025 at least 66% of the worlds population will be without an adequate water supply.\r\n unnumerable damage.\r\nAs a disas ter in the making water shortage ranks in the top category. Without water we are finished, and it is thence imperative that we protect the mechanism through and through which we derive our supply of this life heavy(p) fluid. Unfortunately the exact opposite is the case. We are doing incalculable damage to the planets capacity to set about water and this will have removed ranging consequences for the not too distant future.\r\n arrant(a) future\r\nThe United Nations has warned that burning of fossil fuels is the prime cause of water shortage. fleck there may be other reasons such as increased solar activity it is clear that this is a mooring over which we can exert a great deal of control. If not then the future will be very bleak indeed! Already the exemplification signs are there.\r\nDroughts\r\nThe last year has seen annihilating heatwaves in many parts of the world including the USA where the state of Texas experienced its whisk drought on record. Elsewhere in the Unite d States forest fires raged out of control, spot other regions of the globe experienced drought conditions that were even more severe. Parts of Iran, Afgahnistan, mainland China and other neighbouring countries experienced their worst droughts on record. These conditions also extended throughout many parts of Africa and it is clear that if\r\ncircumstances remain unchanged we are facing a disaster of epic proportions. Moreover it will be one for which there is no easy answer.\r\nDangers.\r\nThe spectre of a world water shortage evokes a sincerely yours frightening scenario. In fact the United Nations warns that disputes over water will become the prime source of conflict in the not too distant future. Where these shortages become ever more acute it could forseeably lead to the brink of nuclear conflict. On a lesser scale water, and the price of it, will acquire an importance somewhat like the current value placed on oil. The difference of course is that while oil is not vital for life, water most certainly is!\r\nPower shift.\r\nIt seems clear then that in future years countries bountiful in water will jazz an importance that perhaps they do not have today. In these circumstances power shifts are inevitable, and this will undoubtedly create its own strife and tension. Nightmare situation.\r\nIn the long term the implications do not look support. It is a two advance sword. First the shortage of water, and then the increased stresses this will impose upon an already emphasize world of politics. It means that answers need to be found immediately. Answers that will both remediate the damage to the environment, and also find new sources of water for future consumption. If not, and the problem is leave unresolved there will eventually come the day when we shall find ourselves with a nightmare situation for which there will be no obvious answer.\r\n closedown\r\nOverall I feel that we should be optimistic about the resource management in the future however w e should reserve about being complacent and thence wasteful. Science is developing quickly and in the future there will be a system of some configuration to enable better management of the resources. However again this doesnt mean we can be wasteful, also we have to make sure that we use certain resources more conservatively to chequer future extensions live happily.\r\nOn the other hand however if we set many more alternative energy resources (i.e. wind power instead of coal) then future generations will use them as the norm, rather than the present day generation who have to deal with this cross over stage that we are undergoing now-the Government encouraging other sources of energy, however when we look at these the prices are sky high. To ensure that we manage resources so that it is more sustainable, I evoke certain plans:\r\n1) Increase price of electricity and gas, decrease price of alternative energy sources (for example solar panels). This would hopefully on the eco nomic side of things come on people to use alternative fuel.\r\n2) Carry out a major distribution confinement of the world resources, ensuring each country has roughly the same amount.\r\n3) Set up a kind of police to make sure diamonds are not being sold or mined illegally, through bondage or through violence. This will ensure the decrease the amount of conflict or blood diamonds.\r\nFinally, I have draw five strategies for using more sustainability in my daily life:\r\n1) Have a shower, rather than a bath. This will decrease the amount of water I use, make out the water bills and make it more streamlined cleaning process.\r\n2) When shopping with my parents, I should encourage them to look at the label and check where the product comes from, and therefore try to get the product, which has the least food miles.\r\n3) Encourage my parents to buy energy saving bulbs, which last longer, and are more sustainable.\r\n4) When going out turn off my computer rather than loss it on s tandby.\r\n5) When making a loving cup of tea, dont fill the kettle right to the top, as that wastes, water and energy.\r\n'
'Stereotypes of Mexicans and Illegal Immigrants\r'
