Thursday, November 28, 2019
Business Law and Ethics
Upper management asks you for advice on how to improve the food safety and quality control situation at Delectables. What would you advise? In business, ethics is taken in three important contexts. First, ethics is concerned with not breaking work-related regulations and laws, in which case, would be interpreted as criminal. Second, is to avoid any activities or rather actions that would result into the filing of law suits against a business organization.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Business Law and Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Lastly, ethics requires that employees and the management of business organizations act in a way that promotes the image of the business organization and not otherwise (Fieser). Therefore, lack of business ethics in a business organization or company can result to severe consequences for the company or business organization in question. It is the lack of ethics that is the root cause of the tribulations of Georgia’s Delectable food products manufacturing company. Both the senior management and the casual employees at the company act with complete disregard to the ethical requirements in doing business. What the human resources at Delectables need is ethical appraisal and not laying off as many would suggest. The employees need to be trained on ethical and legal issues of doing business (Fieser). The Kantian theory of ethics would be a good point to begin in order to bring change to the state of affairs at the Delectables food manufacturing company. A new graduate hired by the Delectables Company in Georgia has good prospects to apply his fresh ideas in business ethics to transform, bring change with regard to business approach, and make a difference at the company. To begin carrying out his responsibilities, the newly hired low-level manager will seek to have the answers to several questions. These answers will be instrumental in helping hi m or her to effectively perform his/her responsibilities which include improving the plant’s operations, increasing efficiency and saving costs at Delectables. The new manager will have to determine how he or she will introduce the theory and principles of ethics in business at Delectable. Another important question that must be answered would be how to revolutionize or rather improve the quality control system at Delectables. Improving the quality control system will ensure that their products are safe for consumption with reference to the recent claims of salmonella contamination on Delectables food products.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another issue would be how to gain competitive advantage against competitors such as Prince’s Fare. Lastly and most importantly, would be to determine what business management approaches to apply in achieving these ma jor objectives. The responsibility of the new manager is surely complex and it would be crucial that he blows the whistle in order to be able to bring system change at Delectables. In justifying his decision to blow the whistle, the normative theories of ethics would be of significant importance. These theories include the Kantian theory of ethics, the Utilitarian theory of ethics and the Contract ethical theory. The problems and challenges facing Delectables stem from unethical and illegal activities and actions of the company’s management and employees. Therefore, these three ethical theories of business ethics together with the underlying principles would provide an insight into what needs to be done at Delectables. Most importantly, the three normative theories of ethics will provide guidelines on what ought to be done in order for the manager to realize his tasks of improving the plant’s operations, increasing efficiency and saving costs at Delectables. It would b e beneficial for the new manager to blow the whistle since by doing so he will be protecting the interest of many. The contaminated food items being distributed by Delectable in addition to the deplorable condition under which the food items are being manufactured pose health thread to the intended consumers. By blowing the whistle therefore, the new manager would be acting in an ethical manner. The Kantian principle of ends, emphasizes that individuals and business organizations such as Delectables need to put into consideration the interests of others in all their actions and decisions. This principle prohibits individuals and business companies from disregarding the interest of others and uses them as a means to achieving their intended financial gains (Normative). The others in this case should also be an end in themselves.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Business Law and Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Lear n More Normative ethical theories and principles shape business organizations and individuals to act in an ethical and morally acceptable manner. Normative ethical theories and principles stipulate what individuals and business organizations ought to do. They explain that the actions of individuals and business organization should be moral and ethical (Normative). For instance, employees and the management of business organizations ought to be honest. The principles of the normative ethical theories are important in assessing as well as justifying the decisions, actions and activities of employees and businesses such as those at Delectables. James Fieser in his â€Å"Business Ethics article†posits that business philosophy advocates for morality in business operations by addressing issues that are concerned with what is right and what is wrong with regard to conduct, actions and activities. As such, business philosophies just like the normative theories and principles of bu siness ethics emphasize the importance of morality in keeping a business company and its employees out of trouble. Trouble may arise due to a breach of the regulations and laws formulated to govern business operations and activities. In the case of Delectables, employees and the management acted in an immoral manner by deliberately releasing into the market contaminated food products. The application of the Utilitarian ethical theory business would mean that managers and employees alike act or rather make decisions that result in as much good compared too other available alternatives. With regard to the Delectable case, they have other alternatives in their operations other than the ones they are engaged with. The act of utilitarian encourages decisiveness as one can not serve two masters at the same time. The utilitarian rule is that an act can only be right if it conforms to the laid down rules, laws and regulations (Normative). The harm principle of the utilitarian theory of ethi cs stipulates that the society has a responsibility and is justified coercing individuals and organizations that act in a way that is harmful to the society. The actions of Delectables with reference to the utilitarian principle of harm are harmful to the society. The society in this case is the intended consumers of the contaminated food products both in Georgia and in San Lopez.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Regarding the signing of the quality control form, it would be against the expectations of the ethics in business. Signing the quality control form would mean the manager’s agreement with the rest of the pack to sell harmful food products. The quality control director at Delectable despite poor work environment improvised â€Å"stickers†method to help with quality control at the company. Delectable lacked a proper food safety and quality control system. The improvised system was equally effective as the director was able to identify harmful food products, those that needed further testing and those which were safe. If the new manager signs the quality control form, he would be acknowledging that all the food products manufactured by Delectable were safe for human consumption which was not he case. It would be immoral and unethical to sign the quality control form (Fieser). In order to improve the food safety and quality control at Delectables, the new manager must fir st look into the potential cause of the problem. Poor employee working condition, in addition to the reluctance of the management to institute proper rules on the processes and procedures of food production are the major causes of contamination at the Delectables food company. The world food program emphasizes that food safety deals with the aspects of food products production from production, purchase, transportation, storage, processing, as well as distribution (Normative). Any activity that does not adhere to hygiene standards and the federal laws and regulations that guide the manufacture of food product is likely to jeopardize food safety and quality at any stage during production and distribution. The quality control director at Delectables was realistically effective in his efforts to ensure that the products released into the market for human consumption met the appropriate standards. His efforts were however sabotaged by the Delectables plant supervisor, the foremen and the casual employees who acted without considering the ethical consequences of their actions. The management of Delectable was not interested in following up whatever was going on in the company. The management should have investigated the allegations of contamination to help them with the improvement of the quality control system. What role, if any, should government play in assuring food safety in the food industry in general? Governments and regional authorities are mandated to formulate laws and regulations, as well as standards to guide the manufacture of food items by companies such Delectables. Both the federal government and the Georgian authorities had the responsibility of ensuring that Delectables adhered to laws and regulations governing the manufacture of food items. This would have minimized the chances of food contamination that is a major challenge to the giant food manufacturer. As Fieser posits, enforcing regulations and laws to ensure food security is an important ro le of the government. The authorities should follow all the actors in food manufacturing industries to ensure safety and quality of food products. The US federal government through its agencies and in collaboration with authorities in Georgia, should carry out regular inspections to ensure companies such as Delectable adhere to hygiene standards to prevent any chances of food item contamination during the process of the manufacture. Governments are faced with numerous challenges in dealing with the challenge of food safety and quality. These challenges include lack of public awareness on issues, regulations and laws on food safety and regulation. Lack of updated food products safety and quality laws is another challenge to the governments and its agencies. Inefficient and weak government inspection and supervision on food product manufacturing companies such as Delectables, contributes to the problem of poor quality food products which are not safe for the consumption of the general public (Thompson Ying 13). Regional authorities such as Georgia needs to adopt effective approaches towards dealing with issues affecting food safety and quality especially those that relate to the manufacturing companies such as Delectables. The authorities must demonstrate a greater understanding of the issues that they face and formulate strategies to help them in addressing the challenges. The federal government on its part must build the capacity of its various agencies mandated to ensure the safety and quality of manufactured food products. This would enable the agencies deal effectively with the challenges that hinder their effective operation in dealing with issue that violate the requirements of regulations and laws on food safety and quality (Thompson Ying 13). Despite the numerous challenges that governments face, they can make food manufacturing industries more socially responsible by enforcing more stringent regulations and penalties on companies that violet the requ irements of the regulations. Governments could also offer incentives to food manufacturing companies that demonstrate high standard of ensuring their food products meet safety and quality requirements. However, governments should not let food companies to regulate themselves. This is because some of the food companies may want to save their costs operation and this might jeopardize the quality and safety of their food products (Thompson Ying 13). What role, if any, should government play in assuring food safety in the food industry in general? According to the normative theories of ethics, product dumping due to their low quality is unethical and is not ought to be done. The supervisor in part C was of the opinion that the company dumps its contaminated food products in San Lopez at subsidized prices. What the supervisor should have done in line with the normative theory of ethics is to propose the destruction of the contaminated food products with the red sticker. Selling of these food products to customers is unethical since they are harmful to consumers (Normative). The food products with the yellow stickers also ought not to be damped but taken back for further examination. Kantian principle of ends stipulates that individuals and businesses should act in away that their actions do not use others as means to an end but rather act in away that others are also an end themselves. According to the utilitarian harm principle, this behavior is immoral and the society would be justified in coercing the behavior of such individuals. By dumping the contaminated food products, Delectables would be causing harm to the intended consumers. It is important that the supervisor puts into consideration the interests intended of the customers in San Lopez (Normative). Advise to Delectables The image of a business company is of the greatest importance. Business ethics require employees to act in a way that protects the image of the business company. By offering to sell sub standard food products in San Lopez, Delectables would be harming the image of the company. With regard to the ethics of doing business, this is immoral. With reference to morality in business, both the government officer and the official from the superstore in San Lopez were unjustified to ask for a bribe from Delectables. Both the scenarios are illegal and unethical. It is impossible for a situation to be legal and at the same time unethical. Works Cited Fieser, James. Approaches to Business Ethics. Web. Thompson, Drew, Ying, Hu. Food Safety in China: New Strategies. Web. P. Fellows, B. Axtell, M. Dillon. Quality Assurance for Small-Scale Rural Food Industries. Web. Normative Ethical Principles and Theories: A Brief Overview. Web. This case study on Business Law and Ethics was written and submitted by user Gabriella Becker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Business Law and Ethics Concept of CSR The main concept of CSR is the relationships of business and the overall society. It is about how companies administer their business process to produce a constructive impact on the general public. There are two aspects of operation to which companies are answerable to; the superiority of administration in terms of individuals and processes, and two, the nature of their impact on their vicinity (Bergmans Cramer, 2003, p. 2).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Business Law and Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Stakeholders are increasingly taking an interest in how companies carry out their operations. Most of them look at the poor and superior activities that the company is engaged in. the impact of both their produce is scrutinized in terms of the value it brings to the society. How it natures its employees to further their career and have a personal attachment to their workplace fashions the perceptions of individuals. Analysts use such information to determine the prosperity of the organization and its sustenance levels. CSR involves the continuing behaviour of organizations to conduct their operations in an ethical way, and contribute to financial progress, while improving the worth of life of its personnel and their relatives, and the general society. It is about building competence to promote sustainable living. It integrates cultural differences in the functions and pronouncements of societal issues and equally delivers to the society without any ethnic prejudices. It mostly revolves around operating the business in a publicly responsible way through donating parts of their profits to charity, and by contributing to the development of solid community business. The company thus empowers the society members to create their own wealth in a sustainable manner. This will foster competition, which will overly lead to the creation of more wealth. The process is based on cooperative activities of man in the social order, and as such, it varies depending on the location of the organization (Bergmans Cramer, 2003, p. 4). There will be different values and opinions associated to any given community. Some cultures will deem some actions as socially acceptable and advantageous, while some ethnic behaviour will not. Changes in demographic population may also result in changes on how the corporation gives back to the public. The population may have different priorities and thus will shape the organization’s definition of CSR. The concept may accordingly be distinct as businesses operating in a way that the legal, ethical, commercial expectations that the public has on the company are satisfied in a timely manner. This concept is occasionally hinged on the basis of whether the company does this voluntarily or whether it is coerced (Bergmans Cramer, 2003, p. 2). Companies may integrate societal and ecological concerns in their operations and their i nteractions with the community on a charitable basis, but with a hidden agenda of exploitation. For example, the community may be forced to buy products of an organization because it offers their children scholarships.