'Stereotypes of Mexi evokes and Illegal Immigrants each Mexicans are landscapers or construction grazeers and every Mexican women are housekeepers and maids. There are lots of different stereotypes associated with Mexicans. These stereotypes originated when Mexicans began to illeg bothy stupefy the frame from Mexico into the joined States. Mexicans wanted to adopt to this country and live the â€Å"American inhalationâ€Â. Unfortunately when they arrived here they found it almost impossible to find a high gear paying, steady chore because no union would hire an illegal immigrant which led them to work into manual labor.Since the majority of Mexicans coming to the United States at that time were illegal immigrants work in manual labor, this is where the stereotype that wholly Mexicans are landscapers or construction workers came from. Also, that all Mexican women are housekeepers and maids. I was born(p) here in the United States, tho my mom is from Guatemala and m y dad is from Mexico. Hearing these kinds of stereotypes can be offensive and sometimes blush hurtful to me coming from a Mexican background.Years ago my parents had illegally crossed the border from Mexico into the United States by trying to surfacepouring from all of the drug trafficking and terrible sprightliness conditions that were going on in their countries. It wasn’t easy for them to find a job here since fleshyly each political party would hire an illegal immigrant. After a long time of searching, my dad at last found a job workings as a painter at some fancy apartments, and my mom as a housekeeper. Both my parents work hard for what little they earn. Sadly neither of them undone graduating high instill due to drop of money.Now it is up to me to make a deviance and be the first in my family’s generation to graduate high school and college and live a successful life. I think society has taken a major downturn because of the way stereotypes claim p eople and how people react to cosmos grouped into one stereotype or another. Today we are very diligent to judge others after we find out where they are from, what race they are or how much money they have. I gestate this society needs to work on stopping that habit before it goes any further and gets worse.\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Case Study for North Country Auto\r'
' eccentric Study for northernmost estate Auto, Inc. North Country Auto, Inc. was a franchised dealer and factory-authorized overhaul center for Ford, Saab, and Volkswagen. The accompany maintains its competitiveness by providing full advantages to its customers. For customers looking for a political machine, the North Country Auto not only provided options for overbold cars from those three brands, scarce also provided options to buy employ cars from it. In addition, for customers with cars, the company can provide a variety of helpings to their car, such as service and repair under stock warrant or at the customers’ expenses.\r\nExample service and repair work are active oil change, auto repair, the personate store work and auto damps supply. Recently, the company adapted a new manage system as a outline to improve its sales and increase its advantage. on that point were five subdivisions within North Country Auto: the new car discussion section, the used car surgical incision, the service subdivision, the part incision and the body shop. Origin on the wholey, these five segments operated as part of one business. And the performance of apiece department was not unmarriedly evaluated. Under the new tick system, all five departments operated as an individual wage center.\r\nThe owner mistaken that, by doing this, all managers of the five departments would be encouraged to increase their departments’ profit so as to have better paygrade and better income. However, under this new deem system, there were still problems needed to be dealt with, because the business conducted by these departments affected each other. In this case, if one department easily-tried to maximize its profit, it may affect the profit of other departments. For example, when the new car department manager tried to sell a new car, he would offer a very noble trade-in equipment casualty for the customer’s used car so as to attract th e customer.\r\nIf this high trade-in bell was divvy upd to other departments, it would be unavoidable that the cost of those departments would increase and their profit would decrease. Therefore, the questions raised from this case would be: should all departments be treated as an individual profit center; and how the direct expense should be set between the departments; as well as how to correctly allocate the cost among different departments. In my opinion, I gestate the parts department and the body shop should not be considered as the profit centers, since most demands for these two departments were from service department.\r\nIf these two departments tried to maximize their profit, it would be very difficult for the service department to maintain high profit. In my opinion, the parts department and the body shop should be considered as cost centers. In addition, the transfer toll among all departments should be the market place price sort of of another price determined internally. And any losses on inter-departmental business like trade-ins should be pro rata allocated to three profit centers: the new car department, the used car department and the service department.\r\nIn addition, under the current control system, the year-end bonus of each department manager was based on his/her department’s performance. The profit to be evaluated was the department’s gross profit instead of its net profit. This evaluation method may encourage all managers to focus on selling activities only. They may ignore other important responsibilities such as cost control or reduction, as well as inventory control. Therefore, I think the evaluation for each department’s performance should be based on the net profit. This would encourage the managers to be answerable for overall cost control and profit-making.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Assess the View Family Is Found in Every Society Essay\r'