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The above contributions all narrow down to the point that CSR is about the impact a company has while managing its core principles. Some organizations go beyond managing their own impact to contribute to the implementation of broader neighbourhood aspirations. CSR requires organizations to assume a broader analysis of its errands that not only includes stakeholders, but other constituents as well, counting brokers, workers, clients, regime, green associations and other momentous groups (Bergmans Cramer, 2003, p. 2). CSR is hugely related to business ethics. CSR focuses on the principled, lawful and optional responsibilities of companies while business ethics provides guidelines on the moral conduct of persons and factions in an establishment. Business morals are thus viewed as a division of the broad study of CSR (Barnett, ND). Tesco PLC and CSR Tesco PLC is a leading UK based association which specialises in the food retailing business sector. The company has won rising wide-reaching acknowledgement as one of the most flourishing and highest budding traders in the century (Tesco, 2005). Alongside the recognition, the organization’s corporate social responsibility programs are outstanding in the capacity of its activities, motivation of its objectives and the meticulous nature of monitoring and assessing its initiatives. In Tesco, CSR is not just about avoiding conservationists and other scrutinizing interest groups; rather it focuses its activities in ensuring the satisfaction of its clientele. The company’s executive wants to be assured that other small organizations coexist well in the c ommunity they serve in a reasonable, sincere and accountable manner (MMR, 2007, p. 1). Their activities involve a wide range of issues, including global weather transformations, sustainable use of resources, recycling of products, moral trade, personal healthiness, donations, local sourcing (Tesco, 2005). Their depth of involvement in the above and several other activities are unlimited. Its determination to integrate corporate responsibility in all of its actions is outstanding (MMR, 2007, p. 2). They believe that to achieve thriving future expansion an organization must focus on proficient means of creation with nominal emissions. Tesco encourages and creates awareness to the society on the importance of green consumption. The procurement of new reprocessing equipment and its effort in reducing the quantity of wrapping on its products by 25% confirm their ambition. The company believes that people have to work mutually in communal concerns. Climate change, societal well being acqu iring workers with proper work skills and attitude towards their organization is imperative (Tesco, 2005). The nucleus of trade revolves around how they care for regulars, the populace, each other, and their connections.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Business Law and Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These individuals help them define their responsibilities to the communities where their business operates, and creates a tradition and surrounding in which industry strategies bring tangible results. Their philosophy of understanding the value of every little input strengthens their assortment of errands. The CSR of Tesco is to earn the confidence of clients by acting sensibly in the neighbourhoods they serve. The corporation identifies its impact on the populace and thus manoeuvre in a way that feat the benefits they present people. Customers are at the core of everything they do, and by building benevole nce and confidence with them they can earn their continuous faithfulness, which is their chief rationale (Tesco, 2005). The values of the company are reflected in CSR. They discuss how it is indispensable to understand customers, and be vigorous and pioneering for their sake. They ensure that employees have a favourable working environment so that the company can in turn use their strength to convey supreme value for customers. Another value emphasizes on mutual reverence among each other. The company endeavours to sustain themselves through giving more congratulations than disparagement (Tesco, 2005). Knowledge is to be shared, and it is imperative to ask more questions rather than assuming independence of thought. Primarily, it is crucial to take pleasure in work, rejoice accomplishments and become skilled from occurrences. Their CSR strategy is supported by reputable a CSR group which meets on a quarterly basis. Relationship with customers The principal concern is to meet the des ires and expectations of consumers in the 95 stores they serve. The purchaser service staffs are focussed in ensuring the sustenance of a constructive role to customer happiness in Ireland, in order to ensure their continuous loyalty. The company offers value to its customers through providing reasonable prices, merchandise choice, and foodstuff superiority. Customer service and appropriate channels of communication are offered (Tesco, 2005). Its products appeal to a variety of customers through offering wide choices and the development of innovative services and technology which ensure the ease in interaction and purchase. The customer’s expectation of having locally produced foodstuffs is met, subject to aggressive business criteria. They thus have a choice of both domestic and intercontinental products. Staff The organization has employed over 10, 000 people in their warehouses, agencies and circulation centres. It recognizes the expertise and obligation of the staff as th e most vital asset. Drawing and preserving the most efficient staff and making the group gratifying for them define a first-rate employer. There are policies which ensure proper working conditions and endow them with prospects to supplement their profession (MMR, 2007).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The staff is given regular training and offered channels of giving the company feedback on how they perceive their job and their relationship with the executive. They have policies ensuring proper rewarding and providing benefits for proficient employees in a character of partnership. Employees who may have personal commitments are allowed the freedom to fulfil their other obligations. Community Tesco Ireland has a variety of stores in different forms, for example, supermarkets and local stores. The company is a leading employer of the community members and has a reliable society support initiative in order to capitalize on the benefits they present (MMR, 2007). It forms year-long partnership per annum with a neighbourhood based countrywide charity which supports schooling, disabled individuals, and healthcare. This is thus the main focus for fundraising activities in the year. The participating charities have recorded more gains as a result of the increased awareness. Ventures and programmes, which are near their stores are amply supported. Suppliers The group forms sturdy dealings in the supply chain, to ensure growth of both sectors. Tesco understands the importance of contributing to countrywide conferences on matters related to their trade (Tesco, 2005). Whenever possible, the company stocks products from local suppliers of all sizes. Open and transparent associations are maintained in the supply chain. The company is dedicated in honestly cataloguing products so that consumers can make well-versed verdicts when purchasing. There are unvarying and open means of contact which ensure fair and ethical means of effecting production. Environment The company is determined to guard the surroundings by following courses to reduce their impact. Meeting the requirements of the current generation without compromising that of upcoming generations is a main concern (MMR, 2007). This is achieved through conforming with all policies and conventions which relate to the e nvironment. The finest inexpensively available machinery and structures incessantly scrutinize the impact they create. The use of materials and power is minimised while scarce resources are not used in the fabrication. The 3R principle is applied in the organization of merchandise and their wrapping. Environmentally yielding dumping systems for products they use is employed. Still, training packages are given to staff to ensure that they are conversant with environmental issues (Tesco, 2005). The importance of CSR Individuals and business organizations are aware of the importance of CSR. Traditionally, CSR has determined the triumph of several organizations (Botten, 2009, p.17). Through CSR, an organization finds more business opportunities by building the skills of its workforce, improving the community and fostering economic augmentation in the nation state. It empowers a business with the aptitude to anticipate and make pronouncements. Investors usually base their decisions on th e social and environmental performance criteria of organizations. The company is thus viewed from a commerce standpoint rather than as a foundation. Further, the trade shifts from just making monetary proceeds to making sustainable profits (Bergmans Cramer, 2003, p. 2). CSR helps an organization distinguish the different interest groups and stakeholder. It is presently used as a management tool rather than a stylish statement. Their relationship with customers, suppliers and the society is thus easily defined through implementation of such a program. Having a corporate social guiding principle and a responsible attitude towards their stakeholder provides positive results for the organization. Through working with the community, families, and the workforce, the quality of life of every party is improved. When organizations participate in charity activities, the morale of employees is boosted, and their engagement with customers is increased. There are several intangible benefits ass ociated to corporate social responsibility which give the organization the necessary competitive edge. The company’s reputation is one of these benefits which eventually bring in trust, constancy, intelligibility and trustworthiness (Botten, 2009, p.16). When these are developed, the customers are retained: retention of customers means sustainability of the company. Contributions of CSR to corporate strategy (CS) CSR is a necessary component in the corporate strategies of a company. CS is the company’s approach to its general direction in terms of growth and the execution of its various dealings and supply lines (Barth Wolff, 2009). Companies whose returns are going down utilize CSR as a reactive stratagem. This enables them gain poise wherever they function. This is usually after they realise the cost of discharging CSR is cheaper compared to the amounts of profits they are not getting. It is usually seen as an opportunity to build their image. Organizations, which m ay be keen to attracting media interest, employ this strategy in order to get the basic public consideration. Such an image is necessary for business, but it is usually emphasized by analysts that it should be a continuous process in order to ensure prosperity and future success of the business. Other corporate use this strategy in environmental issues, not only to protect the ecology, but to save also on operating costs through the use of efficient methods of production. It also enables them to comply easily to set laws. Relevant authorities who monitor such issues are also less likely to follow up on the activities of institutions with a reputable CSR. Businesses are faced with the challenge of competition in the present world. Identifying social issues which bring about competition are thus part of the agenda of companies (Barth Wolff, 2009). Social concern is thus seen as an opportunity to relate with its consumers in a way that they will retain them and reduce the opposition l evels. Conclusion Critics have argued that taking on ethical and common issues is not cost-effectively feasible (Barth Wolff, 2009). They elucidate that associations ought to revolve around money-making and leave communal tasks to the germane organizations. Assuming such errands places these organizations at a drawback compared to the organizations which do not observe CSR. The corporate world is not well equipped to handle such responsibilities, as there are other organizations whose main objective is showing social responsibility (Bergmans Cramer, 2003, p. 2). However, it is in the interest of such organizations as it has proven to ensure their prosperity and decrease government interference in its activities. List of References Barnett, T. ND, Corporate social responsibility, Encyclopedia for business, 2nd ed. Web. Barth, R. Wolff, F., 2009, corporate social responsibility in Europe: rhetoric and realities, Edward Elgar publishing, Massachusetts. Bergmans, F. Cramer, J., 2 003, learning about social corporate responsibility: the Dutch Experience, IOS press, Amsterdam. Botten, N., 2009, enterprise strategy, Butterworth-Heinemann, Massachusetts. MMR, 2007, Lucy Neville-Rolfe: Corporate and Legal Affairs Director, Tesco PLC, Food industry, BNET. Web. Tesco, 2005, Welcome to our corporate social responsibility review 2005. TESCO. Web. This report on Business Law and Ethics was written and submitted by user Alessandra O. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Not only were the Vikings
Not only were the Vikings brutal raiders, pillagers, and savage pirates, they were some of the greatest contributors to sea travel, and tools. They werent mindless barbarians, but they were fierce fighters who sought wealth and prosperity. Among their fighting skills lay politics, craftsmanship, and poems. One of the greatest advantages that the Vikings had over predators and prey was their means of travel. Unlike todays boats, they were built to absorb waves, and to carry vast amounts of goods, room for each warrior to carry his own. Perfectly balanced, these ships were faster than other tribes. Not only was the ship designed to harness the power of the water, but also the wind. Vikings were the first to use sails. With sails, they could travel anywhere silently, and unseen. They were built light enough to carry onto shore and to be rolled on logs. With this kind of mobility, they were able to give England a great headache, attacking Rouen, Nantes, and Paris. They took from Spain, Italy, and Rome. In 865, Vikings took over York, which they settled. Throughout a hundred years at York, it flourished and grew as a center of international trade. Vikings again showed their craftsmanship by laying out city streets, minting coin, and producing items for trade like combs and shoes. Soon after, armies of Scandinavia invaded to demand protection money from weak English rulers. Vikings continued to hold the English throne for decades. The Vikings were different from other raiders, they werent merely there to take their loot and leave, they had no homeland. They would fight for a king, and usually inhabit whatever land they charge. They were great traders, and are now part of the people from those lands. Icelands Viking pioneers created an aristo-democracy ruled by 39 chieftain-priests. They met each year in the national assembly. The Icelanders did not wish to have a king, and they raised no army
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Quantitative Analysis of a Glucose Solution Essay
Quantitative Analysis of a Glucose Solution - Essay Example The coordinates (0.318, 0.2), (0.519, 0.4), and (0.755, 0.6) are plotted on a graph. The line of best fit cuts the absorbance of 0.250 at a point y. The y-reading of the point y gives the concentration of unknown solution. A line of best fit gives y=0.14. Thus the unknown concentration = 0.14mM. A straight line of best fit of the plotted points gives the standard curve upon which concentration of the substance in the solution is determined. The Blank cuvette is a tiny test tube with a diameter of about 12mm and length of 100mm that holds solutions containing all experimental constituents except the substance under investigation. In this case, the Blank cuvette contains all the other components other than the substance with absorbance of 0.250. The Blank is a cocktail containing specific concentrations of buffer, ABTS/HRP stock and glucose oxidese stock (Bongler, 2012) Quantitative test of glucose is useful in monitoring level of diabetes. Glucose is a major energy source for most body cells. Diabetes is manifested by hyperglycemia. Through quantitative test of glucose in the blood, health practitioners are able to determine the extent of inability of one’s body to produce insulin. Thus, quantitative tests of glucose helps nullify the chances of further diabetic complications. In constructing the standard curve, the line of best fit is used because it reflects the substance concentration-absorbance mean. It conveys the coordinates of the variables that best provide the approximate concentration of the substance under study. In the experiment, a point (0.250, y) gives the solution of concentration of glucose, where y=unknown glucose concentration. If the unknown sample had a reading that was too high and went off the scale despite doing all the measurements and procedure correctly, it is imperative to consider the count of readings that have gone off-scale. If the number of unreasonable readings is few, the investigator assumes them in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Question - Essay Example Intelligence is a personal resource that helps a person to attain personal growth and adjustment into a learning environment. Intelligence is a shield against psychological stress and diseases. Personality on the other hand, is an icon of the intellectual capability of an individual. It affects the person's academic performance by influencing the intellectual functioning of the person. Personality factors determine the results of intelligence test. Personality is responsible for the development of cognitive-adoptive ability that enhances a person's capability to cope with a certain learning environment (American Psychological Association, 1999, p. 30). Personality develops context-bound practical intelligence. This is the kind of intelligence that enables an individual to handle a situational context, and in the case of a learning environment, the learner is able to handle the learning environmental situations, and adapt to the learning environment accordingly. Life span theories have great influence on the teaching strategies that teachers adopt. Life span theories shape the strategies of teaching in that, the instructor must put in mind that, there are general principles that guide development in human beings at different levels of human development (American Psychological Association, 1999, p. 31).