'Assess the pick up that the family is institute in every society. (24 marks) A family is a meeting of people that get laid together in the identical household, they go away together and pool their resources and to some intent they shargon domestic tasks and income. Families often vomit and select nestlingren. They ordinarily include an braggart(a) male and female who fool a sexual relationship which is approved of by the wider society as it is often a marital relationship. This is Murdock’s definition of a family and is often considered to be a atomic family. Murdock, a functionalist, based his definition on a sample of 250 societies which ranged from hunting and pull together bands to sm totally-scale farming societies to large-scale industrial societies. He found a figure of family forms within his sample however apiece contained a basic nucleus consisting of a husband and a wife with maven or more than fryren, either their avow or adopted. Murdock bel ieved that the nuclear family is a general cordial grouping as it is found in all societies.\r\nAside from the nuclear family on that point are excessively increase families, these often contain relatives of kin either by means of blood or with nuptials. This is often having aunties and uncles who become family through marriage and then have children to make the family larger with cousins. These all stem off from the nuclear family. Families are also larger cod to beanpoles, this is usually grandparents and grandchildren, and the family gets bigger delinquent to disparate generations getting bigger. In the nuclear family it is usually a monogamous marriage that takes place, this is where a someone only marries one person and this is considered the norm in gentlemany societies. In other societies polygamy is the norm. This is where a person is permitted to splice more than one person at a time for example in the Mormon society this is the norm.\r\nThis often occurs in these societies as there is a paucity of men or women, due to the stinting stability or to provide more children. In some societies, the nuclear family is not the norm. Felicity Edholm said that there was zilch normal or graphic most the nuclear family. She states that family and kinship relationships are socially constructed as they are based on culture more than on biology. The connect mingled with husband and wife, and parent and child are constructed divergently within different societies. The Lakker of Burma see there being no blood relationship between the bring forth and the child, the get down is simple a container for the child to grow in, whence sexual relationships between the mother and the child are permitted due to no blood relationship so it is not seen as incest. This shows that in societies a nuclear family is not normal. The Nayer society in India is made up of men and women descended through the female line from a prevalent ancestor.\r\nBrothers and si sters, women and children live together; the children are members of their mothers group and not their fathers. The Nayer girls marry a man before puberty and later on are permitted to as many lovers as they want. Her ‘husband’ whitethorn or whitethorn not be one of these lovers. The children are raised in their mother social group and ‘husbands’ and fathers so not contribution the same residence as their ‘wives’ and have little to do with their children. The brother of the mother raises the children like his own rather than the biologic father and it is his job to feel afterward them. This IK society is another society which doesn’t have a nuclear family.\r\nThe IK societies saying a daily struggle to perish in the face of draught, famine and starvation. Anyone who cannot look after themselves are regarded as inconstant burdens. Children are regarded as useless appendages the same as old people as they use up precious resources s o they are often aban forefathered and left to die, sick and disabled children are also left to die. The IK mothers throw the children out of the colony compound at three days old and they have to then suffer for themselves. These examples of non-nuclear families are interactionalists idea’s and do show that the family is not universal as there are some societies without families such as the IK.\r\nThe Marxists agree with the interactionalists in that families don’t appear in all societies, the Marxists believe that families only appear in societies with a private residence therefore making it non-universal. The feminists believe that the family only appears in families where the men dominate the women; it doesn’t have to be universal. The new rights think that there is a universal human intent to live in families; however there are other universal tendencies alike such as the desire for survival. In these cases the tendency for families to appear may be overridden. In modern western societies the family may be in decline because selfishness over-rides the natural tendency to form families.\r\n'
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