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Protection from Self Incrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Protection from Self Incrimination - Essay Example In this case, the defendant, Mr. Salinas was accused of having played a role in a murder that had taken place close to the position of his car. Upon questioning, the defendant answered all the questions, went further, and even submitted his gun to show that he was innocent. However, the defendant went mute when asked about some shell casing found at the scene of the crime. Moreover, the casings matched his shotgun. The defendant at that point completely ignored the questions and did not answer. Because of this attitude, the prosecutor went further and told the jury that the reason for Salinas’ silence was the fact that he felt guilty for the actions he had taken and that the silence was a sign of admission to having carried out the crime. The prosecutor had a strong case when he stated that the defendant was guilty not only because he did not comment on the questions posed to him regarding the casings but also because of the obvious fact that his gun was involved. The judge did not argue against the strong case brought by the prosecutor and this was mostly because the evidence for the case was present (Hightower). However, the judgment delayed due to the lack of motive for the action. However, upon reviewing the available information, the judge found the defendant guilty and sentenced him to 22 years in prison. Upon critical review of the case and the evidence provided, I would have offered a ruling similar to that made by the judge, in this case. The reason for the judgment is the fact that the defendant went mute and did not communicate anything regarding the questions asked. The constitution states that upon an individual pleading the Fifth Amendment they ought to receive fair treatment until substantial proof is presented (Choo 89). However, this was not the case in this particular case. Rather than pleading this right, the individual went silent and did not answer anything. This was a sign of great
Friday, November 15, 2019
Causes And Effects Of Deforestation In Myanmar Environmental Sciences Essay
Causes And Effects Of Deforestation In Myanmar Environmental Sciences Essay According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations U.N.FAO, there are about 31,773,000 ha hectares or 48.3 of forests in Myanmar. An average of 372,250 ha or 0.95% of forest have been lost annually between 1990 and 2010. The organization states that within the period of 20 years (1990-2010), around 7,445,000 ha or 19.0% of the total forest has been cleared in Myanmar. Myanmar is one of the top ten countries that are happening highest deforestation rate in the world, and its rank is seven. The Rangoon-based Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association (BANCA) alerts that Myanmar is meeting a deforestation crisis because of natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, drought and fires), human activities (logging, slash-and-burn agriculture, cutting trees for fuel, mining operations, dam building, clearing land for livestock grazing and oil extraction) and overpopulation. If deforestation cannot be controlled by government, the result could be very disastrous. It has negative impacts on environmental degradation and direct biodiversity loss. Exporting timber and human population are the main causes of deforestation in Myanmar. The Global Witness Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) manipulated that Myanmar shipped at least one million cubic meters of timber into China in 2002. Between 2010 and 2011, government exported 864,000 metric tons of timber and got US$600 million from it. Moreover, according to the UN FAO report that Burmas rural populations of around 70% or at least 30 million rely on forests for their basic needs in 2009. Government and people do not aware if they cut a lot of trees for their profits; it will affect on ecosystem and happen a lot of natural disaster in Myanmar. The purpose of this paper is to show causes and effects of deforestation in Myanmar. In particular, the impact of climate changes is very serious problem in Myanmar due to deforestation. This paper will discuss the plans of government to solve these problems ,and it will also provide some possible suggestions to protect the forests. 1.0 Causes The meaning of deforestation is cutting, clearing and removing of trees for various reasons such as logging, slashing-and-burning agriculture, clearing land for livestock, building dam. Sometimes, natural disasters can extremely destruct forests. For instance, Cyclone Nargis destroyed a lot of trees in Myanmar on 2 and 3 May 2008. Myanmar is developing country, so the government and people are extremely depend on forests. They cut down a lot of trees for various reasons, but the main point is for short-term economic benefits (Putatunda, 2011). Deforestation can be caused not only human activities, but also natural disasters. In Myanmar, government exports a lot of natural resources to other countries, but they got more money by exporting timber. According to the parliamentary Natural Resources and Environment Conservation Committee, Myanmar exports a lot of teaks by legal or illegal. The London-based Environment Investigation Agency claims that Myanmar exported 1.6 million tones of teak per annually to neighboring countries such as India, China, Bangladesh, Thailand and Malaysia. The agency states Myanmar got $5.7 billion by exporting 18 million cubic meters of wood log between 2000 and 2010. According to statistics, Myanmar has more than 16.32 million hectares of forest, and the area of teak is 24,300 hectares while the area of hardwood is 324,000 hectares. In Myanmar almost 1.98 million cubic meters of hardwood and 283,000 cubic meters of teak are used in Myanmar per annual. As a result, cutting a lot of trees for exporting is threatening Myanmar forests. Overpopulation affect on forests because they destroy a lot of trees for their profit. In Myanmar, the population is increased approximately one million annually. The population Myanmar is 54,584,650 in 2012 .According to UNFAO, 70 percent of the Myanmar people live in rural area, and they rely on forests for their basic needs and sustenance and income. Similar to Indonesia, people who get less than US$ 1 cut trees to get a few income for short-term (Stolle, 2008). Deforestation can be caused by not only man-made, but also natural disasters. In Myanmar, forest fire is one of the main problems to destroy forests. Myanmar lost up to 10 tons of forest fuel because of forest fire. As a result, every 30 to 70 tons of top forest soil are destroyed in Myanmar. Myanmar is facing natural disasters such as cyclones, landslides, earthquakes, tsunami, fire and drought. They are also real threats to Myanmars environment. Effects Burning trees and clearing forest extremely affect on environment. A lot of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide are emitted from deforestation. Hence, the temperature of global is rising, so climate changes and soil erosion happen in Myanmar. 2.1 Climate Changes A lot of natural disasters are threatening Myanmars forest such as cyclones, earthquakes and floods (Moe, 2009). Cyclone Nargis destroyed trees and livelihood of people more than earthquake and floods. Cyclone Nargis was the top deadliest and most caustic tropical cyclones to ever strike Myanmar (The New York Time, 2012). The cyclone notably affected a total of 37 townships. The UN predicts more than 2.4 million people were affected by Cyclone. According to official figures, 53,800 were missing, and 84,500 people were killed. It also destroyed a million acres of rice paddies, trees and killed three-fourths of the livestock with its seawater surges. 2.2 Soil erosion and soil fertility loss In Myanmar, soil erosion is one of the most serious problems, and government cannot be controlled until now, so the agricultural products of Myanmar are falling. The fertility of the soil will reduce if the surface soil is eroded, and it can turn agricultural land into desert land. To prevent soil erosion, Myanmar should preserve forests and grasslands. If soil erosion cannot be preserved, it will lead to flooding. Weather and agricultural experts argue that they get 4 inches of rain from the flood areas, but flooding problems never happen with this amount of rainfall in the past. Not only nutrient depletion but also ecological, social and economic problem can be happened because of soil erosion. Solutions A lot of natural disasters are threatening people in Myanmar. Most disasters are caused by deforestation. So, the government are trying to reduce deforestation. They have three plans for that. First of all, they will completely ban exporting timber to other countries in 2014 (William Boot, 2012). However, it is difficult to stop illegal logging and exporting to China. The reason is Chinas border is very close with northern part of Myanmar. Most poor indigenous people are relying on forest for their basic need. Although the government does not allow to cut trees, they may do continue, but their strategic is a few positive effects on stopping illegal logging and exporting to not only China but also other countries. The second is reforestation. Every June or July, the government order to plant trees in the whole country. Moreover, the government has dictated its citizen between the ages of 11 and 60 must plant five trees per annually in China. The government mentions that the result of their program is they have been planted at least one billion trees since 1982. Although the government of Chinas plan succeed, in Myanmar, their programme failed since after planting trees, nobody care about them. In the peoples mind, their responsibility is just planting trees. The last strategy is collaboration with UN organization . It established The National Commission for Environment Affairs(NCEA) which purpose is to support the environmental protection and reduce the environmental degradation. The government expects this collaboration can prevent deforestation in Myanmar. The best solution is giving job to poor people. If they have enough money for their basic need, they will not destroy the forests. They will not care how many disasters happen and the government announces the rules because money is more important than retaining the environment for them. Furthermore, recycling and reusing items are also the best solution. For example, industries are using a lot of bamboo to produce paper. If people and students reuse the recycling paper, they may reduce using bamboo. These solutions may decline deforestation in Myanmar. Conclusion In conclusion, Myanmar was covered a lot of forests in the past, but nowadays, the coverage of forests decreased significanly in Myanmar. Exporting teaks and overpopulation are the main causes to be facing deforestation in Myanmar. Myanmar is poor country, so government budget depend on exporting teaks to other countries. Nearly 283,000 cubic meters of teak and 1,98 0,000 cubic meters of hardwood are used for exporting in Myanmar per year. Increasing population is also the main problem. Approximately one million people are incresing per annually. Most of them are poor, so they rely on forests for their basic needs. The result of destroying forests is emitting a lot of greenhouse gases. As a result the temperature is rising, and it affects on climate and soil of Myanmar. By changing climate, a lot of natural disasters are happening in Myanmar such as Cyclone Nargis, earthquakes, floods and drought. Cyclone Nargis destroyed a lot of trees and affected more than 2.4 million people, and it was nightmare for people. Myanmar has no many good place for agriculture due to deforestation. Government tried to solve deforestation , but it did not affect on the problem. Reducing unemployments and recycling items may prevent destroying the forests. If the government cannot control deforestaionthe, a lot of extreme natural disasters will occur in Myanmar. If there is no enough trees, the temperature will be higher and higher, and the death rate of people will sharply increase in hot season. Health problems and economy problems will also happen. It is believe that if there is no trees, animals can not survive. If there is no animals, all people cannot also survive. By maintaining the environment, the world will be beautiful.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Stability of a Sailing Kayak :: physics kayak sport sports
"Strippers" they are often called, relate to the method of boat building is old and well perfected. It basically involves setting up a series of molds and then wrapping strips of wood around them. More specifically, I'm mostly using the method outlined in the book Kayakcraft which is a great set of instructions for anyone wanting to take on this type of project. The wood for this boat is clear cedar that has been ripped into 3/4" x 1/4" strips. Each of those then get a concave and convex edge. This a great method because then each strip fits together perfectly at any angle seen on the plans. The molds and raised construction surface are all made of particle board. It's cheap and easy to work with but you have to make sure it doesn't get wet. You can see in the photo how the strips fit over the molds. Eventually, all the wood inside and out will be coated with a clear epoxy over fiberglass which ultimately will provide most of the strength and all of the water resistance. The sail plan is going to be quite simple but could consist of either 1 or 2 sails. Each option has its benefits. Dividing the load of the wind between two sails would lower their center of effort and therefore lower their leverage on the boat. But, these are fairly small sails to begin with and, aerodynamically, larger sails are generally more efficient. So while having two sails would increase my stability, having one would likely increase the performance. The option I will likely choose will be two large sails that can be easily reefed (or taken down). Then you could travel with one, or both if the wind was light. This problem can be thought of as one of rotational motion due to force. As the wind pushes on the sail, the buoyant force and keel mass push in the opposite direction. So, if we can define all of the forces acting on the system, we should be able to say something about how the boat will react at certain wind speeds. One problem in determining the wind speed necessary for capsize is the changing function of this system's center of mass, particularly the people inside. Most boat models involve boats that are much more massive than their passengers but mine will weigh around 75 lbs and carry 2 passengers. Stability of a Sailing Kayak :: physics kayak sport sports "Strippers" they are often called, relate to the method of boat building is old and well perfected. It basically involves setting up a series of molds and then wrapping strips of wood around them. More specifically, I'm mostly using the method outlined in the book Kayakcraft which is a great set of instructions for anyone wanting to take on this type of project. The wood for this boat is clear cedar that has been ripped into 3/4" x 1/4" strips. Each of those then get a concave and convex edge. This a great method because then each strip fits together perfectly at any angle seen on the plans. The molds and raised construction surface are all made of particle board. It's cheap and easy to work with but you have to make sure it doesn't get wet. You can see in the photo how the strips fit over the molds. Eventually, all the wood inside and out will be coated with a clear epoxy over fiberglass which ultimately will provide most of the strength and all of the water resistance. The sail plan is going to be quite simple but could consist of either 1 or 2 sails. Each option has its benefits. Dividing the load of the wind between two sails would lower their center of effort and therefore lower their leverage on the boat. But, these are fairly small sails to begin with and, aerodynamically, larger sails are generally more efficient. So while having two sails would increase my stability, having one would likely increase the performance. The option I will likely choose will be two large sails that can be easily reefed (or taken down). Then you could travel with one, or both if the wind was light. This problem can be thought of as one of rotational motion due to force. As the wind pushes on the sail, the buoyant force and keel mass push in the opposite direction. So, if we can define all of the forces acting on the system, we should be able to say something about how the boat will react at certain wind speeds. One problem in determining the wind speed necessary for capsize is the changing function of this system's center of mass, particularly the people inside. Most boat models involve boats that are much more massive than their passengers but mine will weigh around 75 lbs and carry 2 passengers.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Report Writing, Household Waste Management Essay
Acknowledgements The team would like to convey its sincere gratitude to the youth members of Shimultala who participated as interviewers in the survey. Thanks are also extended to the Councilor Mr. A.K. Azad, members of the Local Project Management Committee and the people of Shimultala for their hospitality and support. Executive Summary: Being one of the third world developing countries, Bangladesh is still in the process of development of a sustainable and effective waste management system throughout the country. Though the scale of consumption of food, energy and other resources & products in Bangladesh is much less than any developed countries, waste management here is still poor due to lack of adequate knowledge amongst the people about how negatively this wastes can impact on peoples’ health, environment and aesthetic. The generation of waste here is increasing parallel with the growth of the country’s economy and infrastructure since waste generation is closely linked to population, urbanization and affluence. Human beings produce a variety of waste, which can be classified into two broad groups: organic and inorganic. Organic waste is biodegradable and generally decomposes fairly rapidly, while inorganic waste decomposes much more slowly. In Bangladesh like other developing countries with increasing population, prosperity and urbanization, it remains a major challenge for municipalities to collect, recycle, treat and dispose of increasing quantities of both organic and inorganic wastes. To determine how this report could assist in the management of waste, the team decided to carry out a survey in the Shimultola area to figure out what types of waste are being produced and how they are handled. A survey questionnaire was formulated for this purpose and a survey was carried out by the members of the team along with a small group of young people of Shimultola. The survey was carried out on a sample size of 159 household in the area out of which only 143 participated in the survey. Some heads of households were reluctant to take part in the survey for the following reasons: disagreement with the involvement of the youth as survey interviewers, refusal to disclose information about how they handle their waste, and the belief that waste management with the project is unnecessary because the people already know what to do but are simply unorganized and irresponsible. Based on the evaluation of available data, the report recommends establishing a suitable location for every little area, which will serve as the communal dumpsite for non-recyclable inorganic waste. A feasible waste collection and disposal system should be established immediately. Waste separation should be encouraged and each waste type should be disposed of in an appropriate manner. The sale of recyclable material should be organized. Composting of organic waste should be encouraged. Existing waste management regulations and their enforcement should be reviewed and amended. A variety of awareness activities  targeting different age, gender and interest groups within the village  should be carried out to encourage proper and responsible disposal of waste. The general poor state of cleanliness and the continued use of open areas for dumping wastes are clear indications that the majority of the people are not convinced about the negative health and environmental impacts of improper waste disposal. In addition, although local regulations relating to waste disposal exist, they are simply not being enforced. In order to improve the situation, the people must make an effort to dispose of various types of waste in a responsible manner. The existing regulations should be reviewed and amended to improve monitoring and enforcement. A common dumpsite needs to be established, accompanied by a feasible collection and disposal system.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on A Wizard of Earthsea
Gont lies in the North Reach of Archipelago. Ged lives on Gont; he became a famous man, but this tale is about the days before the songs about him were made. He was born as Duny in a small village and he was raised by his aunt who was a witch. She taught him the first lessons in magic. The boy learnt to listen to birds etc. This is the time when he gets his nickname Sparrowhawk. Some years later, the Kargad Empire attacked and Duny saved the village he lived in by creating a fog. This deed interested Ogion, the wizard of Gont. On his 13th birthday, Ogion names him Ged. After that, Ged goes with Ogion to learn magic. But Ogion's way of teaching things disappoints Ged, because Ogion doesn't teach him 'real magic', but he teaches him mostly things about the power of herbs. To hear, one must be silent. When Sparrowhawk goes searching for herbs, he meets a girl who asks him things he hasn't learnt yet, but Sparrowhawk says he can do it. Therefore, he goes to Ogion's books, but Ogion sees him. Since Sparrowhawk says he wants to learn things, Ogion offers to send him to Roke. Sparrowhawk goes with a boat, but the boat gets caught in a storm. The 'captain' wants to go to another island, but Ged says he sees a light on Roke. The others see nothing, but since he came with Ogion they believe him. And indeed they reach Roke. Ged goes to the school for wizards. To enter, he must say his name ( a man never says his name ), but Ged does so and he can enter. He goes to the Archmage and reads Ogion's letter to him. Later, Ged meets some other students: Jasper and Vetch. He likes Vetch, but he dislikes Jasper. At the school, Ged learns many things, but his antipathy against Jasper remains. He learns that in order to really change a thing, you have to know its real name ( its name in the Old Speech). Everything has its own name; when you know that name, you have power over it. Changing things is a dangerous matter, because you can disturb the Equi... Free Essays on A Wizard of Earthsea Free Essays on A Wizard of Earthsea Gont lies in the North Reach of Archipelago. Ged lives on Gont; he became a famous man, but this tale is about the days before the songs about him were made. He was born as Duny in a small village and he was raised by his aunt who was a witch. She taught him the first lessons in magic. The boy learnt to listen to birds etc. This is the time when he gets his nickname Sparrowhawk. Some years later, the Kargad Empire attacked and Duny saved the village he lived in by creating a fog. This deed interested Ogion, the wizard of Gont. On his 13th birthday, Ogion names him Ged. After that, Ged goes with Ogion to learn magic. But Ogion's way of teaching things disappoints Ged, because Ogion doesn't teach him 'real magic', but he teaches him mostly things about the power of herbs. To hear, one must be silent. When Sparrowhawk goes searching for herbs, he meets a girl who asks him things he hasn't learnt yet, but Sparrowhawk says he can do it. Therefore, he goes to Ogion's books, but Ogion sees him. Since Sparrowhawk says he wants to learn things, Ogion offers to send him to Roke. Sparrowhawk goes with a boat, but the boat gets caught in a storm. The 'captain' wants to go to another island, but Ged says he sees a light on Roke. The others see nothing, but since he came with Ogion they believe him. And indeed they reach Roke. Ged goes to the school for wizards. To enter, he must say his name ( a man never says his name ), but Ged does so and he can enter. He goes to the Archmage and reads Ogion's letter to him. Later, Ged meets some other students: Jasper and Vetch. He likes Vetch, but he dislikes Jasper. At the school, Ged learns many things, but his antipathy against Jasper remains. He learns that in order to really change a thing, you have to know its real name ( its name in the Old Speech). Everything has its own name; when you know that name, you have power over it. Changing things is a dangerous matter, because you can disturb the Equi...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
CNG HOA XA HI CH NGHA VIT NAM Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers
CNG HOA XA HI CH NGHA VIT NAM Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers CNG HOA XA HI CH NGHA VIT NAM Djc lp - T do - Hnh Phuc BIEN BN CUC HP Thi gian bt dju: 13 gi, ngay 8/3/2017 Dja djim: Snh 1AB Dji hc Ton Djc Thng. Thanh phn tham d: Co Mai Hunh Phng Tho Va cac thanh vien trong nhom gm: Trn Th Thu Cuc Nguyn Ai Dinh Nguyn Hoang V Nguyn Thanh Cong Trn Th Thu Cuc Trn Th Van Trng Th Dim Thuy Le Kiu My Ni dung: Co hng dn cach tim bao, cu truc ca mt bai bao nghien cu, neu ra nhng djim cha phu hp trong cac bai bao ma cac t dja np. Cu truc ca mt bai bao nghien cu nh sau: + Abstract: djay la tom tt ni dung chinh ca bai. + Introduction + Literature review: trinh bay v nhng nghien cu trc djo lien quan djn ni dung bai bao. phn nay, cac t tim ra gi thit (hepothesis) va lp bng v nhng quan djim cac bai bao djc dj cp, trich dn nhng cau phat biu, nhn djnh quan trng. + Method: xac djnh phng phap nghien cu ca bai bao: djnh lng, djnh tinh, hoc kt hp. Tim ra mo hinh ( vi d: hi qui tuyn tinh) + Result: dja ra nhng bng s liu. + Conclusion: kt lun ca bai nghien cu. Co yeu cu cac nhom cha tim djc bao hoc cac nhom dja tim djc nhng bai bao cha tt gi t 10 djn 20 bai bao cho GVHD hn chot 24h th 7, ngay 11/2/2017. Cac t khong co mt ch djng lien lc vi thanh vien khac nu co thc mc. Cuc hp kt thuc vao luc 14h15, ngay 8 thang 3 nm 2017.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Political Cartoons, Chinese Immigration and the Manifest Destiny Essay
Political Cartoons, Chinese Immigration and the Manifest Destiny Belief - Essay Example The Whites, as a result, started portraying in negative stereotypes as evil and corrupt. With time, the Chinese population tripled and continued replacing those blacks and whites who were striking for higher wages. This led to Sino phobia a fear for Chinese people and as a result, the implementation of the Exclusion Act to control Chinese immigration. The Act resulted in a major decline among the Chinese population. The Chinese faced extreme violation of their rights but could do nothing since they were not citizens. The woman is an allegory of independence. She represents freedom from the hampering conditions.The Chinese man’s hair and cultural cloak represent resistance to American progress. Ironically, the woman has the railroad to the west inscribed in her dress meaning she is advocating for white civilization to the west. The cutting of the Chinese man’s hair is the significance of assimilation into the white culture. Manifest Destiny was a belief by the white Amer icans that they were to possess and occupy the North American Continent. People got lured to move westwards. In the belief, that they were to acquire large tracts of land at low prices. .The idea of Manifest Destiny thus relates to the image since the woman with the railroad inscribed in her gown symbolizes the Whites civilization towards the west despite resistance by the Chinese. It shows that the Whites will stop at nothing since they believe it is their divine right to do so. Reasons why the Chinese artists lacked recognition in the U.S in the 19th Century. Most of the immigrant races in America could blend into the Anglo society. Unfortunately,due to their physical appearance, The Chinese faced a lot of discrimination and got denied citizenship. Therefore, they had no access to justice in case their rights got violated. They lacked access to pursue professional painting. They did not have the resources to engage in the scholarly art. The Chinese were illiterate thus practicing painting as an art was difficult for them. Most of them had travelled to the States in pursuit of greener pastures to cater for their families. Unlike the Whites, the Chinese were not recorded for inclusion in the historical sources of art meaning there would be no source of remembrance for them. The Chinese rarely participated in the Western European art of oil painting that would have provided a platform to master and sharpen their skills. However, those who did such as Wore’s students received very little recognition. The Chinese focused only on their cultural heritage and whatever paintings they worked on got sent home to their families. They did not include European complements and signs of status. The Exclusion Act led to heightened Sino phobia. This led to confiscation of their art objects which made it difficult for them to practice the art profession. Part Two: Short Answered Questions 1. Significance of Edmonia Lewis’ Forever Free Sculpture The sculpture is a visual proof to a society in which the female is inferior to the male. It presents a reformed image of the African-American family after slavery.The role of women applied to free black people as well as to white people, and in this sense, Lewis' freedwoman got connected to all women.Like partner, the African-American female was supposed to be submissive and pious.The enslaved woman lived in paradox. She was both the
Friday, November 1, 2019
A talk show Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
A talk show - Essay Example Much like a caged lion, the already-burdened guest feels that he or she is being backed into a proverbial corner, forced to defend themselves against hostile strangers. Much like a caged lion, the already-burdened guest feels that he or she is being backed into a proverbial corner, forced to defend themselves against hostile strangers. The host and audience continue to try to break down these defenses with commentaries and verbal assaults against the guest, leading to erratic or violent explosions of anger. Provoking hostility is not an ethical business behavior solely in the pursuit of gaining better ratings. Talk show hosts that engage in approval of psychological warfare have serious moral implications for society. When these hostile situations occur, it shows a breakdown of honorable and principled social behavior in contemporary society, illustrated by applauding audience members clearly entertained by guest aggression. Guests of talk shows should be treated with more sensitivity in order to avoid hostile outbursts and recognize their complex psychological needs in order to avoid future incidents of this type of behavior.
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